Những câu hỏi liên quan
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6 tháng 11 2023 lúc 23:47

A: Could you please tell me about the last time you were in a restaurant? How were the food and service?

(Bạn có thể vui lòng cho tôi biết về lần cuối cùng bạn ở đến một nhà hàng không? Thức ăn và dịch vụ như thế nào?)

B: The last time I was in a restaurant was last week. I went to a sushi restaurant on Saturday and it was a good choice. The sushi was delicious and the waiter who served us was really kind. I would definitely go there again.

(Lần cuối cùng tôi ở nhà hàng là vào tuần trước. Tôi đã đến một nhà hàng sushi vào thứ bảy và đó là một lựa chọn tốt. Món sushi rất ngon và người phục vụ phục vụ chúng tôi rất tốt bụng. Tôi chắc chắn sẽ đến đó một lần nữa.)

A: Which local restaurants would you recommend to a foreign visitor and why?

(Bạn muốn giới thiệu nhà hàng địa phương nào cho du khách nước ngoài và tại sao?)

B: If I can recommend a foreign visitor to a local restaurant, I will choose Viet restaurant. The food there is really delicious and plentiful. Moreover, all the food is traditional Vietnamese dishes. The staff is also well trained and thoughtful. In addition, the restaurant also has a lot of pictures which are about landmarks of Vietnam. It's really amazing.

(Nếu tôi có thể giới thiệu cho du khách nước ngoài một nhà hàng địa phương, tôi sẽ chọn nhà hàng Việt. Thức ăn ở đó rất ngon và phong phú. Hơn nữa, tất cả các món ăn là món ăn truyền thống của Việt Nam. Đội ngũ nhân viên cũng được đào tạo bài bản và chu đáo. Ngoài ra, quán còn có rất nhiều tranh ảnh về các địa danh của Việt Nam. Nó thật sự tuyệt vời.)

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Phạm Ngọc Bảo Trâm
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Duy Khang
17 tháng 6 2023 lúc 23:47

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6 tháng 11 2023 lúc 23:09


A: Which ethnic groups are you in contact with most often?

(Những nhóm dân tộc nào bạn tiếp xúc thường xuyên nhất?)

B:  The ethnic group I am in contact with most often is Kinh because I was born in city and most of them live here, too.

(Nhóm dân tộc mà tôi tiếp xúc thường xuyên nhất là người Kinh vì tôi sinh ra ở thành phố và hầu hết họ cũng sống ở đây.)

A: Can you tell me what is most special about them?

(Bạn có thể cho tôi biết điều gì đặc biệt nhất về họ không?)

B:  The Kinh uses the official language of Vietnam, Vietnamese, as the main language. In Vietnamese society, the Kinh have played a vital part in Vietnamese culture and tradition as well as developing the economy.

(Người Kinh sử dụng ngôn ngữ chính thức của Việt Nam là tiếng Việt làm ngôn ngữ chính. Trong xã hội Việt Nam, người Kinh đã đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong văn hóa và truyền thống Việt Nam cũng như phát triển nền kinh tế.)


A: How are weddings held in your family?

(Đám cưới được tổ chức trong gia đình bạn như thế nào?)

B: The groom’s family and the bride’s family will meet each other to choose the best day for them to celebrate their wedding party. On the wedding day, the groom’s family and relatives go to the bride’s house bringing a lot of gifts wrapped in red papers. Ladies and women are all dressed in Ao Dai. Men could be in their suits or men traditional Ao Dai. The couple should pray before the altar ask their ancestors for permission for their marriage, then express their gratitude to both groom and bride’s parents for raising and protecting them.

(Nhà trai và nhà gái sẽ gặp nhau để chọn ngày tốt nhất để tổ chức tiệc cưới. Trong ngày cưới, nhà trai và họ hàng sang nhà gái mang theo rất nhiều lễ vật được gói trong giấy đỏ. Các bà các cô xúng xính áo dài. Nam giới có thể mặc vest hoặc áo dài nam truyền thống. Trước bàn thờ, đôi uyên ương nên khấn trước bàn thờ xin phép tổ tiên, sau đó bày tỏ lòng biết ơn đối với cha mẹ cô dâu và chú rể đã nuôi nấng, che chở.)

A: What customs do you find the most meaningful?

(Phong tục nào bạn thấy ý nghĩa nhất?)

B: I like the moment when they bow their heads to each other to show their gratitude and respect toward their soon-to-be husband or wife. I also like the moment when their parents take turns to share their experience and give blessings. For me, it’s extremely meaningful.

(Tôi thích khoảnh khắc họ cúi đầu chào nhau để bày tỏ lòng biết ơn và sự kính trọng đối với người chồng người vợ sắp cưới của mình. Tôi cũng thích khoảnh khắc khi cha mẹ của họ thay phiên nhau chia sẻ kinh nghiệm của họ và ban phước lành. Đối với tôi, nó vô cùng ý nghĩa.)

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18 tháng 11 2023 lúc 17:54

1 Do you think it is necessary for pesticides to be banned? Why?

(Theo bạn có cần cấm thuốc xịt cỏ không? Tại sao?)

Yes, I do. Pesticides are harmful to not only the insects they're meant to kill but also to other animals, plants, and humans who consume them. They also have long-term effects on the environment, which is why I think a ban on pesticides is necessary.

(Tôi đồng ý. Thuốc trừ sâu không chỉ gây hại cho côn trùng mà chúng định giết mà còn cho các động vật, thực vật khác và con người tiêu thụ chúng. Chúng cũng có những tác động lâu dài đối với môi trường, đó là lý do tại sao tôi nghĩ rằng lệnh cấm thuốc trừ sâu là cần thiết.)

2 Do you agree with the views Rachel Carson expressed in Silent Spring? Why? /Why not?

(Bạn có đồng ý với quan điểm mà Rachel Carson thể hiện trong Silent Spring không? Tại sao có / tại sao không?)

Yes, Silent Spring is still relevant today. It brought about positive changes in the government's policies, leading to the enactment of a national ban on pesticides on agricultural farming. It also sparked the environmental movement, resulting in the establishment of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

(Vâng, Silent Spring vẫn còn phù hợp cho đến ngày nay. Nó mang lại những thay đổi tích cực trong chính sách của chính phủ, dẫn đến việc ban hành lệnh cấm toàn quốc về thuốc trừ sâu trong canh tác nông nghiệp. Nó cũng châm ngòi cho phong trào môi trường, dẫn đến việc thành lập Cơ quan Bảo vệ Môi trường Hoa Kỳ.)

3 Would you like to be an ecologist? Why? / Why not? If so, what would you most concern yourself about?

(Bạn có muốn trở thành một nhà sinh thái học? Tại sao có? / Tại sao không? Nếu vậy, bạn sẽ quan tâm đến điều gì nhất?)

I would love to be an ecologist because I'm passionate about protecting the environment and all the living organisms on this planet. I think it's essential to understand how ecosystems work and how humans can impact them positively or negatively. If I were an ecologist, I would focus on finding ways to reduce pollution and combat climate change. I would also study the effects of human activities on different ecosystems, such as deforestation and habitat destruction, and finding ways to mitigate these impacts.

(Tôi rất thích trở thành một nhà sinh thái học vì tôi đam mê bảo vệ môi trường và tất cả các sinh vật sống trên hành tinh này. Tôi nghĩ điều cần thiết là phải hiểu hệ sinh thái hoạt động như thế nào và con người có thể tác động tích cực hay tiêu cực đến chúng như thế nào. Nếu tôi là một nhà sinh thái học, tôi sẽ tập trung vào việc tìm cách giảm ô nhiễm và chống biến đổi khí hậu. Tôi cũng sẽ nghiên cứu tác động của các hoạt động của con người đối với các hệ sinh thái khác nhau, chẳng hạn như phá rừng và hủy hoại môi trường sống, đồng thời tìm cách giảm thiểu những tác động này.)

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21 tháng 11 2023 lúc 21:19

1 What personal qualities do astronauts need?

(Phi hành gia cần những phẩm chất cá nhân nào?)

Astronauts need to possess several personal qualities, such as bravery, calmness, intelligence, logic, seriousness, and physical fitness. They need to be brave enough to take on dangerous missions and remain calm in stressful situations. They also need to be intelligent and logical to operate complex equipment and make quick decisions. Being serious and hard-working is also essential, as space missions require a great deal of preparation and attention to detail.

(Các phi hành gia cần sở hữu một số phẩm chất cá nhân, chẳng hạn như dũng cảm, điềm tĩnh, thông minh, logic, nghiêm túc và thể lực. Họ cần phải đủ can đảm để đảm nhận những nhiệm vụ nguy hiểm và giữ bình tĩnh trong những tình huống căng thẳng. Họ cũng cần thông minh và logic để vận hành các thiết bị phức tạp và đưa ra quyết định nhanh chóng. Nghiêm túc và chăm chỉ cũng rất cần thiết, vì các sứ mệnh không gian đòi hỏi rất nhiều sự chuẩn bị và chú ý đến từng chi tiết.)

2 What would the best thing about the job be?

(Điều tốt nhất về công việc là gì?)

The best thing about being an astronaut would be the excitement of exploring space, the thrill of discovery, and the opportunity to contribute to scientific progress. Astronauts get to see the Earth from a unique perspective and experience weightlessness, which would be an unforgettable experience. They would also have the chance to work with other highly skilled individuals from around the world.

(Điều tuyệt vời nhất khi trở thành một phi hành gia sẽ là sự phấn khích khi khám phá không gian, cảm giác hồi hộp khi khám phá và cơ hội đóng góp cho tiến bộ khoa học. Các phi hành gia được nhìn Trái đất từ một góc nhìn độc đáo và trải nghiệm tình trạng không trọng lượng, đó sẽ là một trải nghiệm khó quên. Họ cũng sẽ có cơ hội làm việc với những cá nhân có tay nghề cao khác từ khắp nơi trên thế giới.)

3 What would the hardest thing about the job be?

(Điều khó khăn nhất về công việc là gì?)

The hardest thing about being an astronaut would be the danger and risks involved in space travel. Astronauts face potential hazards such as mechanical failures, exposure to radiation, and collisions with space debris. They would also have to endure extended periods of time in confined spaces, which can cause physical and psychological discomfort. Additionally, being away from family and friends for long periods of time can be challenging and may lead to feelings of isolation and homesickness.

(Điều khó khăn nhất khi trở thành một phi hành gia là sự nguy hiểm và rủi ro khi du hành vũ trụ. Các phi hành gia phải đối mặt với những nguy cơ tiềm ẩn như hỏng hóc cơ học, tiếp xúc với bức xạ và va chạm với các mảnh vỡ không gian. Họ cũng sẽ phải chịu đựng thời gian dài trong không gian hạn chế, điều này có thể gây khó chịu về thể chất và tâm lý. Ngoài ra, xa gia đình và bạn bè trong thời gian dài có thể là một thử thách và có thể dẫn đến cảm giác bị cô lập và nhớ nhà.)

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Hòa Phan
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Quỳnh Nhi
5 tháng 3 2018 lúc 20:46

Sample Answer 1:
Road safety has become a great concern for people with the rise of accidents and fatality those accidents cause every day. People have a varying opinion on how to make roads safe and I believe strict laws should be there to punish the driving offenders but a combination of other methods would bring better results.

On the one hand, people seem to abide by a law or rule when they know that violation would bring severe retribution. For instance, in some Asian countries pedestrians used to cross the roads and when a more rigid penalty has been imposed, those very people started using the underpass. From this perspective, strict penalty and fine can certainly improve the road safety as people would be more cautious and afraid of the consequence of the violation of the traffic laws. As an outcome, it is a fact that, the sterner the punishment, the greater chances that people would follow the rules.

On the other hand, there are already severe punishments for driving offenders including ceasing the driving license, monetary fines and imprisonments. Despite this, the number of road accidents is increasing every year. This is why I believe that only punishment cannot ensure the road security and safety. A combination of other initiatives is also required. First, we need to aware people about the devastating consequences traffic rule violations can bring to our life. Second, the requirements for passing the driving test should be standardised and made more practical, especially in developing countries where people can use advantages of the corruption. It is often noticed that many young people are given driving license without scrutinising their experience and skills. This should be completely avoided and after a certain period, each driver should be retested. Third, unfit vehicles should not be allowed to run on the roads as these cars cause more accidents according to the recent Road Transport Authority report. Finally, the traffic system of a country should be modernised and more surveillance cameras and speed test cameras should be there.

To conclude, punishment to traffic rule violators is a good way to make the road safer but the combination of other steps would bring more desired results.

Model Answer 2:
At recent years, there is an ongoing debate whether giving dire punishment to driving offences are the best solution to overcome severe accidents in roads or not. While some support this idea, many others believe that governments should provide improvements in road safety. This essay will try to discuss both views with several considerations given underneath.

People are not prompted to engage safety driving because there are no regulations relating to drivers to be more careful on the road. It can be found in developing countries where the traffic is not well arranged and as a result, the numbers of terrible accidents remain dominant. Dissimilar with it, developed countries pay more attentions in this case by restricting the use of vehicles without licence limiting the top speed in certain busy areas such as boulevards and main roads, and imposing fine for all the offence forms in high rate, and as a result, these countries can overcome traffic accidents.

However, governments with all efforts must improve the infrastructure of safety riding. Traffic signs should be renewed, the facilities in the road are supposed to be changed, etc. so the drivers can recognise the driving surroundings vividly. Furthermore, technologies are also urgent to deal with daunting events in driving environment. It is good news that outrageously inventions have been created and applied but still attempts in technology findings are required.

In conclusion, while there are regulations to be defined, governments together with scientists, engineers, and car businessmen have to maximise in providing safety riding facilities to gain maximum result on this issue.

[ Written by - Angga Cool ]

Model Answer 3:
A group of people believe that in order to increase the safety for the driving on roads, governments should make stricter regulations for any indiscipline in driving attitudes. On the contrary, another group thinks that authorities should consider other effective solutions for it. The following essay will discuss both views in details, but in my personal opinion, I do believe that the combination of both ideas would ensure a better road safety.

On the one hand, many people worry about the number of driving accidents. Each year, the number of people who are injured or pass away due to traffic accidents has increased significantly. In most cases, accidents have occurred due to the interdisciplinary acts of the drivers themselves, such as speeding, drunk driving or using their mobile phones during driving. And to solve the problem, the government should make a strict regulation about traffic accidents. People who are found to be guilty of any driving rule violation should be punished with serious penalties and detentions. By having these kinds of policy, it is hoped that traffic accident rates will decrease gradually.

On the other hand, other people believe that strict punishments would not effectively solve the problem. There are other measures which governments and the public should consider. Firstly, governments could cooperate with the media in making campaign about safe driving. Television commercials and magazine advertisements could be used by the government in socialising about the negative effect of aggressive or offensive driving. Secondly, governments could also give rewards to their citizens who are obeying the road regulations. For example, when people renew their driving license, authorities could check their track records. Those who have clean track records could get motor vehicles tax discount or exemption.

In conclusion, people have a varying opinion on how to reduce the number traffic accidents. While some people believe that there should be stricter policies and regulations about driving, others think that there should be another effective way of addressing the issue. In my point of view, I believe that both policies have their own positive sides and when people could combine them, it would be an effective way of reducing traffic accidents.

[ Written by - Darwin Lesmana ]

Model Answer 4:
Nowadays, the accidents that occur on the road are likely to rise in number in some countries. While an army of people think that these issues can be tackled by penalising offenders strictly, others think that there are other steps that can be taken to cope with it.

It is clear that the strict punishments set up for the driving offences can make them fear to break the laws. For instance, if they are proven to disobey the applied rules, it is seemly a good way to punish them by taking their driving licenses forcefully. This measure is likely to alert them to think twice before breaking the laws because if they commit it they cannot drive anymore. This way can indirectly encourage them to obey the rules hence the accidents on the road are likely to be declined. The traffic rules are applicable only for the drivers, but also for the ordinary commuters as well. While an over-bridge or an under pathway is mandatory for crossing the busy roads, many people do not obey this rules. It is not unusual that many careless drivers do not follow the traffic signals and all these violations of traffic rules cause severe accidents and congestion in many cities. Hence, implementing strict punishment and fine can be one effective solution to tackle this issue.

On the other hand, many believe that other measures could be more successful to address this problem, including creating awareness among citizens to drive safely, organising seminars & training programmes about the importance of road safety and modernising the traffic control system. The research carried out by Statistics Center, an organisation at the University of Diponegoro, reveals that citizens in Semarang who have wide knowledge about how to drive safely tend to obey the applied rules if compared to the ones who does not have this knowledge. This makes clear that these measures can be utilised to create a consciousness to be safe riders.

Apart from that, the number of cars and buses on the roads in many cities is much higher and restricting the private car ownership can reduce the number of cars on the roads and thus the number of accidents or casualties. Improving the traffic system with modern equipment and enrolling more trained and professional traffic police could be another great way to tackle this issue.

To conclude, the establishment of punishment strictly is a wise idea but by presenting workshops and training programmes to all citizens, especially drivers of different vehicles, improving the traffic control system are the finest ways to encourage them to increase security on the way.

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Mai Linh Le
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21 tháng 7 2018 lúc 17:27
Best thing Worst thing
Being a teacher Teachers can teach many students about new lessons and how to behave well Parents'students can fight or offense teachers because of misunderstanding
Being famous If we are famous, we will be known and loved by everyone Our private life will be invaded if we are famous
Living where you live People in my neighborhood are very kind and friendly. They always help me when I need The place where I live is very noisy. Sometimes I can't sleep or study because of this noise

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21 tháng 11 2023 lúc 21:28

- The picture shows the two men are enjoying a boat trip on a sunny day. One of the men is sitting down while the other one is standing and waving his hand, suggesting a feeling of joy and excitement. The boat is quite big and painted white, which could indicate that it is a tourist boat or a private boat owned by someone who enjoys sailing as a hobby. Overall, the photo depicts a pleasant and relaxing scene on the water.

- A long boat trip can be an enjoyable and adventurous experience, with opportunities to appreciate stunning scenery, relax in a peaceful environment, explore new destinations, and bond with travel companions. However, the trip can also present some challenges, including the possibility of seasickness, limited living and sleeping space, unpredictable weather, and limited access to amenities like restaurants and medical facilities.

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