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Quỳnh Anh Tong
Exercise 3: Choose the corect answer in the parentheses 1. Every one of the students (is, are) required to take the final test. 2. None of animals at the zoo (is, are) free. All of them (is, are) in enclosures 3. A numbers of students at the university (is, are) approximately 10,000. 4. One of the chief materials in bones and teeths (is, are) calcium. 5. ( Do, does) all of the children have their books? 6. ( Do, does) all of this homework have to finished by tomorrow? 7...
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Nguyễn Hồng Nhung
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Thân Linh
28 tháng 6 2018 lúc 16:11

III>Choose the corect answer in the parentheses

1. Every one of the students (is, are) required to take the final test.

2. None of animals at the zoo (is, are) free. All of them (is, are) in enclosures
3. A numbers of students at the university (is, are) approximately 10,000.
4. One of the chief materials in bones and teeths (is, are) calcium.
5. ( Do, does) all of the children have their books?
6. ( Do, does) all of this homework have to finished by tomorrow?
7. Why ( was,were) some of the students excutes from the examination?
8. Why ( was,were) one of the students excutes from the examination?
9. What percentage of the earth’s surface (is, are) covered by water?
10. What percentage of the people in the world (is, are) illiterate?
11. ( Do, does) any of you know the answer to that question?
12. There (isn’t, aren’t) any letters in the mail for you today.
13. There (isn’t, aren’t) any mail for you today
14. There (is, are) a lot of problem in the world
15. There (is, are) a fly in this room. Where’s the flyswatter?
16. There (is, are) over 600,000 kinds of insects in the world.
17. How many kinds of birds (is, are) there in the world?
18. Why (isn’t, aren’t) there a hospital close to those villages?
19. There (is, are) a green pen on Tim’s desk.
20. There (is, are) a blue pen and a yellow notebook on Sue’s book.
21. There (is, are) some pens and a notebook on Jack’s desk
22. The United States ( has,have) a population of 250 million
23. The new about Mr. Hogan (is, are) surprising
24. Massachutts (is, are) a state in the Northeastern part of the UnitedState.
25. Physics(seek,seeks) to understand the mysteries of the physical world.
26. Statistics (is, are) a branch of mathematics
27. The Statistics in that report on oil production (is, are) incorrect
28. Fifteen minutes (is, are) maximum length of time allowed for the exam.
29. Twenty dollars (is, are) an unreasonable price for the necklace.
30. Many people in the world (do,does) not have enough to eat.
31. The police (is, are) prepared in case there is a riot.
32. The English (is, are) proud, independent people.
33. English (is, are) not my native language.
34. Many Japanese ( commutes, commute) to their places of work.
35. Portugues (is, are) somewhat similar to Spainish, (isn’t, aren’t) it?
36. The poor (is, are) helped by government program
37. John, along with twenty friends (is, are) planning a party.
38. The picture of the soldiers (bring, brings) back many memories.
39. The quality of these recordings (is, are) not very good.
40. If the duties of these officers (isn’t, aren’t) reduced, there will not be enough time to finish the project.
41. The effects of ciggarette smoking ( has,have) been proven( chung minh) to be extremely harmful.
42. “ The use of credit card in place of cash ( has,have) increased rapidly in recent years.

43. living expenses in this country, as well as in many others, (is, are) at an all time high.

44. Mr. Jones, accompanied(cung voi) by several members of the committee, ( has,have) proposed some changes of the rules.
45. The levels of intoxication (vary, varies) from the subject to subject.
46. neither Bill nor Mary (is, are) going to play tonight.
47. Anything (is, are) better than going to another movie tonight.

Quỳnh Anh Tong
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Ngố ngây ngô
14 tháng 7 2019 lúc 15:23

Exercise 2: Choose the corect answer in the parentheses

1. The weather in the southern states ( gets, get) very hot during the summer.
2. The result of Dr. Noll’s experiment( was,were) published in a scientific journal.
3. Bob and his friends( is,are) coming to the anniversary party tomorrow night.
4. Every man, woman, and child (is,are) protected under the law.
5. Washing the dishes (is, are) the children’ job
6. A lot of the students (is, are) already here.
7. Some of the furniture in our apartment (is, are) secondhand
8. Some of the desks in the classroom (is, are) broken.
9. At least three-quarters of that book on famous Americans (is, are) about people who lived in the 19th century
10. One of the coutries I would like to visit (is, are) Italy.
11. Some of the cities I would like to visit (is, are) Rome and Vience
12. Each student in the class (has, have) to have a book.
13. Each student in the class (has, have) to have a book.
14. None of the students ( was,were) late today.
15. the number of students in this room right now (is, are) twenty.
16. A number of students in the class ( speaks,speak) English well.
17. There (is, are) some interesting pictures in today paper.
18. There (is, are) an incorrect statement in that newspaper article.
19. The United States (is, are) lacated in North America.
20. Economics (is, are) Don’s favourite subjects.
21. Ten minutes (is, are) more than enough time to complete this exercise.
22. Most people (likes,like) to go to the zoo.
23. The police (is, are) coming. I’ve already called them.
24. Japanese (is, are) very difficult for English speakers to learn.
25. the Japanese (has, have) a long and interesting history.
26. The old in my country (is, are) cared for by their children and grandchildren.
27. This exercise on singular- plural agreement of subjects and verbs (is, are) easy.
28. The extent of Jane’s knowledge on various complex subjects ( astounds. Astound: lam kinh ngac) me.
29. The subjects you will be studying in this cource (is, are) listed in the syllabus.
30. Massachutes andConnecticut (is, are) located inNew England.
31. Only the black Widow spider, or all of the spiders in the United States, ( has,have) caused death among human being.
32. The professor and the student ( agree, agrees) on that point.
33. Almost every professor and student at the Universary ( approves, approve) of the choice or Dr.Brown as the new president
34. Each girl and boy in the sixth- grade class( has,have) to do a science project.
35. Getting to know students from all over the world (is, are) one of the best parts of my job.
36. Annie had a hard time when she was coming home from the store because the bag of groceries ( was,were) too heavy for her to carry.
37. where ( do, does) your parents live?
38. Why ( was,were) Susan and Alex late the meeting?
39. (Is, are) having the respondsibility for taking care of pets good for young children?
40. Some of the fruit in this bowl (is, are) rotten
41. Some of the apples in that bowl (is, are) rotten
42. Half of the students in the class (is, are) from Arabic- speaking countries.
43. Half of this money ( belong, belongs) to you.
44. A lot of students in the class (is, are) from Southeast Asia.
45. A lot of clothing in those stores (is, are) on sale this week.
46. One of my best friends (is, are) coming to visit me next week.
47. Each boy in this class ( has,have) his own notebook.

Lê Quỳnh  Anh
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Dương Hoàn Anh
15 tháng 3 2019 lúc 5:46

Đáp án C

Một trong những khu vực chính được tập trung vào trong chương trình kiểm soát căng thắng là gì?

Relaxation: sự nghỉ ngơi/ thư giãn

Breathing: sự hô hấp/ hít thở

Meditation: thiền

Weight management: kiểm soát cân nặng

Dẫn chứng: A lot of relaxation techniques are taught to the patients that helps them in stress management, among them meditation is one of the main focuses

Lê Quỳnh  Anh
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Dương Hoàn Anh
17 tháng 2 2019 lúc 9:18

Đáp án A

Tất cả những ý nào sau đây được đề cập như là những khía cạnh tiêu cực của trị liệu y học NGOẠI TRỪ

A.gây ra những vết thương sâu sắc

B. tốn kém nhiều tiền

C. có ảnh hưởng một phần đến cơ thể người

D. kéo dài suốt một khoảng thời gian dài

Dẫn chứng: These solutions are time consuming and costly. In the process of rehabilitation, the medicines also have a lot of side effects on the human body and take time to give relief

Lê Quỳnh  Anh
Xem chi tiết
Dương Hoàn Anh
21 tháng 10 2017 lúc 10:31

Đáp án C

Từ “undue” [ quá đáng/ vượt quá]

Regular: thường xuyên

Daily: hằng ngày

Excessive: vượt quá

Severe: tàn khốc/ khốc liệt

Dẫn chứng: Also, they must look after their regular exercise in order to stay fit and make sure that they do not take undue stres

Lê Quỳnh  Anh
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Dương Hoàn Anh
5 tháng 1 2020 lúc 2:17

Đáp án B

Ý nào không được bài đọc ủng hộ ?

A.Rất quan trọng để bệnh nhân bị mắc bệnh tim hiểu và thực hiện theo các hướng dẫn của bác sĩ và chuyên gia dinh dưỡng.

B. Kiểm soát căng thẳng được xem như là liệu pháp quan trọng nhất trong chương trình phục hồi.

C. Sự phụ hồi tim tiến hành tại nhà của bệnh nhân ít có hiệu quả hơn trong tâm phục hồi.

D. Các bệnh nhân bị mắc bệnh tim thể hiện các hình thức bài tập khác nhau dựa trên tuổi tác và điều kiện sức khỏe.


Dẫn chứng: A lot of relaxation techniques are taught to the patients that helps them in stress management, among them meditation is one of the main focuses.

Lê Quỳnh  Anh
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Dương Hoàn Anh
1 tháng 12 2018 lúc 8:31

Đáp án B

Tác giả đề cập phòng tập thể dục trong bài đọc để ngụ ý rằng

A.Phòng tập thể dục là một nơi lý tưởng để thực hiện các bài tập về tim.

B. Phòng tập thể dục cũng là một nơi tốt để thực hiện các bài tập về tim.

C. Phòng tập thể dục là nơi để thực hiện các bài tập về tim khi trời mưa.

D. Phòng tập là nơi duy nhất để thực hiện các bài tập về tim.

Dẫn chứng: Cardio exercise in a gymnasium is also encouraged. This helps in strengthening the muscles and managing weight

Nguyễn văn a
Xem chi tiết
Ngố ngây ngô
18 tháng 8 2019 lúc 15:38

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences .

1 . The science classes at this _______ difficul .

A . schools are B . school is C . school are D . school's is

2 . One of the ___________ from Italy .

A . student is B . students are C . student are D . students is

3 . __________ to support the case against James ?

A . Is there any proof B . Are there any proof

C . Is there any proofs D . Are there any proofs

4 . You have to pay extra if you take too _________ with you .

A . much luggages B . many luggages

C . much luggage D . many luggage

5 . _______ in your class have tickets for the lecture series ?

A . Do any of the student B . Does any of the student

C . Do any of the students D . Does any of the students

18 tháng 8 2019 lúc 16:05






Lê Quỳnh  Anh
Xem chi tiết
Dương Hoàn Anh
21 tháng 11 2017 lúc 9:36

Đáp án B

Bài đọc chủ yếu thảo luận về cái gì?

A.Chữa trị y học của bệnh tim.

B. Những phương pháp trị liệu thay thế trong chữa trị tim.

C. Quy trình phục hồi của bệnh tim.

D. Sự tiêu thụ rượu và thuốc lá trong chế độ ăn uống của bệnh nhân bị mắc bệnh tim.

Dẫn chứng: The alternative therapies help in relieving pain, stress and make the body healthy and fit through exercise, yoga as well as meditation