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Những câu hỏi liên quan
Sakura Linh
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Lê Yến Nhi
5 tháng 3 2017 lúc 21:57


As you know, there are many causes of pollution. There ....are... also many ways to prevent pollution. We need to keep on thinking of ways to ....prevent...pollution. Some ..ways.... to prevent pollution are to try to persuade families to only have one car. They would save some ....energy.... and it would save our planet. If you are really good at persuading, you might want to talk to a car dealer and tell him to tell families to only have ....one... car. You could ask some truck ....drivers.... to not drive as much. They could try to put more food ....in.... the trucks to save time. You could also make some flyers and give them to some neighbours that live near you. You could encourage more ...people... who live close to work to walk or ride a bike.

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Huyền Nhi
26 tháng 5 2019 lúc 20:37

As you know, there are many causes of pollution. There ....are... also many ways to prevent pollution. We need to keep on thinking of ways to ...solve....pollution. Some ...ways... to prevent pollution are to try to persuade families to only have one car. They would save some ....resources.... and it would save our planet. If you are really good at persuading, you might want to talk to a car dealer and tell him to tell families to only have ..one..... car. You could ask some truck ........ to not drive as much.( đoạn này sai oy - ask sbd not to do sth chớ ) They could try to put more food ....on....... the trucks to save time. You could also make some flyers and give them to some neighbours that live near you. You could encourage more ...people..... who live close to work to walk or ride a bike.

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Nguyễn Thái Thịnh
14 tháng 3 2020 lúc 7:27

About pollution: Pollution is a big environmental problem. When the environment is contaminated, it is called pollution.The major types of pollution are air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution.The major causes of pollution includes massive use of motor vehicles, rapid industrialization, increasing urbanization, use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture, burning of fossil fuels in electricity generation.The burning of fossil fuels is the single largest cause of pollution. Pollution severely affects the health of people.. Air Pollution causes respiratory diseases and other lungs related problems. Water pollution pollutes the water systems. Noise pollution impairs the auditory senses and causes stress. Soil pollution decrease the crop output.The solutions to pollution includes using alternate way for producing generation, proper treatment of industrial wastes, storing the rainwater safely, reusing plas products, and using electronic vehicles.

Give some way: Nowadays, the development of human world causes causes many bad effects to the environment. We throw garbage everywhere, exploit too much natural resources or contaminate the air. Therefore, our environment is being seriously polluted and we need to protect it from now. First of all, we should reduce, reuse and recycle. Instead of using plas bags, we can use leaves to wrap food. We can recycle plas bottles, cans, paper to reduce garbage. Using public transports and decreasing the number of motorbikes and cars are also good ways to reduce carbonic in the air. Besides, we should purify contaminated lakes or rivers in order to lessen the pollution in the water.Last but not least, the gorvernment should propagandize about protecting the environment to everybody so that they can aware of it. Especially, we need to punish people who contaminate the environment with great severity. In conclusion, the Earth is our home so protecting it is everyone's responsibility.

Khách vãng lai đã xóa
Phan Thị Ánh Linh
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Linh Diệu
12 tháng 4 2017 lúc 15:38

*Điền từ vào chỗ trống và chỉ 1 từ duy nhất

As you know ,there are many causes of pollution . There (1)...are.... also many ways to prevent pollution. We need to keep on thinking of ways to (2) ..prevent..... pollution.Some (3).....ways.... to prevent pollutionare try to persuade families to only have one car . They would save some (4)..energy..... and it would save our planet .If you are really good at persuading, you minght want to talk to a car dealer and tell him to tell families to have only (5)...one.... car .You could ask some truck (6)...drivers... to not drive as much. They could try to put more food(7)..in..... the trucks to save time .You cuold also make some flyers and give them to some neighbors that live near you . You could encourage more (8)...people... who live close to work to walk or ride a bike

Đặng Nguyệt
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31 tháng 5 2019 lúc 8:57


Hello everyone, today I'd like to tell you some information about types and sources of energy. Energy is classified into two main groups: renewable and non-renewable.

The energy generated from natural sources such as the sun, wind, rain, and tides is called renewable energy. They are plentiful and can be generated again and again. They also have low carbon emissions so they are considered green and environment-friendly. Moreover, using renewable energy can reduce your electricity bills. Unfortunately, solar energy can be only used during the daytime but not during night or the rainy season. Geothermal energy also can bring toxic chemicals beneath the earth's surface to the top and can create environmental changes.

Non-renewable energy is the energy taken from other sources that are available on earth.They are limited and will run out in the future. They can't be re-generated in a short time.Fossil fuels - natural gas, oil and coal - are examples of them. They are cheap and easy to use. However, when burnt, they release toxic gases in the air so they cause serious environmental changes such as global warming. And the important thing is that non-renewable sources will expire someday. 2. 1. Use public mode of transportation

Encourage people to use more and more public modes of transportation to reduce pollution. Also, try to make use of carpooling. If you and your colleagues come from the same locality and have same timings you can explore this option to save energy and money.

2. Conserve energy

Switch off fans and lights when you are going out. A large number of fossil fuels are burnt to produce electricity. You can save the environment from degradation by reducing the number of fossil fuels to be burned.

3. Understand the concept of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Do not throw away items that are of no use to you. In-fact reuse them for some other purpose. For e.g. you can use old jars to store cereals or pulses.

4. Emphasis on clean energy resources

Clean energy technologies like solar, wind and geothermal are on high these days. Governments of various countries have been providing grants to consumers who are interested in installing solar panels for their home. This will go a long way to curb air pollution.

5. Use energy efficient devices

CFL lights consume less electricity as against their counterparts. They live longer, consume less electricity, lower electricity bills and also help you to reduce pollution by consuming less energy.

Several attempts are being made worldwide on a personal, industrial and governmental levels to curb the intensity at which air pollution is rising and regain a balance as far as the proportions of the foundation gases are concerned. This is a direct attempt at slacking Global warming. We are seeing a series of innovations and experiments aimed at alternate and unconventional options to reduce pollutants. Air pollution is one of the larger mirrors of man’s follies, and a challenge we need to overcome to see a tomorrow.




• – Check for local flood warnings if your area is at risk: look online or call Floodline.
• – Tune in to the local radio or television news for updates. Alert your neighbours, particularly elderly or vulnerable people.
• – Prepare an emergency kit, including emergency numbers, insurance policy, first aid kit, torch and water.
• – Use our home emergency contacts sheet so you have the numbers you need to hand, even if you lose power.
• – Have a list of irreplaceable items to keep safe and put important personal documents into a sealed bag.
• – Pack essential items you will need if evacuated – medication, clothing, toiletries and items for children.
• – Purchase unfilled sandbags and sand from builders’ merchants. Remember that, if there is a flood, demand may exceed supply – as people will rush to buy them.
• – Empty freezers and refrigerators, leaving doors open.
• – If you can, move any vehicles to higher levels.
• – If you have time, take photographs before you leave. This may help later with insurance claims.
• – Turn off the mains power and water, and take mobile phones and chargers with you. Put sandbags in toilet bowls to prevent sewage back-flow.
• – Shut windows, lock doors – and don’t forget to take your pets.

phương đồng
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Minh Lệ
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Quoc Tran Anh Le
16 tháng 10 2023 lúc 19:52

Exercise 1:

Air pollution is measured by a number called the Air Quality Index (AQI), which ranges from 0-500, with anything over 150 considered “unhealthy.” The World Health Organization considers any reading above 100 to be hazardous and recommends that people avoid prolonged exposure. While Vietnamese cities such as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City have AHI readings around 100 or higher, many provinces have far worse levels of pollution. In some areas of the south, where there are large rubber plantations and coal mines, AQI numbers can surpass 500.

(Ô nhiễm không khí được đo bởi một con số gọi là Chỉ số Chất lượng Không khí (AQI), có khoảng từ 0 đến 500, với bất cứ cái gì ở trên mức 150 sẽ được coi là “độc hại”. Tổ chức Y tế thế giới WHO cho rằng với mỗi lần đọc mà chỉ số trên 100 thì nghĩa là ở mức nguy hiểm và khuyến cáo mọi người tránh tiếp xúc lâu ở bên ngoài. Trong khi những thành phố ở Việt Nam như Hà Nội và thành phố Hồ Chí Minh đọc được chỉ số AHI khoảng 100 hoặc hơn, nhiều tính khác có mức độ ô nhiễm tệ hơn rất nhiều. Ở một vài vùng ở miền Nam, những vùng trồng cao su và mỏ than thì chỉ số AQI có thể vượt qua 500.)

Some simple way to reduce air pollution

(Vài cách đơn giản để giảm thiểu ô nhiễm không khí)

1. Using public transports

(Sử dụng phương tiện công cộng)

2. Turn off the lights when not in use

(Tắt điện khi không sử dụng)

3. Recycle and reuse

(Tái sử dụng và tái chế)

4. Say no to plastic bags

(Nói không với túi nhựa)

5. Reduction of forest fires and smoking

(Giảm thiểu cháy rừng và hút thuốc)

6. Use of fans instead of air conditioner

(Sử dụng quạt thay vì điều hòa)

7. Use filters for chimneys

(Sử dụng tấm lọc cho ống khói)

8. Avoid usage of crackers

(Tránh sử dụng pháo ống)

9. Avoid using of products with chemicals

(Tránh sử dụng các sản phẩm chứa nhiều chất hóa học)

10. Implement afforestation

(Tiến hành trồng rừng)

Quoc Tran Anh Le
16 tháng 10 2023 lúc 19:52

Exercise 2:

Quoc Tran Anh Le
16 tháng 10 2023 lúc 19:53

Exercise 3:

As we can know, air pollution is measured by a number called the Air Quality Index (AQI), which ranges from 0-500, with anything over 150 considered “unhealthy.” The World Health Organization considers any reading above 100 to be hazardous and recommends that people avoid prolonged exposure. While Vietnamese cities such as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City have AHI readings around 100 or higher, many provinces have far worse levels of pollution. In some areas of the south, where there are large rubber plantations and coal mines, AQI numbers can surpass 500. So, what can we do to improve our air quality? Here are some simple way to reduce air pollution.

The first one is saving energy at home. You can save energy by reducing the need for heating and cooling in your house and replace normal light bulb to energy saving fluorescent lights to help the environment.

The second one is using public transport or walking or riding bike whenever you can. Doing that will not only reduce the carbon emission but also help saving money. Also, walking or riding bike is good for your health.

Next is saying no to plastic bags. The use of plastic products could be very harmful to the environment as they take a very long time to decompose, due to their material made up of oil. The use of paper bags instead is a better alternative as they decompose easily and are recyclable.

Implementing afforestation is also a way to lessen air pollution. There are a lot of volunteer group plating forests every year but we can practice it at our home by plant a tree or make a garden in the yard. Trees helps release oxygen and make the atmosphere cooler.

The next one is use fan instead of air conditioner. The usage of AC’s takes a lot of energy and emits a lot of heat which is bad for the environment. AC’s also take a lot of power and energy to work as compared to fans.

Finally, we reduce, reuse, repair and recycle. We should buy less stuff and buy second hand, fix what you can and recycle. This helps save a lot of money and protect the environment.

Tạm dịch:

Như chúng ta đã biết, ô nhiễm không khí được đo bởi một con số gọi là Chỉ số Chất lượng Không khí (AQI), có khoảng từ 0 đến 500, với bất cứ cái gì ở trên mức 150 sẽ được coi là “độc hại”. Tổ chức Y tế thế giới WHO cho rằng với mỗi lần đọc mà chỉ số trên 100 thì nghĩa là ở mức nguy hiểm và khuyến cáo mọi người tránh tiếp xúc lâu ở bên ngoài.

Trong khi những thành phố ở Việt Nam như Hà Nội và thành phố Hồ Chí Minh đọc được chỉ số AHI khoảng 100 hoặc hơn, nhiều tính khác có mức độ ô nhiễm tệ hơn rất nhiều. Ở một vài vùng ở miền Nam, những vùng trồng cao su và mỏ than thì chỉ số AQI có thể vượt qua 500. Đây là vài cách đơn giản để giảm thiểu ô nhiễm không khí.

Đầu tiên là tiết kiệm điện ở nhà. Bạn có thể tiết kiệm năng lượng bằng cách giảm nhu cầu sưởi ấm và làm mát trong nhà và thay bóng đèn thường thành đèn huỳnh quang tiết kiệm năng lượng để bảo vệ môi trường. Thứ hai là đi phương tiện công cộng hoặc đi bộ hay đạp xe bất cứ khi nào có thể. Thực hiện việc đó có thể làm giảm khí thải cacbon mà còn tiết kiệm tiền. Đi bộ và đạp xe cũng giúp cải thiện sức khỏe. Thứ ba là nói không với túi ni-lông. Việc sử dụng túi ni lông rất có hại cho môi trường vì chúng rất khó phân hủy, do nhựa được làm từ dầu mỏ. Sử dụng túi giấy là một biện pháp thay thế tốt vì dễ phân hủy và có thể tái chế. Trồng rừng cũng là một cách để giảm ô nhiễm không khí. Hằng năm có rất nhiều nhóm tình nguyên tham gia trồng rừng nhưng chúng ta có thể thực hiện ở nhà bằng cách trồng cây hoặc làm một khu vườn. Cây cối giúp tạo ra oxi và giúp bầu không khí trở nên mát mẻ hơn. Tiếp theo là sử dụng quạt thay vì dùng điều hòa. Sử dụng điều hòa tốn nhiều năng lượng hơn và tỏa ra nhiều nhiệt, điều này có hại cho môi trường. So với quạt thì điều hòa cần rất nhiều năng lượng để hoạt động. Cuối cùng là giảm thiểu, tái sử dụng, sửa chữa và tái chế. Chúng ta nên mua ít đồ hơn, mua đồ xách tay, sửa chữa những gì có thể và tái chế. Điều này giúp tiết kiệm tiền và bảo vệ môi trường.

Steven Trần
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Đức Anh Ramsay
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Minh Nhân
10 tháng 3 2021 lúc 12:20

1.     Noise pollution/ any loud sounds/ either harmful or annoying/ humans and animals.

=> Noise pollution is any loud sounds that are either harmful or annoying to humans and animals.

2.     Generally/ noise/ produced/ household appliances/ big trucks/ vehicles and motorbikes/ on the road/ planes and helicopters flying over cities/ load speakers, etc.

=> Generally, noise is produced by household appliances, big trucks, vehicles and motorbikes on the road, planes, and helicopters flying over cities, loudspeakers, etc.

3.     Noise pollution/ cause/ stress/ illnesses/ hearing loss/ sleep loss/ lost productivity.

=> Noise pollution can cause stress, illness, hearing loss, sleep loss, and lost productivity.

4.     Health effects/ noise/ include/ anxiety/ stress/ headaches/ irritability/ nervousness.

=>  Health effects of noise include anxiety, stress, headaches, irritability, and nervousness.

5.     Noise-producing industries/ airports/ bus terminals/ should/ located/ far/ living places.

=>  Noise-producing industries, airports, bus terminals should be located far from living places.

6.     The officials/ check/ misuse/ loudspeakers/ outdoor parties and discos/ as well as/ public announcement systems.

=> The officials must check the misuse of loudspeakers, outdoor parties and discos, as well as public announcement systems.

10 tháng 3 2021 lúc 12:22

1. Noise pollution is any loud sounds that are either harmful or annoying to humansand animals.

2. Generally, noise is produced by household appliances, big trucks, vehicles and motorbikes on the road, planes and helicopters flying over cities, loud speakers, etc.

3. Noise pollution can cause stress, illness, hearing loss, sleep loss and lost productivity.

4. Health effects of noise include anxiety, stress, headaches, irritability and nervousness.

5. Noise-producing industries, airports, bus terminals should be located far from living places.

6. The officials must check the misuse of loudspeakers, outdoor parties and discos, as well as public announcement systems.