Đề 3: which life skills do you think you need to improve
Life is very developed with the need to develop life skills
And necessary and important life skills:
+Technical Skills =>
Good decision-making can help you:
Achieve goals in the workplace and in private life.
Avoiding mistakes can leave bad consequences for you.
+Be honest in identifying and evaluating issues
+Accept responsibility for decisions in your life
+Have confidence in your ability to make decisions - and the ability to learn from your mistakes as well.
+Use your time wisely when you make the decision - Make the most of the time you need to avoid creating new problems.
- Kỹ năng lãnh đạo (Leader skill)
You must advance the decision process and make that process work. That is a difficult math problem.
-Kỹ năng lập kế hoặch (Planning skills)
During the implementation of the plan, the manager will need problem-solving tools and, when necessary, make and execute decisions within his or her authority.
-Problem-solving skills
-Problem-solving skills(Kỹ năng giải quyết vấn đề):Problem solving can be done through the following steps: identifying the problem, finding the cause of the problem, sorting the problem, finding the solution and choosing the optimal solution. A good manager will conduct this process in a nutshell and effectively.