Những câu hỏi liên quan
Nguyễn Thanh Tuyền
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Lưu Nguyễn Hà An
27 tháng 12 2023 lúc 9:16

Favorite drink: Vietnam is a tropical country. So there are many kinds of foods and drinks to choose. I like all kinds of fruits such as avocado, mango, orange, apple, etc. But the drink I love most is avocado smoothie. This healthy smoothie is perfect for a breakfast, a quick snack, or whenever I need a healthy boost. Avocados are high in fat, healthy type of fat. They also contain fat-soluble vitamin E, vitamin C. Especially, avocados are an excellent source of antioxidant carotenoids like alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin that may help slow aging, prevent certain cancers, heart disease, lose weight and improve your skin tone. Let’s enjoy our instant breakfast avocado smoothie and have an awesome day!

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Lưu Nguyễn Hà An
27 tháng 12 2023 lúc 9:16

Pho is one of my favorite foods. Pho is the most popular and special dish in our country, Vietnam. There are two main kinds of Pho: Pho with beef and Pho with chicken. Pho is served in a bowl with a specific cut of white rice noodles in clear beef broth, with slim cuts of beef (steak, fatty flank, lean flank, brisket). Chicken Pho is made using the same spices as beef, but the broth is made using only chicken bones and meat, as well as some internal organs of the chicken, such as the heart, the undeveloped eggs and the gizzard. I always enjoy a bowl of hot and spicy Pho for breakfast. Mornings are a special time for pho in Vietnam. I love Pho and I can eat it every morning without boring.

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Trân Nguyễn
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Sad boy
29 tháng 6 2021 lúc 18:44


I have different hobbies, but reading book is the most interesting hobby for me. One of the reasons is that reading helps me broaden our knowledge. There are many books about different areas such as history, geography, science, etc. When reading these books, I can discover about our natural world and I also have a key to open the outside world. History books provides me with several things about the origin of our world. Reading book also helps me improve my vocabularies. I like reading English books, so I can learn many new words from these books and use them properly. My writing skill is also better. When reading, I concentrate on reading books highly and I can learn how to be patient. To sum up, I like reading book most because of their positive effects which help me develop myself quickly

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Dang Khoa ~xh
29 tháng 6 2021 lúc 18:45


My favourite leisure activity is listening to music. Firstly, Listening to music not only help me relax but also provide me with musical knowledge. Secondly, it makes me relax after a hard-working day. Thirdly, listening to music is a form of entertainment that helps keep my mind comfortable. It also helps my broaden my English vocabulary and learning words I don't know. Finally, All of them is a very important piece of my life. I think they help my soul more plentiful and more love of life.
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29 tháng 6 2021 lúc 18:46

My favourite leisure activity is listening to music. Firstly, Listening to music not only help me relax but also provide me with musical knowledge. Secondly, it makes me relax after a hard-working day. Thirdly, listening to music is a form of entertainment that helps keep my mind comfortable. It also helps my broaden my English vocabulary and learning words I don't know. Finally, All of them is a very important piece of my life. I think they help my soul more plentiful and more love of life. 

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Tiên Hồ Đỗ Thị Cẩm
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Nowadays, environmental pollution is a hot issue, causing huge waves in public. There are a lot of scientific studies on this issue. Do you know that the cause of pollution originates from the tasks seeming small in our daily lives such as littering, deforestation, or the direct discharge of smoke from vehicles, factory into the environment without treatment. However, if these actions are repeated many times, gradually, the amount of pollution is increasing and has the opposite impact on our lives. The manifestation of environmental pollution is an increase in the carbon footprint in the air, soil and water, which is a gas that does not sustain life. Environmental pollution is also a direct cause of global warming, leading to a series of phenomena, such as the greenhouse effect, ice caps melting, natural disasters such as droughts, floods, volcanic eruption and so on. The sea level is rising, more and more natural disasters occur, which threaten all species, make some of which be rare or extinct, break the ecological balance on the Earth. Human beings are not exception. We are breathing polluted air, eating unsafe food. In recent years, we have seen a drama increase in the number of people suffering from respiratory and digestive diseases. In conclusion, environmental pollution is a matter taking a lot of concern. It is time for us to take action to overcome this current issue, to protect our own lives.

Ngày nay, ô nhiễm môi trường là một chủ đề nóng hổi, gây lên làn sóng trong dư luận. Đã có rất nhiều công trình nghiên cứu khoa học về vấn đề này. Bạn biết không, nguyên nhân của ô nhiễm bắt nguồn từ những công việc tưởng chừng như rất nhỏ trong cuộc sống hàng ngày của chúng ta như xả rác bừa bãi, phá rừng làm rẫy, hay tù khói của xe cộ, các xí nghiệp thải trực tiếp qua môi trường mà không được xử lí. Tuy nhiên nếu những hành động này được lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần, dần dần, lượng ô nhiễm ngày càng nhiều và tác động ngược lại đến với cuộc sống của chúng ta. Biểu hiện của ô nhiễm môi trường chính là sự tăng lên vè nồng độ carbon trong không khí, đất và nước, đây là chất khí không duy trì sự sống. Ô nhiễm môi trường còn là nguyên nhân trực tiếp dẫn đến sự nóng lên toàn cầu, dẫn đến hàng loạt hiện tượng như hiệu ứng nhà kính, băng tan hai cực, các thảm họa tự nhiên như hạn hán, lũ lụt, phun trào núi lửa,... Mực nước biển ngày càng dâng cao, ngày càng nhiều các thảm họa tự nhiên xuất hiện đã đe dọa đến tất cả các loài sinh vật, khiến một số loài trở nên khan hiếm hay thậm chí là tiệt chủng, gây ra sự mất cân bằng sinh thái trên trái đất. Con người cũng không ngoại lệ. Chúng ta đang hít phải không khí ô nhiễm, ăn những thực phẩm chưa đảm bảo chất lượng. Những năm gần đây, chúng ta chứng kiến con số tăng lên đáng kể những người mắc phải các căn bệnh liên quan đến hệ hô hấp, tiêu hóa. Nói tóm lại, ô nhiễm môi trường đang là vấn đề đáng lo ngại. Đã đến lúc chúng ta phải bắt tay hành động khắc phục hiện trạng này, bảo vệ cuộc sống của chính chúng ta.

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In recent years, the mass media have been reporting so much on environmental issues, attracting a great deal of attention from the public. In Vietnam, the most recently representative event is the mass death of fish from Ha Tinh province to Quang Tri province, causing huge damage to the government till hundreds of billion Dong, affecting the lives of inhabitants here. Not only Vietnam, some other countries in the region and in the world also suffer from severe environmental pollution. For example, in Beijing, China, the amount of air pollution is in excess of the permitted level, most of people here have to live with respiratory diseases. To overcome this current issue, the governments of many governments have the different measures to minimize the amount of pollution emitted to the environment. Many activities have been encouraged such as recycling, reusing, reforestation, waste collection, using alternative energy and so on. There have been a number of global campaigns to raise awareness of citizens the Earth Hour with slogans, posters such as 'Protect our Earth', 'Green Environment', etc. In Vietnam, the government has also passed many laws fining heavily the organizations and individuals. Step by step, we are trying our best to protect the environment, turning the Earth into a wonderful place to live. Hope that in the future, the environmental pollution will no longer be a concern.

Những năm gần đây, các phương tiện truyền thông đại chúng rầm rộ đưa tin về các vấn đề ô nhiễm môi trường, thu hút sự quan tâm lớn của cộng đồng. Ở Việt Nam, sự kiện tiêu biểu gần đây nhất là vụ cá chết hàng loạt từ cá tỉnh Hà Tĩnh cho đến Quảng Trị, làm thiệt hại của nhà nước hàng trăm tỉ đồng, ảnh hưởng đến đời sống sinh hoạt của người dân nơi đây. Không chỉ Việt Nam, một số nước khác trong khu vực và trên thế giới cũng chịu ảnh hưởng của ô nhiễm môi trường một cách nghiêm trọng. Ví dụ như ở Bắc Kinh, Trung Quốc, lượng ô nhiễm trong không khí đã vượt quá mức cho phép, đa số người dân phải sống chung với các bệnh liên quan đến hô hấp. Để khắc phục thực trạng này, chính phủ của các nước đã có những biện pháp khác nhau để giảm đến mức tối đa lượng ô nhiễm thải ra môi trường. Nhiều hoạt động được khuyến khích như tái chế, tái sử dụng, tái trồng rừng, thu gom rác thải, sử dụng năng lượng thay thế,...Đã có rất nhiều những chiến dịch mang tính chất toàn cầu nhằm nâng cao nhận thức của công dân như sự kiện Giờ Trái Đất với các tấm khẩu hiệu, áp phích như ‘Bảo vệ Trái Đất’, ‘Môi trường xanh’,... Ở Việt Nam, chính phủ cũng thông qua nhiều chế tài xử phạt nặng các doanh nghiệp, cá nhân có hành động phá hoại môi trường như săn bắn bất hợp pháp, vứt rác bừa bãi, phá rừng... Từng bước, chúng ta đang cố gắng hết sức bảo vệ môi trường trong lành, biến Trái đất thành một nơi tuyệt vời để sống. Hi vọng rằng trong tương lai gần, ô nhiễm môi trường sẽ không còn là vấn đề đáng lo ngại nữa.

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Human and animal lead a healthy life depends on living environment. Environment indicates things around us including nature, air, water, atmosphere and living organism. The present situation of global environment is at risk, especially in developed countries. Generally, the earth becomes hotter, pollution is increasing, lacking of available space for people. The environment is being seriously destroyed by the rapidly changing of human. For instance, a large number of factories directly give off harmful chemical, raw wastewater in to nature. It leads to the decrease of natural creature living in forests and the extinction of endangered species. Pollution also causes many sophisated diseases in human. Government should enforce law on protecting and preserving environment so that citizens are aware of their behavior. There are several effective ways to keep our living fresh. People can join hands to maintain a clean environment by planting more trees, not dropping litter as well as protecting nature. Beside, companies related to heavy industry should take their garbage under control. In fact, environment supplies several benefits as it brings good and material for people and habitant for wild animal. Protecting the ecosystem is not only individual’s duty, it is the key factor for developing society. Finally, natural world plays a crucial role in human life, it worth to be preserved. 
Bản dịch 
Lòai người và động vật có một cuộc sống khoẻ mạnh phụ thuộc vào môi trường sống. Môi trường là tất cả những gì bao quanh chúng ta bao gồm tự nhiên, không khí, nước và sinh vật sống. Hiện trạng môi trường đang bị nguy hiểm đặc biệt là ở những nước phát triển. Nói chung, trái đất dần nóng lên, ô nhiễm gia tăng, thiếu đất cho con người. Môi trường đang bị huỷ hoại nghiêm trọng bởi sự thay đổi mau lẹ của con người. Ví dụ như ngày càng nhiều nhà máy thải hoá chất độc hại , nước thải thô trực tiếp ra môi trường. Điều này dẫn tới sự suy giảm các cá thể sống trong rừng tự nhiên và sự tuyệt chủng của những động vật quý hiếm. Ô nhiễm còn gây ra những bênh phức tạp ở người. Chính phủ nên ban hành những luật nghiêm khắc về bảo vệ và gìn giữ môi trường để toàn dân ý thức về hành động của mình. Có rất nhiều cách hữu hiệu để giữ môi trường trong sạch. Con người chung tay gìn giữ môi trường bằng cách trồng cây, không xả rác bừa bãi và bảo tồn thiên nhiên. Ngoài ra, các công ty lien quan đến ngành công nghiệp nặng nên xử lý đúng rác thải của họ. Thực tế, môi trường mang đến rất nhiều lợi ích bởi nó cung cấp thức ăn và vạt liệu cho con người và chỗ ở cho động vật. Bảo vệ hệ sinh thái không là trách nhiệm của riêng ai, đó là yếu tố cơ bản cho một xã hội phát triển. Cuối cùng, thế giới tự nhiên đóng vai trò quan trọng trong cuộc sống con người, nó đáng được bảo vệ.
Chúc bạn học tốt!

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Linh Lê
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Pham Minh Tue
11 tháng 1 2023 lúc 22:12

I love to imagine.It is quite fun.I don't really like the way my school is now,so I have an idea about my dream school.My dream school will be pretty llarge.It will be just like a town.Here,students will be like sisters or brothers.They will share and help each other.My dream school will also have teachers,but they won't teach us difficult things much.Instead,they will do exercises,have fun with students.My dream school won't use notebooks or books,because ipads and computers will be used much.We can learn more and play in freetime.The playground will have:slides,swings,...like other regular schools.Just a bit odd by having dancing floor,karaoke rooms,...It sound fun,isn't it.I like my dream school,alot.

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AVĐ md roblox
12 tháng 1 2023 lúc 11:02

TK :

Hello. Today, I will talk about my dream school. When my child was in elementary school I always wanted to go to a modern school. I watch movies and I see a lot of modern and convenient schools. The school has many classes. Specialized subjects will have their own rooms. The school will have vending machines. My school will have a gym room. We will have healthy sports such as basketball, badminton, … the campus will be planted with flowers and trees. What is your dream school? Please share to let me know!

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Hạnh Bùi Thị
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Phong badboy
7 tháng 4 2022 lúc 13:08

mình lớp 5 mà còn học ngu tiếng anh nx nên ko làm đc

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Phong badboy
7 tháng 4 2022 lúc 13:12

cho có không khí

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laala solami
7 tháng 4 2022 lúc 13:20

To reduce water pollution, we need not to litter indiscriminately, not to dump garbage in rivers, lakes, seas, etc. Do not dump waste into rivers, lakes or the sea. If we can do it, we will reduce water pollution.

mik tự viết đó

ko chép mạng nhé

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một chút cute
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một chút cute
18 tháng 11 2021 lúc 7:39


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Trần Phương Linh
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Phạm Vĩnh Linh
24 tháng 10 2021 lúc 20:52

Tham khảo:

      Normally, when I have free time, I usually play sports, watch tv, surf webs and read books. After learning stressful hours, such activities help me entertain and relax. And playing sport is the free time activity I like best. Firstly, I like to play sport because it is really a healthy activity. You know, sports provide many benefits for our health. It can improve health and help us to be strong. In the addition, sport help us increase in statue and have a excellent body. Secondly, I like sports. I feel as dynamic as possible. Moreover, It makes me full of energy. Lastly, well, It is what I enjoy most when playing sports. That is sports can help us take up the community. We will knows a lot of people because of having the same interests in playing sports. Trust me, I was acquainting a lot of friends when I play sports. In short, I like to play sport because it provides many benefits for me. And you? What are activities do you like best in your free time?

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đặng ngọc hải yến
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Thân Vũ Khánh Toàn
27 tháng 2 2018 lúc 11:28

1. Hello, everybody! My name is......  . Today I am here to present to you about Favorite TV shows. I very watching cartoons. And of all the film I have seen, “Grave of the fireflies” is one in the cartoons which I most. In Vietnamese it’s called is “Can ham đom đom” or “Mo đom đom”. It’s a tragic story about two childents in the war. It’s made from Japan by Ghibli studio, directed and written by Takahata  Isao. It is based on a nover of Nosaka Akiyuki. It’s written as a apologize to his sister. With Japanese, this film is understand as a fable about the respect. Film is been in historical background at the end of the seconds world war from Japan. Film tells a painful story but moving to brothers sentiment of two orphanages : Seita and Setsuko. They lost mother after a fierce bombing of American air force to Kobe city while their father combat for Japanese navy. So Seita and Setsuko must to struggle to exist between the famine and the resistance to merciless of surrounding people (that have their kinship). They have to live in a shelter-pit and often eat frogs and lizards. At the end, Setsuko have to die for hunger, pictures depict painfulness and the death of little girl can be considered as the most mournful film pictures in the cartoon Japan history. When everybody, who had seen this film are asked, most of them said they cried, and that have me.That brings me to the end of my presentation. Many thanks for your attention!

2. My favorite hobby is playing football in spare time. After completing my home work at home, I generally spend my lot of free time in playing football. I was so interested to play football from my childhood however started learning to play well when I was 5 years old. I was in one class when I was 5 years old. My father asked to my class teacher in the PTM about my hobby of football. And my teacher told him that there is a facility of playing sports daily in the school from class 1 so you can admit your child. Now, I really enjoy playing football and paripate in the inter-school competitions.

3. I work for Pentax cameras, in the export department. I don’t have a lot of free time, but I have one special hobby taking photographs, of course! I taking photographs of flowers, especially in spring. Sometimes, after work, I relax in a bar near my office with friends. My friend, Tung, s singing pop songs in the bar. This has a special name, Karaoke. I don’t sing. I’m too shy! I just watch him.

4, My dream home would be on the ocean, well not on the ocean but beside it with a white sandy beach. The house would be an A frame backed against a hill. The upper floor would be a half floor master bedroom with a kingsize water bed and ensuite with a hot tub and sauna. The front wall would be glass with a stairway coming up to the bedroom. On cloudy nights you could watch the floresents in the waves coming into the beach while you went to sleep. Other nights you could counting the stars in the western sky. 
On the main floor would be the kitchen-dining room combination, with all the newest appliances and an island in the middle of the kitchen with the stove top and hanging pots and pans over it. The sink would be under one of the windows. Under the other window would be the nook for family meals. Between the kitchen windows, which look out to the field where the horses would be enjoying the warm weather are the cupboards. The dining room would have a six chair pine table set and hutch china cabnet. There will also be a three piece bathroom off the kitchen. The living room is in the front with the big front window. The fireplace is on the side wall with small long windows overlooking the driveway to the road a half mile away. The three piece sectional is perfectly positioned to watch the sunset into the western sea. The basement has the laundry room at the back with sewing machine for mending before folding and taking clothes upstairs. Half of the front of the basement is a guest bedroom with ensuite and small fridge and two element stove. The computer room is also at the front of the basement. Both have views of the beach and sea. Opposite the laundry room is my husband's workshop. I don't know what he has in there as it is his domain. In the garage at the side of the house is our wine colored 94 Toyota Crasada and my husband's hog. We often ride the bike along the beach on warm evenings to visit friends.

Tự dịch nha

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Phạm Vi Ngọc Hân
27 tháng 2 2018 lúc 11:31

1. In TV, there are many kinds of programs : music , learn English , cartoon , News ..... and so on but I cartoon the most , the cartoon I watching is Tom and Jerry . In this cartoon , Tom and Jeny are main charaters . Tom is a cat with blue and white , he is a house keeper and he has free life . Jeny is a brown mouse , he very small and cute but he can run very fast . Jeny always gets Tom with trouble with the bull dog , and Tom often tries his best to catch Jeny but he never succesful . This cartoon give me a message : Never give up Tom although he never sucessful  but he always tries his best


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