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~*~Han Min Hee~*~
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Thanh Trúc
27 tháng 4 2019 lúc 12:14

 I.water pollution

Artificial causes from people and production affect the water environment

1. From human beings

Every day there is a large amount of domes waste into the environment without treatment, in addition to increasing population, the amount of domes waste also increases. In developed countries, the population growth rate is about 5% while the population growth rate in developing countries is over 2%.

Domes wastewater is waste water generated from households, hospitals, hotels and schools, containing wastes during human daily life and sanitation. The basic composition of domes wastewater is organic biodegradable organic substances (carbohydrates, proteins, oils, nutrients, solids. Depending on living standards and lifestyle, the amount of wastewater as well as the load The substances in each person's wastewater in a day are different, and the higher the living standard, the higher the amount of waste water and the discharge load, so the disease has conditions to spread and pollute the environment.

2. From agricultural production

Agricultural activities such as animal husbandry, animal urine, unprocessed and environmental uneaten food and other agricultural activities. Pesides, fertilizers from rice fields, melons, gardens, vegetables contain toxic chemicals, can contaminate groundwater and surface water.

In the process of agricultural production, most farmers use pesides three times the recommended dose. Not only that, farmers also use banned pesides such as Thiodol, Monitor ... In the process of fertilizing, spraying, farmers do not equip with labor protection tools.

Currently, the use of chemical fertilizers and chemical pesides is rampant in agriculture, causing water sources to be affected. Quantification of residues will sink into the aquifers that affect the amount of water.

Most farmers do not have storage facilities for medicines and medicines when they have not been used and are stored everywhere, including near cafeterias and drinking water sources. Most of the peside bottles used after being discarded were immediately thrown into the fields, the rest were collected for sale.

3. From industrial production

Waste and wastewater, from industrial production activities due to the speed of urbanization, industrialization and development have led to the establishment of industrial parks, thus the amount of waste and wastewater of activities The industry is growing and has not been thoroughly treated directly into the environment or rivers, water sources affect the current water quality.

Natural causes affect the water environment

Any water quality degradation phenomenon causes water pollution. Water pollution due to rain, snow, flood ... or by the casca of living organisms' activity not to mention their corpses. Trees and organisms die, they are decomposed by microorganisms into organic matter. A part will infiltrate into the ground, then penetrate deep into the groundwater, pollute, or follow the flow of groundwater into the big stream.

Flooding can cause water to lose its purity, stir up contaminants, grime in sewers, carry many toxic waste from garbage dumps, and carry on with previously stored substances. .

Prolonged flooding can be more heavily polluted by chemicals used in agriculture, industrial waste, chemical pollution ... Water pollution due to natural factors (volcanoes, storms, floods, erosion ...) may be very serious.

The deterioration of water quality may be due to geological characteriss of water sources such as water on acid sulphate soils often contain a lot of iron, aluminum, water taken from the ground often contains a lot of calcium ...

Measures to overcome the causes of water pollution

People should become more aware of their living environment protection, enterprises should have tanks to treat waste water before being discharged into the environment. The authorities and mass organizations need to regularly inspect companies to avoid the situation of profit that companies do not comply with environmental protection laws.

In addition, people should also protect their family's health by a family water well filter system, a water treatment machine to completely remove contaminants, toxic substances and heavy metals. .. create pure water to drink water, directly without cooking.

The above are the causes of water pollution today, hope that through this arle, people can be more aware to protect the water environment more clean and safe. Because clean water is essential to a healthy life.

II. Air pollution

Causes of air pollution.

Air pollution due to natural factors:

Due to natural phenomena: volcanoes, forest fires, dust storms, or decomposition processes, decaying keratosis - natural plants ... This is an objective cause so it is difficult to predict and prevent.

Air pollution due to human factors

+ Industry: This is the largest source of pollution caused by humans. The process of pollution is the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas, creating toxic gases (CO2, CO, SO2, NOx, unburnt organic substances: soot, dust ). Industrial sources are highly toxic, concentrated in a small space, and depending on the scale of production and the fuel used, the amount of toxic and toxic substances will be different.
+ Transportation: This is also a major source of pollution to the air, especially in urban areas and densely populated areas. The process of burning engine fuel creates toxic gases that affect the air such as CO2, CO, SO2, NOx, Pb, CH4 ...
+ Activities: Mainly due to cooking activities that use fuels to create harmful gases that pollute the local households and surrounding households.

Consequences of air pollution

For animals - plants.

+ Air pollution causes harmful effects to all organisms.

+ Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, fluorine, lead ... directly harm plants when entering stomata, damaging the system to reduce drainage and reduce disease resistance.

 + Most fruit trees are very sensitive to HF. When exposed to a concentration of HF greater than 0.002 mg / m3, the leaves are burnt spots, deciduous.

+ Earth's warming due to the greenhouse effect also causes changes in plants and animals on Earth.
+ Acid rain also indirectly affects plants and lacks food Ca and kills soil microorganisms. It causes Al ion to be released into the water to damage the roots (absorbing feathers) and reduce the absorption of food and water.

+ For animals, especially pets, fluoride causes more disasters. They are poisoned by direct inhalation and through the food chain.

+ Acidic air pollutants will combine with water droplets in the cloud to make water acidic. When the water drops on the ground, it will harm the environment: killing trees, animals, fish, etc. Acidic water also changes the nature of water in rivers, streams, etc. harming the births. living things under water.

For man.

+ Harmful effects of dust depend on the nature (composition) of dust, dust concentration, dust parle size, contact time and personal response.

+ Dust into the lungs causes mechanical irritation, pulmonary fibrosis leading to respiratory diseases.

+ Dust can cause eye, skin and blood sugar diseases and other body systems (Dust enters the body and dissolves in blood and body fluids), cardiovascular disease ...

+ Dust can cause cancer: dust containing toxic ingredients, asbestos dust ...

Dioxide Sulfur (SO2) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2):
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2).

+ Sulfur Dioxide is a gas formed by oxidation of sulfur (S) when burning fuels such as coal, oil, products of oil, sulfide ore, etc. SO2 is a gas that causes strong respiratory irritation, when inhaled. breathing of SO2 gas (even at low concentrations) can cause spasm of the bronchial straight muscles. Large concentrations of SO2 can cause increased mucus secretion in the upper respiratory tract mucosa and bronchial air branches. SO2 affects the function of the lungs, causing pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, causing cardiovascular disease, hypersensitivity in people with asthma, ...

+ SO2 poisoning through the skin reduces alkaline reserves in the blood, eliminates ammonia to the urine and releases saliva.

+ General toxicity of SO2 expressed in disorders of protein and sugar metabolism, lack of vitamins B and C, inhibition of oxidase enzymes.

Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2):

+ Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2): is a brown gas, produced by Nitrogen oxidation at high temperature. NO2 is a dangerous gas, has a strong effect on respiratory organs especially in susceptible groups such as children, the elderly, asthma sufferers. –If contact with NO2 will damage the lung mucosa, increase the risk of respiratory diseases, damage of lung, eye, nose, and throat functions, etc.

Carbon monoxide (CO)

+ Carbon monoxide (CO) combined with hemoglobin (Hb) in the blood to be a stable compound, cacboxy hemoglobin (HbCO), reduces blood oxygen transport capacity, leading to lack of oxygen in the blood ....

Ammonia (NH3)

+ NH3 is a toxic gas that can strongly stimulate the nose, mouth and respiratory system.

+ Exposure to NH3 at a concentration of 100mg / m3 in a short period of time will not have long-term consequences, but if exposed to NH3 at a concentration of 1500-2000 mg / m3 for 30 minutes, it will be dangerous to live.

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S).

+ H2S enters the body through pphooir will be oxidized to sulfate. Low toxicity compounds will not accumulate in the body. About 6% of the absorbed gas will be excreted through exhaled air, the rest after the metabolism is excreted in the urine.

+ At low concentrations, v stimulates on eyes and respiratory tract.

+ Breathing large amounts of H2S mixture will cause a sudden lack of oxygen, which can lead to death from suffocation.

+ Signs of acute poisoning: 

vomiting, gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, dry and foul-smelling nasopharynx, eyelid- eyes, ocular conjunctivitis, purulent secretion and vision loss.

+ Regular exposure to H2S at levels below the level of acute toxicity can cause chronic poisoning. Symptoms can be: weakness, nervous system disorders, digestive system, insomnia, chronic bronchitis, ...

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

+ Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) include many organic chemicals in which the most important are benzene, toluene, xylene, .. VOCs can cause acute toxicity if exposed at high doses, causing inflammation of the respiratory tract. absorption, gastrointestinal disorders, neurological disorders, hematological disorders, causing liver - kidney damage, causing skin irritation, ... and is the cause of myelosuppression, blood cancer.

Lead (Pb):

Lead (Pb): exhaust smoke from the engine of vehicles involved in traffic contains a certain amount of lead. In addition, lead can be generated from ore mines, from factories producing batteries, synthe plass, paints, chemicals, etc. Lead enters the body through respiratory, food, drinking water, and through skin, through breast milk, etc. Lead will accumulate in the bones and red blood cells causing bone marrow disorders, joint pain, nephritis, hypertension, cerebral complications, poisoning of the central and peripheral nervous system, Red cell rupture causes anemia, causing kidney dysfunction. Pregnant women and children are very susceptible to the effects of lead (causing miscarriage or death, reducing intelligence, ...).

Radon gas.

Radon gas is produced by decaying uranium in nature, which is a heavy gas so it usually exists in the air layer close to the ground. In nature, radon is found in rocky soil, coal slag, construction material dump, in mud. Radon can cling to small dust parles, penetrate the body through the respiratory tract or penetrate the skin, through open wounds that cause lung cancer, leukemia, etc.

For properties

+ Making metal rust.

+ Corrosion to concrete.

+ Abrasion, decomposition of the product surface.

+ Causing discoloration and damage to paintings.

+ Reducing plas strength and discolouration of fabric fibers.

+ Reduce durability of paper, rubber, tanning.

For global

+ Acid rain

+ Greenhouse effect

+ Ozone layer depletion

+ Temperature change.


Technical measures:

+ Replace outdated machines, outdated technology lines, causing much pollution by modern, less polluting technology chains.

+ Replace burning fuel from coal and fuel oil by using electricity to prevent air pollution by burnt and SO2.

Planning measures:

+ Minimizing the construction of industrial parks in export processing zones in the city, only retaining enterprises directly serving people's daily needs.

+ Encourage people to travel by public means to minimize congestion and traffic means, thereby reducing the density of dust and waste caused by the combustion of fuel and oil in the air. , especially during peak hours.

+ Create large areas of green trees in the city, set up strips of green trees connecting different areas of the city, especially in areas and streets with many means of passing and happening. congestion.

Some vehicles overcome air pollution

Air purification by biological method

Biofiltration is a relatively new treatment for pollution, which is an attractive method for handling bad odor gases and low concentrations of volatile compounds.

The common shape of a biological filtration system is a big box, some systems can be as big as a basketball court, some systems can be as small as a yard yard (0.76 m3). The main principle of the treatment system is to allow bacteria to come into contact with pollutants in the exhaust gas. This exhaust filter system is a place to store filter materials and breeding grounds for microorganisms. In this system, microorganisms will form a biofilm, which is a thin, moist membrane surrounding filter materials.

During the filtration process, the exhaust gas is pumped slowly through the filtration system, the pollutants in the exhaust gas are absorbed by the filter materials. The polluting gases will be adsorbed by biofilms, where microorganisms will decompose them to create energy and by-products of CO2 and H2O by the following equation:

Organic pollutants + O2 CO2 + H2O + heat + biomass.

Waste gas treatment by biotechnology

Biofilter technology (biofilter) is an emissions treatment method with low investment cost, low cost and environmentally friendly operation, it is a suitable method for handling odors and gases. Volatile organic compounds with low concentrations such as animal feed and cassava starch factories

Air purifier

Based on the principle that charged parles will attract each other, the machine uses technology to emit negative charges into the air, neutralizing the symmetrical charges as harmful positive ions in the environment and creating effects to attract dirt, bacteria, mold ... These negative ions also adhere to toxic parles in the air and positively charged electrosta membrane in the machine will attract and hold these parles.

In closed rooms where, 

Many equipment such as computers, printers, televisions, neon ... are devices that emit many positive ions causing harm to the body, air purifiers will provide negative ions and air conditioners.
Gauze mask:
Activated carbon masks and deodorants have the following effects:

+ Preventing entry into the respiratory tract of microscopic dust parles and other pollution wastes.

+ Filter odor, chemicals, gasoline smell, photochemical smoke, black smoke, pollen. Prevent dust, toxic gases such as CO, SO2, NO2, H2S, NH3 ....

+ Protecting respiratory system, limiting allergic rhinitis caused by air pollutants.

dịu nguyễn
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Huy Tran
27 tháng 4 2019 lúc 11:10

What the ...

Đỗ Linh Chi
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Monkey D. Luffy
9 tháng 3 2018 lúc 21:50

Water pollution is caused by the intentional or unintentional release of toxic chemicals/materials, contaminants and harmful compounds into various bodies of water such as rivers, lakes and the ocean.

Without proper disposal or filtration of these pollutants they can spread throughout the water and effect all living animals and organisms that come into contact with it by contaminating any living thing that requires water for survival.

In addition to harming animals water pollution can also affect plants, trees, the soil and other natural materials and resources of the earth.

If you would like to limit the amount of pollution you produce and thus help keep the oceans, rivers and lakes clean there are a number of things you can do.

Keep your car well maintained and immediately service it if you notice any oil leaking from the car
Replace your air fresheners with eco-friendly candles, incense and/or potpourri
Purchase environmentally friendly cleaning products that do not harm the land if they happen to be flushed or emptied into a drain
Reduce the amount of power you use and purchase energy saving light bulbs and appliances. This helps reduce the amount of emissions being released by utility companies and your own home products.
Conserve your water usage and don’t leave water running when you are not using it
Reduce, recycle & reuse materials that you have purchased. Plastics and papers may be sent to the recycling bin while some of your glass materials may be able to be reused or re-purposed
Make sure non recyclable waste is contained properly so that it does not spill into the land, street drain sewage drain
Purchase local food that has been grown from healthy agricultural farms that don’t use polluting fertilizers and pesticides
Purchase eco-friendly lawn fertilizers and pesticides for your own lawn in order to prevent your lawn from becoming toxic and prevent possible hazardass chemicals from entering street drains
Recycle old clothing by giving it away to shelters and non for profit re sellers. Not only does it lower the amount of garbage you produce it also allows you go give to a cause and help the community
Use a reusable grocery bag rather than the plastic bags offered at grocery stores when shopping for food to minimize your plastic waste
Eliminate unnecessary mail and have your bills sent to you by email. This helps protect the trees and reduce the amount of paper you have to dispose of later
Properly dispose of toxic chemicals rather than dropping them down the drain. You can do an online search for local toxic chemical disposal areas near you
As you can see there are a lot of things you can do to help reduce the amount of pollution you produce.

Even if you only implement a few of these strategies you could end up reducing a ton of waste and unnecessary garbage that is created in daily life.

Nguyễn Xuân Hoa
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Nguyễn Xuân Hoa
27 tháng 4 2019 lúc 21:50

Mik còn 4 ngày nx à

27 tháng 4 2019 lúc 22:22

2. Talk about cause, effect of a certain type of pollution as well as solutions to this problem (water pollution)

Water pollution can be defined as the contamination of a stream, river, lake, ocean or any other stretch of water, depleting water quality and making it toxic for the environment and humans. It can occur in many ways: industrial activities like dumping waste which drains in the fresh water make it polluted; or agriculture activities like using pesticides, herbicides....; and the garbage that we throw everyday. And it effects seriouslly. First, water pollution truly harms biodiversity and aquatic ecosystems, makes the creature sick or even die. Next, it has very negative effects on human health because it is the cause of many diseasessuch as diarrhea, cholera, skin infections.... or dehydration because of lacking of fresh water. Besides, it destroys environmental landscape,..etc. But we can reduce water pollution in many effective ways like reducing the amount of water we use, having green agriculture or throwing rubbish into right places..... Water pollution is a serious problem, but we can solve it if we try hard!

28 tháng 4 2019 lúc 16:26


Fifty years ago, the tools we rely upon to communicate today were only science fiction. Today, you can purchase a smartphone and make calls, surf the Web, play games, run applications and accomplish more than most speculative fiction authors dared to dream. So what's next?

In the short term, we'll likely see basic cell phones slowly fade away. As smartphones become more common and less expensive, more people will adopt them. The process is gradual. As with most new technologies, a group of enthusiastic adopters lead the way. Sometimes, the general population will follow the early pioneers -- the compact disc is a good example of such technology. In other cases, the early adopters end up owning technology that becomes obsolete without ever finding wide acceptance -- like LaserDiscs.

Smartphones seem to be in the first category. Products like the Apple iPhone and Google's Android operating system have pushed the smartphone out of the world of gadget geeks and into the mass market. In 2010, the first 4G smartphone for a major carrier in the United States made an appearance. It was the HTC EVO 4G, running on Sprint's WiMAX network [source: CNET]. The 4G network allows for faster data transfer speeds than other networks.

The Internet will continue to play an increasing role in communication. Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) already plays a large role in several communication products and services. Sites like Facebook and Twitter allow users to communicate with networks of people. With the rise of the Web, people now have a platform from which they can address the world. In the past, only celebrities and politicians could address so many people at one time. Now, anyone with an Internet connection can do the same thing.

This may lead to changes in everything from entertainment to politics. Using the Web as a communication tool, people with aspirations may be able to find an audience more easily than ever before. It may not be long until a relatively unknown person uses the Internet to win enough support to be elected president of the United States.

So far we've looked at some fairly mundane advances in communication. But what about the distant future?
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4 tháng 5 2023 lúc 21:54

Causes of environmental pollution: Wastes of domestic and industrial activities contamination, throwing garbage indiscriminately into the river, agricultural activities: use of pesticides, and fertilizers discharged into the river
Water pollution not only causes direct dangerous consequences to the health and lives of people, animals, and plants on the planet but also leads to an increasingly declining economy. Therefore, we need to treat waste before discharging it into the environment, not littering and raising people's awareness of protecting the water environment.

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Thảo Phương
10 tháng 5 2018 lúc 16:06

Viết bài viết tiếng Anh về ô nhiễm nước,Water pollution Definition: Causes: Effects,Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8 thí điểm,Tiếng Anh Lớp 8,bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 8,giải bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 8,Tiếng Anh,Lớp 8

Pham Anh Tuan
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Nguyễn Trường Giang
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Lê Thị Mỹ Duyên
15 tháng 2 2019 lúc 20:36

          Causes need to be changed and, most importantly, our human consciousness about the cause of water pollution in Vietnam.
          Why is human consciousness the most important of environmental pollution, first referring to residential areas or households living along the river in 2013, the vast majority of whom are people People living along the river, then the daily cleaning has made the water environment worse, in recent years, the river in the area of ​​living people have been heavily polluted.
           Speaking about the consciousness of the people, there are families living all year round on boats, boats, barges ... not only their daily activities are discharged into the water but also objects that are no longer used also thrown in. River.
           The activities of the people occur throughout the year as such, the water environment in Vietnam is increasingly polluted, the people living in polluted areas or nearby residents will also affect the health. very strong.
           There are also companies, factories or factories that have escaped the environmental laws and the river is discharged into the river.
           The causes of water pollution in Vietnam just mentioned above have destroyed our environment, what we have done is that we are facing many serious illnesses and costly expenses. .

           In addition, water pollution also affects the lives of living and living plants, which cause ecological disturbances, causing some fish or plants to deplete due to pollution of the water environment. This increases the scope and thus the authorities can hardly reform.
As pollution of the water environment increases, the level of human health decreases and it can lead to pollution of the intersection of rivers and lakes, affecting marine ecosystems. .
           The major sources of pollution are Saigon Port, Saigon River, Tau Canal, Black Canal, 15, 17, 18, Thay Cai Canal, etc. in Ho Chi Minh City. Black water and bad smells made the people around and the people who were walking so uncomfortable.
           In terms of solutions, governments and authorities must place prohibition signs in places where there are many residents living near the rivers and strictly punish acts of deliberately throwing litter into the river or people living in the river. ships, boats, barges ...
           In areas where water pollution is a problem, it is important to learn about the area and to conduct the renovation and use of the technologies or to hire foreign environmental specialists who have advanced technologies to change the water source. infected in the optimal time as possible.
           The media must also include environmental information as well as solutions on how to communicate with people in the environment, especially the water environment, such as information and communication. Everybody changes their minds to keep their sanitation in common with the environment as well as the water environment in Vietnam.
           On the limitation of these solutions, it is well known that it would require a lot of money to renovate or hire foreign experts, when it comes to the causes of water pollution in Vietnam. The solution is to try to change the environment of clean water, but if our human consciousness is that, one day we will also meet the scene of such black rivers.
           Therefore, let us protect our environment and our children in the future so that we can live in a clean environment, help us improve our health and ecosystems. in water environment.