Vòng 1

I. 1. A

2. D

3. A

4. A

5. C

6. A

7. A 

II. 1. Every -> Very

2. Make -> Making

3. Have been killed -> be killed

4. Came -> Comes

5. May -> Wish

6. Entering -> Enter

III. 1. When 

2. Thing

3. Many

4. And

5. Reason

6. Will

7. Before

8. By

9. Costly

10. Work

IV. 1. How long have you been going to leave? 

2. Charles Dickens was very famous in the writing world more than himself at one hundred years ago. 

3. How are you progess?

4. The eighteen old girl has ends in bar to earn a living. 

V. 1. Error

2. Prison

3. Irkness

Đừng có cười, đừng ai cười t. :v 

Điểm  4

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