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Lê Ánh Huyền
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16 tháng 4 2016 lúc 21:36

House is a place where we can shelter and it gives us a protection from rain, heat , storm etc. Everyone has their own choice on what type of house they feel comfortable to live, so do I. I enjoy to live in calm and open environment, so house built on small land won't be my choice. I want a large open space surrounded by compound where I can stroll especially when I feel bored on my job. I want the garden in front of my house which will give me natural environment. One more thing to mention here, I want the house which is far from main city and industrial area since I don't like the noisy environment.Oh, yeah, what about the size of the house? I prefer the medium size house having 2 or 3 floors. I don't like very large building because I have small family and I don't like to rent my home. I prefer to stay in second or ground floor during the summer season because the top floor is excessively heated during the very season whereas I like to stay in second or third floor during the winter as ground floor will be excessively cold during that period. Next thing is about gym room, I would like to have a fitness center within my premise as I am a young boy and I want to be a healthy person. 

I have mentioned so many physical needs in my above paragraph but I would like to conculde my writing saying cool and amicable family environment is must to make our home like a heaven. Otherwise, it will be a hell and we would like to spend most of our time outside the home rather than with family.


Phạm Minh Quân
16 tháng 4 2016 lúc 22:17

Dễ ợt

Đặng Hoài An
16 tháng 4 2017 lúc 9:30

My dream house is a large villa. It is near the coast, surrounded by rows coconut trees and he blue sea. There are sixteen rooms in my house and half of them for relaxation and entertainment. It has a big garage so that I can store my super cars tree. My house has wind power or solar engergy. I use hi-tech and automatic machines such as a smart clock, modern fridge, automatic dishwasher and washing machine. They can be controlled by voice and help me tall the time forcast weather, preserve food and wash dishes and wash clothes. There is a super smart TV in my house. I might surf the Internet, watch my favourite TV programme from space or contact friends on other planets by this fantastic TV. I might also join online classes on TV and not have to go to school.

Trần Mạnh Nguyên
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Cù Đức Anh
1 tháng 12 2021 lúc 23:25

Tham Khỏa:

Last summer, my family and I had a trip to Dalat, which was dubbed as the land of fog. We came to Da Lat by bus because we wanted to visit the scenery along the way. Dalat appeared as a city in the clouds, and we spent all our time here to visit famous places. We visited Bao Dai Palace - the residence of the last king of the Nguyen Dynasty with his family. The whole architecture was is European style, and there were a lot of beautiful flowers which were planted around the Palace. The ground floor was the place for meetings, banquets, greeting foreign guests and government officials. Bao Dai's office, library, games room were also located there. In the office there was a huge portrait of King Bao Dai and Prince Bao Long - who was chosen as the successor of the throne. The entire second floor was the resting place of the royal family, including bedrooms of the king, queen, and their children. There was also a place for the king and queen to watch the moon called the Moon Tower. The next place that we visited was Mount Langbiang, where there was a legend about a love story between a girl called Biang and her lover Lang. Their love was forbidden by their families, so they chose to die in order to stay together forever. Next, we were brought to the top of the Radar hill by a Jeep; from the top of the hill we can see Dalat from above through a dim layer of fog. In the distance were the Golden and Silver streams, and they were like two strips of silk that ran across the forest. After 3 days of exploring Dalat, we finally had to go back home. The clouds and fog in the city still lingered in my mind, and I could not wait for my next visit to Da Lat.

Chúc bạn học tốt nhé!


Nguyễn Phương Oanh
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lutufine 159732486
17 tháng 4 2019 lúc 21:17

After a stressful semester, my parents decide take me to the country to visit grandparents, leave the noise of city behind. Homeland is a small and peaceful land, beside the Red River. The atmosphere here is very fresh, there is no noise, no pollution as in the city I am living. On two sides of the road there are the rows of green trees and birds singing beside the ears. In front of my grandparents’s house is a small garden. Every morning, after sweeping the house, I am taken to the garden to water vegetables, feed chickens. The feeling of watching the little yellow chickens run around the legs is really amazed. In the afternoon, my brother leads me to fly kites on the long dyke with children in the neighborhood. These children also think some interesting games such as chasing, hide and seek ... For me, everything here is new and amazing. After the trip, I know how to swim and learn many many things. I hope next summer parents will take me to visit the grandparents again.

Sau một kì học đầy căng thẳng, mình được bố mẹ cho về quê thăm nội, bỏ lại cuộc sống ồn ào chốn thành thị. Quê nội là một mảnh đất nhỏ bé, thanh bình bên cạnh dòng sông Hồng. Không khí ở đây rất trong lành, không ồn ào, ô nhiễm như ở thành phố mình sống. Hai bên đường là những hàng cây xanh mướt và tiếng chim hót véo von bên tai. Trước sân nhà bà có mộ mảnh vườn nho nhỏ. Mỗi buổi sáng, sau khi quét nhà, mình lại được bà dẫn ra vườn để tưới rau, cho gà ăn. Cảm giác nhìn từng đàn gà nhỏ vàng tơ chạy loanh quanh bên chân thật là thích. Buổi chiều, mình lại được anh dẫn đi thả diều trên chiều đê dài với lũ trẻ con hàng xóm. Bọn trẻ còn bày ra một số trò chơi thú vị như đuổi bắt, bịt mắt bắt dê, ... Đối với mình, mọi thứ ở đây thật mới mẻ và thú vj. Sau chuyến về quê ấy, mình đã biết bơi và còn học được bao điều hay ho khác. Hi vọng hè năm sau bố mẹ sẽ lại cho mình về nội chơi.

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Trần thị như ngọc
25 tháng 12 2023 lúc 21:26


Nguyễn Mai Trang
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Thanh Thảo
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24 tháng 5 2019 lúc 15:11
Today life is full of stress and anxiety and especially in metropolitan cities situation is the worst. Everyone is busy with his life, no time for family and himself even. Every person is running behind his hectic schedule. Life become so fast but still no time to relax for 5 minute and release the stress. No need to explain, you can easily analyze when you are in hurry to reach the office thinking of some of your personal tensions and then the whole day hectic schedule. Entertainment can add salt in this discomfort and distasteful life. It is the way of entertainment which keeps the life going. Else life becomes very dull and boring. Entertainment gives the life its charm and energy. Entertainment can be of any type depending on one's choice and likes. A tired person after coming back from office, if got a 15 minute time to watch its favorite show then that time is enough to relax his tiring mind. This small time period of entertainment can give a smile and a soothing effect to his mind. Music is a great way to relive the day to day stress. Almost every person is interested in any kind of music. People of the older times love classical music whereas kids like rhymes and children music. Not only this, many are attracted to listen natural sounds such as chirping of birds, water falling from the mountains and religious chants. When a person sits down with his eyes closed to listen his favorite music, the heart beat goes balanced and mind got relaxed. Music tunes the soul and renews the body. Playing music also relaxes the mind and slows down the tension. Interested people find pleasure in playing his favorite instrument. A piano or a guitar strings can give pleasure to a stressed mind. Other than music, reading is one of the good sources of entertainment. People who love reading can go for good source of stuff to read. It can help relieve stress and definitely reenergize the mind. Reading is a very good habit. It not only helps to gain knowledge but creates good vocabulary and helps to have a better look of the outside world. Going out for picnic, chatting with family members or friends, dancing, singing etc. can give pleasure to a tired and sick mind. These simple ways lift up the mood and can buzz the day and put the life at an ease. In short, any sort of entertainment should be there in life to remove the boredom of life and to make the life dynamic and exciting always.
Hồ Lê Phương Nam
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Quốc Đạt
22 tháng 5 2016 lúc 12:06

Essays have always been considered to be one of the trickiest assignments, but it still is the most widely used tasks in colleges and universities. You are
not only to develop your own ideas but to put them into form of writing, but to do it according to a strict essay writing structure and English writing
patterns. Writing your essay you should pay attention both to argumentation and to your writing style to make it easy for others to read. Also, you should
avoid cluttering it with unnecessary details.

Nguyễn Văn Bé
22 tháng 5 2016 lúc 13:16

There are four people in my family:my father,my mother,my younger brother and me.My family lives in Nhatrang city.My family has a establishment which makes dry squid and beef.Both my father and my mother work there.My father is very strict.He likes to talk with his friends in his free time.My mother is gentle and kind.She cooks very well.She likes listen to classcial musis.She usually gives us some useful advices when we have problems.My father and my mother always help the poor people and the oldster.My younger brother is studying at high school.He is a smart pupil in class.At home,he is a taciturnity people.He likes listen to rock music and plays games on computer.And the last one is me.I have just graduated from university for 5 months.I am finding the job now.I feel very happy when I lives in my family.I love my family so much.

Long Nguyễn
22 tháng 5 2016 lúc 17:34

My family have 4 people. There are my mother,my father,my elder sister and me.My parents are both the same age, 50 years old.My father is a teacher ,he is very kind and hard-working. My morther is a nurse, she is interesting, I think she is the most funny person in my family. My elder sister is 18 years old, she is a student and she is very pretty,she not only learns well but also plays the piano very well, I think she will become a pianist in the future. And me, I’m 16 years old and I’m a pupil, in the future i'll be a marketing staff. I love my familly very much.For me, family always is the assured a reliable support.

Hoàng Sơn Tùng
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Quỳnh Nhi
26 tháng 10 2017 lúc 20:32

The Mường (Vietnamese: người Mường) is the third largest of Vietnam's 53 minority groups, with an estimated population of 1.3 million (based on the 2009 census and five years of population growth). The Muong people inhabit the mountainous region of northern Vietnam, concentrated in Hòa Bình Province and the mountainous districts of Thanh Hóa Province.The Muong speak the Muong language, a close relative of Vietnamese. Main holidays of muong are New Year and agrarian holidays. During the celebration of the New Year, Muong people are pray to the ancestors. Such prayers are also arranged on the days of revolutionary holidays, after which the whole village is treat themselves to pre-cooked dishes.Mainly, the Muonges profess Buddhism and Christianity (Catholics), but in their beliefs are also represented animistic views.

Dịch :

Người Mường là người lớn thứ ba trong số 53 nhóm dân tộc thiểu số ở Việt Nam, với dân số ước tính khoảng 1,3 triệu người (dựa trên tổng điều tra dân số năm 2009 và năm năm tăng dân số). Người Mường sống ở miền núi phía Bắc Việt Nam, tập trung ở Hòa Bình và các huyện miền núi của tỉnh Thanh Hóa. Mường nói ngôn ngữ Mường, họ hàng gần gũi của người Việt Nam. Những ngày nghỉ chính của muong là năm mới và ngày nghỉ nông nghiệp. Trong dịp mừng năm mới, người Mường đang cầu nguyện với tổ tiên. Những lời cầu nguyện như vậy cũng được sắp xếp vào những ngày nghỉ lễ cách mạng, sau đó cả làng đều tự coi mình là những món ăn đã nấu chín. Muonges tuyên bố Phật giáo và Kitô giáo (người Công giáo), nhưng trong niềm tin của họ cũng là những quan điểm sống động.

Thấy hay = 1 tick haha