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💃Dancing Queen💃
18 tháng 5 2021 lúc 9:30

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Nowadays, the development of human world causes causes many bad effects to the environment. We throw garbage everywhere, exploit too much natural resources or contaminate the air. Therefore, our environment is being seriously polluted and we need to protect it from now. First of all, we should reduce, reuse and recycle. Instead of using plas bags, we can use leaves to wrap food. We can recycle plas bottles, cans, paper to reduce garbage. Using public transports and decreasing the number of motorbikes and cars are also good ways to reduce carbonic in the air. Besides, we should purify contaminated lakes or rivers in order to lessen the pollution in the water.Last but not least, the gorvernment should propagandize about protecting the environment to everybody so that they can aware of it. Especially, we need to punish people who contaminate the environment with great severity. In conclusion, the Earth is our home so protecting it is everyone's responsibility.

Nguồn : https://hoc24.vn/cau-hoi/write-about-what-you-think-we-should-do-to-improve-the-environment-use-the-ideas-your-own-ideas.252464073256

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Phùng Công Anh
19 tháng 5 2021 lúc 17:43

Nowadays, the development of the human world causes many bad effects on the environment. We throw garbage everywhere, exploit too many natural resources or contaminate the air. Therefore, our environment is being seriously polluted and we need to protect it from now. First of all, we should reduce, reuse and recycle. Instead of using plastic bags, we can use leaves to wrap food. We can recycle plastic bottles, cans, paper to reduce garbage. Using public transports and decreasing the number of motorbikes and cars are also good ways to reduce carbonic in the air. Besides, we should purify contaminated lakes or rivers to lessen the pollution in the water. Last but not least, the government should propagandize about protecting the environment to everybody so that they can aware of it. Especially, we need to punish people who contaminate the environment with great severity. In conclusion, the Earth is our home so protecting it is everyone's responsibility.

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hoàng thanh trúc
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16 tháng 4 2017 lúc 21:17

Every company should invest in our environment. We live in a time when the environment is in danger, so it is important to protect it. We need a healthy environment in order to survive, so we must protect it. We need to protect the environment now to help prevent health problems, to maintain the ecosystem, and to preserve the Earth for our children.

Pollution from factories and cars can cause damage to the environment. It makes the air dirty. Breathing this dirty air causes health problems, particularly for children and the elderly. Pollution not only increases spending on health care, but also decreases working ability. We need to control the amounts of pollution we produce in order to prevent health problems.

We also need to pay attention to the ecosystem. Plant life, animal life, and people all depend on each other. An unhealthy environment disturbs this ecosystem. For example, changes in the environments might cause a certain kind of plant to die. If that plant is food for a certain kind of animal, the animal will die too. If people use that animal as food source, there could be big problem. To avoid the big problems, factories should pollute as little as possible and use natural resources rationally.

If we do not protect our environment it will continue to get worse and our children will suffer the consequences. The air and water will be dirtier, natural resources will become scarcer, and more plants and animals will die. Our children won’t have as much natural beauty to admire. Even worse, their well-being will be threatened.

Without clean air to breathe, a healthy ecosystem, and a future for our children, the human race will not survive. That is why protecting our environment is important. If we have a healthy environment not only the company is going to make a profit but also workers, customers and community.

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Hatsune Miku
21 tháng 12 2017 lúc 19:55

Health is important with all people in the world. People say that "Health is all". Health is wealth and we must agree that good health gives us to control our own lives. If you sick, you won't be able to do any work at all. Good health helps us have a complete happiness. Health is as important as life.
There are many to keep us healthy. First, we should do exercise everyday. We can walk on the street, do aerobics and so on. Second, we should go to the hospital to get a general check-up so that we can have information about our health. Third, we should have a health insurance too. Moreover, we should eat a balanced diet and adequate nutrition. In addition, we should wear warm clothes in cold weather to avoid affecting our health.
Depending on the purpose of life that people find the most important thing in their life. In my opinion, health is really the most important thing in our life and we need to have suitable ways to keep us healthy.

chúc bạn học tốt

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Hoàng Mai Phương
8 tháng 1 2018 lúc 14:33

We all know the popular saying “Health is Wealth”. By health we do not mean the absence of physical troubles only. But it is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. The loss of health is a loss of all happiness. Mahatma Gandhi also says, “It is health which is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver”.

Health is more important than wealth. A rich person can afford various luxuries of life such as a big car, large house, costly accessories, air-conditioners, etc. But, he can enjoy these luxuries only if his health is good.

Importance of light, air and water: Good health depends on several things. Fresh air and sunlight are very important for our health. Fresh air helps us to improve our immune system and overall health. So a morning walk is very useful for health.

Sunlight helps our body to produce vitamin-D. A dirty and damp atmosphere causes lots of diseases. Fresh and pure drinking water is also necessary for good health. Impure drinking- water is the cause of several diseases. So, we must take care of these things.

Food: Food is another necessary thing for the body. Nutritious foods helps us to maintain good health. Consumption of healthy foods helps us to minimize any health related problems. We all should know, how, when and what to eat.

We should always include a portion of green vegetables, fruits or salads in our meal. Green vegetables are sources of vital nutrients. Our digestive system plays a key role in our overall health. Fiber rich foods such as whole grain wheat, bran rice, etc. help us improve our digestive system.

A balanced and nutritious diet helps the proper growth of the body. But we must remember that we eat to live and not that we live to eat. In India, over-eating causes a large number of deaths. If we eat less, we may live more.

Physical exercise and sports: We know the proverb, “A sound mind in a sound body”. In order to keep the body healthy, we need to keep the mind sound. Physical exercises keep us fit. There are different kinds of physical exercises. We may walk a kilometer or two every day. We may take some yogic exercises. At the same, games and sports are very useful for health.

Cleanliness: Cleanliness is essential for good health. Without cleanliness, it is very difficult to maintain proper health. We should clear our house and the surrounding areas every day. Every day, we should bath twice, in the morning and in the evening. After eating food, we should clean our hands with soap. Various types of diseases erupts from unclean surroundings. We should always throw the garbage in the dustbin. A disease-free body is a healthy body, and cleanliness is the key for health.

Some rules of hygiene: We must know some simple rules of hygiene. Our house must be airy and sunny. Apart from all this, we must form good habits. We should keep ourselves free from cares and anxieties. Early rising is equally necessary for good health. So we must try to keep fit. Health is the real wealth.

Conclusion: Health is a great treasure. It is the highest blessing. It is the source of all happiness. Money can’t buy happiness. Happiness is priceless and not dependent upon the wealth of a person. Good health, however, contribute to the emotional well-being and happiness of a person. Even with limited income, a person with sound health can lead a happy and enjoyable life.

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Quyên 66 32-Mai HoàngÁI
9 tháng 3 2023 lúc 12:06

When there is breaking new about a typhoon, To be safe please do all this step for your live. First, plan with your parents about where to evacuate to, if you are outside, get inside your house now. Second, keep small outdoor objects, or light and sharp items from blowing away and may harming people. Third, if you are a kid or a child, ask your parent what you can do to help prepare your house. Finally, make sure to listen for safety and storm update. There simple four step can help you, remember that.

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Đinh thị Kim thanh
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Triều Nguyễn Quốc
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Princess Of Love
4 tháng 5 2018 lúc 22:33

I'm Phuong in class 6C. If I become a president of 3Rs Club, I will make a 3Rs Group in every class. Next, I will organize the recycling competition every month to reduce the rubbish and make everyone know how to recycle the rubbish or old clothes. Finally, I will collect the rubbish around the school every week to recycle them to reduce the garbage or sell them to earn money. I think if I become a president of the 3Rs Club, I will help the environment be greener, cleaner and more beautiful.

Mk dùng thông tin cá nhân của mk đó nha. Có j chỉ cần sửa tên và lớp là được ròi! Nhớ tick cho mk nhé!!!

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nguyen minh
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Nguyễn Tuấn Tú
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2 tháng 5 2019 lúc 15:24

1)air trevel is usually the largest component of the cacbon footprint of frequent flyers .A single return flight from london to newyork -including the complicated effect on the high atmosphere - contributes to alsmost a quarter of the average person's annual emissions.The easiest way to make a big difference is to go by train or nat take as many flights.

2)The secodt most inportain lifestyle change is to eat less meet with particula emphasis on meals containing beef and lamp .Cows and sheep emit large quantitines of methane ,a power ful glublewarming gas.Avegan diet as much as a 20%difference to your overal carbon impart simply cutting or beef will deliver a significan benefit on it own

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2 tháng 5 2019 lúc 15:25

yeucố học nhébanh

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Quách Tố Như
3 tháng 5 2019 lúc 7:55

A carbon footprint is historically defined as the total emissions caused by an individual, event, organization, or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent.[1]Greenhouse gases (GHGs), including carbon dioxide, can be emitted through land clearance and the production and consumption of food, fuels, manufactured goods, materials, wood, roads, buildings, transportation and other services.[2]

In most cases, the total carbon footprint cannot be exactly calculated because of inadequate knowledge of and data about the complex interactions between contributing processes, including the influence of natural processes that store or release carbon dioxide. For this reason, Wright, Kemp, and Williams, have suggested to define the carbon footprint as:

A measure of the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions of a defined population, system or activity, considering all relevant sources, sinks and storage within the spatial and temporal boundary of the population, system or activity of interest. Calculated as carbon dioxide equivalent using the relevant 100-year global warming potential (GWP100).[3]

Most of the carbon footprint emissions for the average U.S. household come from "indirect" sources, e.g. fuel burned to produce goods far away from the final consumer. These are distinguished from emissions which come from burning fuel directly in one's car or stove, commonly referred to as "direct" sources of the consumer's carbon footprint.[4]

The concept name of the carbon footprint originates from ecological footprint, discussion,[5] which was developed by William E. Rees and Mathis Wackernagel in the 1990s. This accounting approach compares how much people demand compared to what the planet can renew. This allows to assess the number of "earths" that would be required if everyone on the planet consumed resources at the same level as the person calculating their ecological footprint. The carbon Footprint is one part of the ecological footprint. The carbon part was popularized by a large campaign of BP in 2005.[6] In 2007, carbon footprint was used as a measure of carbon emissions to develop the energy plan for City of Lynnwood, Washington. Carbon footprints are more focused than ecological footprints since they measure merely emissions of gases that cause climate change into the atmosphere.

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Nhã Doanh
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Duy Đỗ Ngọc Tuấn
5 tháng 5 2018 lúc 15:08

There are many ways to reduce the amount of the garbage we produce. I will show you some ways. First, you should reduce the amount of domestic waste by changing some of the daily routine like using reusable bags instead of plastic bags. Secondly, you let Shop smart - you should choose products with boxes made of recycled materials, such as paper or plastic, to sell to scrap collectors. Last but not least , you also should carefully classify waste before putting it in the bin. This is some ways that we can reduce the amount of the garbage we produce.

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Nhã Doanh
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minh nguyet
1 tháng 5 2018 lúc 12:26
Tham khảo bài này nhé Nhã Doanh Reduce the amount of waste you create

You can reduce the amount of waste you create by choosing what rubbish you throw away. This can be easy and fun – just follow our simple guidelines to reduce your waste at home, school or work.

What To Buy and How To Use It Crush Shopping

Waste reduction starts at the supermarket. By making slight alterations to your shopping list you can significantly reduce the amount of waste created in and around the home.


Buy only what you need

Reduce unnecessary waste by avoiding those pointless purchases. Items that rarely get used can be borrowed or shared with others.

Plastic Bottles

Buy products that can be reused

Buy bottles instead of cans and rechargeable batteries. Items such as this create very little waste, as they don’t have to be thrown away after they have been used just once.

Plastic Bottle

Buy all-purpose household cleaner

Instead of buying many different ones for each cleaning role.


Buy products with little packaging

So that less packaging ends up in your rubbish bin. For those items you use regularly, buy them in bulk instead of in smaller amounts. This will save you money as well as reduce waste.


Sell or give away unwanted items Reduce waste by donating unwanted items to family, friends or neighbours. You could even sell your possessions in a car-boot sale and earn some extra cash.

Unwanted Mail

Reduce paper waste by cancelling unwanted mail You can unsubscribe to many national mailing lists by contacting the Direct Marketing Association:


Reducing Hazardous Waste hazardous-waste

Many hazardous products cannot be recycled as they contain harmful chemicals. However, there are ways of reducing waste by dealing with hazardous products in the correct manor.

Motoring Fluid

Buy non-toxic products whenever possible

Many toxic products such as motor oil and pesticides cannot be reused.

Break Fluid

Recycle motor products

Such as break fluid, oils and tyres by taking them to your local petrol station. By recycling these products instead of throwing them away, you are reducing hazardous waste.


Use all of the toxic product, such as furniture polish, so there is no hazardous material left in the container when it is discarded.


Find safer alternatives to hazardous household products.

You can even make your own household cleaners using products such as baking soda and vinegar. Olive oil with lemon juice is a good alternative to furniture polish and using scented candles are a good alternative to air fresheners.

Think Before You Throw Crush Throwing

Many of the items that you would normally consider as rubbish could be used for other purposes. So instead of throwing items away, reduce waste by using them for other roles.


Paper and Envelopes

Can be used as scrap paper for making notes.

Cardboard Box

Cardboard, Newspaper and Bubble Wrap
Can be used as packing materials. Packaging products, such as foil and egg cartons, can be used for art projects in schools and nurseries.


Jars and Pots
Can be used as small containers to store odds and ends.

Plastic Bag

Plastic and Paper Bags
Can be reused in the shops, used as bin bags around the house or as wrapping paper.

Used Wood

Used wood
Can be used in woodcrafts for making small garden objects such as bird tables. Alternatively it could be used as firewood.

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Nguyễn Hải Dương
1 tháng 5 2018 lúc 12:33

As we know, nowadays, rubbish treatment is one of big problems on the world. I'll tell you some reasons to reduce the amount of garbage we produce.

First,You can reduce the amount of waste you create by choosing what rubbish you throw away. This can be easy and fun to reduce your waste at home, school or work.

Second, Buy products that can be reused such as: we buy bottles instead of cans. Because they don’t have to be thrown away.

In my opinion, you should reduce the amount of waste you create; think before you throw.

P/S ngu lâu dốt bền sai gì đừng ns :))

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