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Phùng Công Anh
24 tháng 6 2023 lúc 21:37

Online learning has emerged as a convenient and effective alternative to traditional classroom instruction. In this essay, I firmly agree with the statement that online learning not only offers convenience but also proves to be more effective than traditional classroom teaching. Firstly, online learning provides unmatched convenience for both students and teachers. With the click of a button, students can access course materials, lectures, and assignments at any time and from any location. This flexibility allows individuals to tailor their learning experience around their personal schedules, enabling them to balance work, family commitments, and education effectively. Moreover, online platforms eliminate the need for lengthy commutes and provide an inclusive learning environment, as students from various geographic locations can access the same resources and expertise. Secondly, online learning has demonstrated its effectiveness through improved outcomes and engagement. The personalized nature of online courses allows students to progress at their own pace, ensuring a thorough understanding of the subject matter. Adaptive learning tools and assessments help identify areas of weakness and provide targeted interventions, enabling students to strengthen their knowledge gaps. Additionally, online platforms often incorporate interactive multimedia, simulations, and gamification techniques, which enhance student engagement and promote active learning. Furthermore, online learning encourages the development of valuable digital skills that are increasingly vital in today's technology-driven world. Students become proficient in navigating online platforms, utilizing digital resources, and collaborating in virtual environments. These skills are transferable to various professional settings and enhance students' employability prospects. While face-to-face interactions are seen as a strength of traditional classrooms, online learning has adapted by incorporating discussion forums, video conferencing, and group projects. These tools foster meaningful interactions, promote peer learning, and create a sense of community among students. In conclusion, online learning offers unparalleled convenience, personalized learning experiences, and the development of digital skills. Its flexibility and effectiveness make it a superior alternative to traditional classroom instruction. By embracing online learning, we can create a more accessible and efficient education system that meets the diverse needs of students and teachers in the modern world.

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queen crusty
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Lê Đặng Tịnh Hân
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Khoai Nếp
10 tháng 10 2017 lúc 17:56

Nowaday, the life is modern. Smart phones and computers are very popular and they appear all around us. Using smart phones is a necessary part of many students' life. We can use them for relaxing, connecting and especially studying. Students can learn in the Internet, search information for their lessons,... Using smart phones can solve many problems quickly and easily. But, there is a problem.Some students mostly use smart phones to relax and spend less time studying. They concentrate on the smart phones instead of keeping their eye on learning.

If students were allowed to use smart phones, learning would be easier . Unless they were banned to use smart phones, they could be focus on learning. Anyway, I think smart phones shouldn't be banned. Although it makes students can't be focus on the lessons, It helps them a lots in relaxing at break time and studying. We've also got some suitable rules such as: not using phones while you are studying, just use them at break time,...

The rules not only help students be focus on learning, but also study effectively.

Bài sơ sài, mang tính gợi ý, có thể thêm câu.

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14 tháng 11 2017 lúc 17:56
Điện thoại thông minh cho phép học sinh tiến hành nghiên cứu trực tuyến trong suốt lớp học. Điều này có nghĩa là học sinh sẽ dễ dàng truy cập các bài báo và báo cáo trực tuyến để giúp họ trong lớp học. Một cuộc khảo sát do Bộ Giáo dục thực hiện cho thấy 75% giáo viên cho phép học sinh sử dụng điện thoại thông minh trong lớp để tìm kiếm các bài báo. Các giáo viên cũng nói rằng hầu hết học sinh của họ không lạm dụng các đặc quyền mà họ có. Điều này cho thấy hầu hết sinh viên có thể sử dụng điện thoại thông minh hiệu quả, mà không bị phân tâm bởi phương tiện truyền thông xã hội hoặc tin nhắn văn bản. Do đó, tôi tin tưởng rằng điện thoại thông minh không nên bị cấm trong trường học. Smartphones should not be banned as they help students to read and research. However, smartphones are also a major distraction to the students. Statistical data shows that 83% of students own a smartphone and 50% of them use them to do school work daily. This shows that majority of the students use their smartphones to help them in their studies, But the remaining 33% of them use their smartphones to surf the internet or to keep up with trends on social media such as instagram and facebook, which is a huge distraction to students' studies as their minds would be comstantly comcentrated on wanting schlol to end so that they can go onto social media. Therefore, smartphones should not be banned as they help majority of the students in their school work despite being a distraction to them.
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Nguyễn Kim Ngân
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Vương Thảo Ly
24 tháng 9 2018 lúc 21:25

Bạn có thể tham khảo

I strongly agree with the idea: “physical exercises are very useful to our health” for the following reasons. First of all, physical exercises make us stronger. Last year, I used to be very weak, my teacher advised me to exercise more and now I am much taller and stronger than many other friends. Furthermore, physical exercises help us have a nice body and keep fit. For example, my mother used to be overweight but now she is as slim as a Miss. Everyone wonders what makes her become slim like that and the answer is her doing physical exercises regularly. Last but not least, physical exercises help us relax very much. Exercises not only give us encouragement to begin a new day but also help us refesh ourselves after a hard-working day. In conclusion, It is necessary that we do physical exercises for the reasons I have mentioned above.

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Namiko Pham
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Học 24h
22 tháng 11 2017 lúc 20:00
Many people now think that teachers give pupils too much homework. They say that it is unnecessary for children to work at home in their free time. Moreover, they argue that most teachers do not properly plan the homework tasks they give to pupils. The result is that pupils have to repeat tasks which they have already done at school. Recently many parents complained about the difficult homework which teachers gave to their children. The parents said that most of the homework was a waste of time, and they wanted to stop it. Spain and Turkey are two countries which stopped homework recently. In Denmark, West Germany and several other countries in Europe, teachers cannot set homework at weekends. In Holland, teachers allow pupils to stay at school to do their homework. The children are free to help one another. Similar arrangements also exist in some British schools. Most people agree that homework is unfair. A pupil who can do his homework in a quiet and comfortable room is in a much better position than a pupil who does his homework in a small, noisy room with the television on. Some parents help their children with their homework. Other parents take no interest at all in their children’s homework. It is important, however, that teachers talk to parents about homework. A teacher suggests suitable tasks for parents to do with their children. Parents are often better at teaching their own children. Nowadays, students have to learn more and more academic knowledge as well as soft skills. So teachers shouldn't give students much homework because that makes students study too much. Firstly, much homework leads to the fact that students feel stressful. Because they have to spend too much time to do a lot of homework of different teachers, their health can be bad affected. For example, people are under a lot of stress may experience headaches, minor pains and sleeping difficulties. Secondly, as students spend more time doing homework, they have to lesson their play or their free time. As a result, their relationship with other people isn't as good as it was. Friends and relatives play an important part of every person, so students should get on well with those people and not studying all the times. Last but not least, to be more successful in their future career, students not only learn at school but also study many things else like social skills. If they have good social skill, they will have a good job, good friends and achieve great success in life. so teacher shouldn't make students do homework much, because other skill are as important as academic knowledge. To sum up, teacher shouldn't give much homework, as students need time to relax or do something else.
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Nguyễn Thị Huyền Trang
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Bích Ngọc Huỳnh
7 tháng 11 2017 lúc 18:36

Bn dịch ra đi nha rùi tôi giúp cho nha

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Dương Thu Hằng
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17 tháng 10 2021 lúc 10:56

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Meii Trang
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Phạm Vĩnh Linh
18 tháng 6 2021 lúc 19:55

Nowadays, it is often said that students, or here college students, do not need to wear uniforms, but there are also people who disagree with that opinion, this is my opinion. First, wearing a uniform can give students sociability. It can reduce household spending. However, I also think that students should dress freely. Because just like teachers, college students who have jobs, can also take care of themselves to help themselves have a better life. That's why I think college students shouldn't wear uniforms. Of course, this is just my opinion, if something is wrong, please correct it

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