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nguyễn thị tuyết sương
24 tháng 10 2018 lúc 19:51

Nowadays, environmental pollution is a hot issue, causing huge waves in public. There are a lot of scientific studies on this issue. Do you know that the cause of pollution originates from the tasks seeming small in our daily lives such as littering, deforestation, or the direct discharge of smoke from vehicles, factory into the environment without treatment. However, if these actions are repeated many times, gradually, the amount of pollution is increasing and has the opposite impact on our lives. The manifestation of environmental pollution is an increase in the carbon footprint in the air, soil and water, which is a gas that does not sustain life. Environmental pollution is also a direct cause of global warming, leading to a series of phenomena, such as the greenhouse effect, ice caps melting, natural disasters such as droughts, floods, volcanic eruption and so on. The sea level is rising, more and more natural disasters occur, which threaten all species, make some of which be rare or extinct, break the ecological balance on the Earth. Human beings are not exception. We are breathing polluted air, eating unsafe food. In recent years, we have seen a drama increase in the number of people suffering from respiratory and digestive diseases. In conclusion, environmental pollution is a matter taking a lot of concern. It is time for us to take action to overcome this current issue, to protect our own lives.

Ngày nay, ô nhiễm môi trường là một chủ đề nóng hổi, gây lên làn sóng trong dư luận. Đã có rất nhiều công trình nghiên cứu khoa học về vấn đề này. Bạn biết không, nguyên nhân của ô nhiễm bắt nguồn từ những công việc tưởng chừng như rất nhỏ trong cuộc sống hàng ngày của chúng ta như xả rác bừa bãi, phá rừng làm rẫy, hay tù khói của xe cộ, các xí nghiệp thải trực tiếp qua môi trường mà không được xử lí. Tuy nhiên nếu những hành động này được lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần, dần dần, lượng ô nhiễm ngày càng nhiều và tác động ngược lại đến với cuộc sống của chúng ta. Biểu hiện của ô nhiễm môi trường chính là sự tăng lên vè nồng độ carbon trong không khí, đất và nước, đây là chất khí không duy trì sự sống. Ô nhiễm môi trường còn là nguyên nhân trực tiếp dẫn đến sự nóng lên toàn cầu, dẫn đến hàng loạt hiện tượng như hiệu ứng nhà kính, băng tan hai cực, các thảm họa tự nhiên như hạn hán, lũ lụt, phun trào núi lửa,... Mực nước biển ngày càng dâng cao, ngày càng nhiều các thảm họa tự nhiên xuất hiện đã đe dọa đến tất cả các loài sinh vật, khiến một số loài trở nên khan hiếm hay thậm chí là tiệt chủng, gây ra sự mất cân bằng sinh thái trên trái đất. Con người cũng không ngoại lệ. Chúng ta đang hít phải không khí ô nhiễm, ăn những thực phẩm chưa đảm bảo chất lượng. Những năm gần đây, chúng ta chứng kiến con số tăng lên đáng kể những người mắc phải các căn bệnh liên quan đến hệ hô hấp, tiêu hóa. Nói tóm lại, ô nhiễm môi trường đang là vấn đề đáng lo ngại. Đã đến lúc chúng ta phải bắt tay hành động khắc phục hiện trạng này, bảo vệ cuộc sống của chính chúng ta.

Công chúa Anime
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The world around us is growing rapidly. The job bridge and everything increases but one thing you don't know is that environmental pollution also increases every day. The day of tons of waste is poured out, High substances like mountains. The garbage mountain is also the lack of people's awareness. Everyone who often lacks consciousness and littering wildly. . The places we go almost also saw garbage. Is the presence of our consciousness. The more environmental infection. Fire is also due to the environmental pollution. So we need Contributing to each person a little, each one will have no environmental pollution.

Bạn tham khảo bài do mình tự viết nhé!

Nguyễn Hoài Đức CTVVIP
29 tháng 8 2021 lúc 9:39

Tham Khảo :

Tiếng Anh

Environmental pollution has become a controversial issue that puts severe pressure on our rhythm of life. The pollution on Earth has reached such an alarming level that immediate involvement from governments and individuals collaboration now are of great importance. First and foremost, industrial activities are considered to be the main cause for air pollution. Along with the global industrialization, the burning of fossil fuels, motor vehicles and factories are contaminating the air by their emission of harmful fumes. In the second place, pervasive deforestation for land use, overuse of fertilizers and the dumping pollutants such as plastic or non- biodegradable packing in the ground has affected the ecosystem and led to soil pollution. This puts bad long- term effects on vegetation and soil fertility. Serious attempt to relieve the effects of pollution and preserve the environment need to be made as soon as possible. Governments can monitor the exhaust purification process of large factories so that they can prevent dangerous exhaust from the environment. Moreover, stricter regulations and laws against forests exploitation can help preserve pristine environment. Individuals should be responsible and raise awareness for the protection of environment. In conclusion, pollution has increasingly become a threat to the globe, directly affects our life and for the sake of environment and all citizens around the world, we should work hand in hand to protect our friendly house- the earth.

Tiếng Việt

Ô nhiễm môi trường đã và đang trở thành vấn đề gây tranh cãi và nó đã gây ra nhiều khó khăn áp lực lên cuộc sống của chúng ta. Tình trạng ô nhiễm môi trường trên trái đất đã chạm đến mức báo động vì vậy hiện tại những giải pháp cấp thiết từ chính phủ cũng như sự hợp tác của mỗi cá nhân là vô cùng quan trọng. Điều đầu tiên nói đến, những hoạt động công nghiệp được coi là nguyên nhân chính cho việc ô nhiễm không khí. Cùng với sự nóng lên toàn cầu, sự đốt cháy những nhiên liệu hoá thạch, các phương tiện xe cộ và các nhà máy đang làm ô nhiễm không khí bằng sự thải ra những khí độc hại. Điều thứ hai, sự phá rừng bừa bãi cho việc sử dụng đất, lạm dụng phân bón và sự thải ra những chất gây ô nhiễm như túi bóng hoặc những túi không thể phân hủy xuống đất đã ảnh hưởng nhiều đến hệ sinh thái và dẫn đến sự ô nhiễm đất. Điều này đã để lại những ảnh hưởng tiêu cực lâu dài lên hệ thực vật và sự phì nhiêu của đất. Những giải pháp cấp thiết để làm giảm tác hại của ô nhiễm môi trường và giữ gìn môi trường cần được đưa ra sớm nhất có thể. Chính phủ có thể quản lí quá trình xử lí các chất độc hại của các nhà máy lớn vì vậy họ có thể ngăn chặn những chất ô nhiễm ra ngoài môi trường. Hơn nữa, những quy định và luật lệ nghiêm khắc hơn đối với sự khai thác rừng có thể giúp bảo tồn môi trường tự nhiên. Các cá nhân cũng cần phải có trách nhiệm và nâng cao ý thức về việc bảo vệ môi trường. Kết lại, ô nhiễm môi trường đang nhanh chóng trở thành một mối nguy hiểm với toàn cầu, ảnh hưởng trực tiếp tới cuộc sống của chúng ta, và vì lợi ích của môi trường cũng như của công dân trên toàn thế giới, chúng ta cần chung tay bảo vệ ngôi nhà chung của chúng ta- trái đất.

trần ngọc linh
29 tháng 8 2021 lúc 9:42

tham khảo:

After three industrial revolutions, human keeps on taking steps to develop modern technology, making themselves the dominant species on the Earth. However, there is a high price to pay since pollution has become one of the most serious problems we have to confront. The first factor that is under great strain is the source of water. In the modern times, a number of factories have been built, leading to a huge amount of waste that needs to be dealt with. But with a lack of sewage treatment systems, most of this is dumped directly into rivers or lakes, destroying marine life. In addition, oil spills from tanker ship accidents also contribute to water population, which killed thousands of seabirds and aquatic animals. Not only water, the air is also contaminated seriously. It is shown that most of the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere comes from coal burning power plants and motor vehicles, causing global warming and greenhouse effect. The situation became worse since our green lungs have been damaged seriously due to the alarming rate of deforestation. As a result of air pollution, human health can be threatened and put at risk of respiratory problems and hives.Last but not least, soil pollution is another example of our negative impacts on the environment. With modern farming practices and the abuse of chemical pesticides, the quality of soil is increasingly degraded on account of the loss of important minerals and microorganisms in it. Moreover, it can be polluted by improper disposal of waste or heavy metals from factories and power plants. These substances will enter the waterways and then our food chain, which gradually do harm to our health. In all likelihood, arable land will turn into desert or be lost to erosion and water logging. To conclude, the environment is polluted at a high rate, affecting our life negatively in many ways. Therefore, there is a need to take measures to save the Earth before it is too late.

Phương Nhi
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Dân Chơi Đất Bắc=))))
24 tháng 2 2022 lúc 18:48

Refer nè :))

Nowadays, pollution is a popular term with everyone in the world and air pollution is one type of pollution. The definition of air pollution is one such form that refers to the contamination of the air, irrespective of indoors or outside. A physical, biological or chemical alteration to the air in the atmosphere can be termed as pollution. There are some main reasons which cause air contamination such as burning of fossil fuels, agricultural activities, exhaust from factories and industries, mining operations, and indoor air pollution. Air pollution always has bad effects on our life. Harmful gases, dust, and smoke enter into the atmosphere and make it difficult for plants, animals and humans to survive. We also can see some examples of the result of air contamination which occurs around us as global warming, acid rain, and depletion of ozone layer. The effects of air pollution are alarming, so governments over the world should have suitable policies of protecting the environment, especially air quality to create a clean world for our generation in the future.

24 tháng 2 2022 lúc 18:48

Tham khảo:

Nowadays, pollution is a popular term with everyone in the world and air pollution is one type of pollution. The definition of air pollution is one such form that refers to the contamination of the air, irrespective of indoors or outside. A physical, biological or chemical alteration to the air in the atmosphere can be termed as pollution. There are some main reasons which cause air contamination such as burning of fossil fuels, agricultural activities, exhaust from factories and industries, mining operations, and indoor air pollution. Air pollution always has bad effects on our life. Harmful gases, dust, and smoke enter into the atmosphere and make it difficult for plants, animals and humans to survive. We also can see some examples of the result of air contamination which occurs around us as global warming, acid rain, and depletion of ozone layer. The effects of air pollution are alarming, so governments over the world should have suitable policies of protecting the environment, especially air quality to create a clean world for our generation in the future.

Mỹ Hoà Cao
24 tháng 2 2022 lúc 18:54

Tham khảo :

We are living in the modern world and we have to face serious problems about the environment. One of the prominent problems is air pollution. Air pollution is caused by two specific reasons, which can be tackled by using appropriate measures. The first reason to be mentioned is human activities. People always litter everywhere and burn the rubbish without thinking of its consequences. Exhaust fumes from factories and vehicles are too much, so the level of air pollution is higher. Another reason is natural disasters. Drought often happens, which caused forest fires. This makes the air become more contaminated. There are several measures can be taken to deal with air pollution. The government should raise people's awareness. When people know the negative effects that air pollution creates, they will protect the environment more. We should plant more trees to protect our forests. To sum up, human activities and natural disasters are the main causes of air pollution. We have to take measures to protect the environment properly.

Bình Phạm
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Tiếng Anh 

I live in Vietnam and there are a lot of traffic problems in big cities in my country. Firstly, there are too many people using the roads especially in the rush hour when people run out to work and school or get home from those places. Secondly, there are too many vehicles on the road that leads to traffic jams. Another problem is that many roads are narrow and bumpy. Fourthly, there are traffic accidents every day so a lot of people lose their lives or are injured. So in order to travel on the roads safely, I think we should obey the traffic rules and traffic signs as well. Moreover, carefulness is very necessary.

Tiếng Việt

Tôi sống ở Việt Nam và có rất nhiều vấn đề giao thông ở các thành phố lớn của đất nước tôi. Thứ nhất, có quá nhiều người sử dụng đường đặc biệt là vào giờ cao điểm khi mọi người chạy ra ngoài đi làm và đi học hoặc về nhà từ những nơi đó. Thứ hai, có quá nhiều phương tiện lưu thông trên đường dẫn đến tắc đường. Một vấn đề khác là nhiều con đường hẹp và gập ghềnh. Thứ tư, ngày nào cũng có tai nạn giao thông xảy ra khiến rất nhiều người mất mạng hoặc bị thương. Vì vậy, để đi trên đường an toàn, tôi nghĩ chúng ta nên tuân thủ luật lệ giao thông và các biển báo giao thông. Hơn nữa, tính cẩn thận là rất cần thiết.

Hà Dương
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15 tháng 1 2018 lúc 23:29

Environment is an essential part of our life. A clean environment is necessary for a peaceful and healthy life. An environment is the natural surroundings which helps human beings, animals and other living things to grow and develop naturally. But nowadays, our environment is disturbing in many different ways. Any type of disturbance in the nature’s balance affects the environment totally. It does not only ruin human lives but also affects on all living beings. We can save our environment with the little step taken by everyone on the earth. We should reduce the amount of waste, throwing wastes properly to its place only…and many other simple ways. It is very important to save environment for human existence. When we protect the environment, we are protecting ourselves and our future as well.

Huyền Tống Khánh
16 tháng 1 2018 lúc 22:13

Nowadays, the environment is seriously polluted. It is high time for us to protect the environment. Firstly, we should put the waste baskets on the streets to prevent the people from throwing trash everywhere. Secondly, a lot of trees should be planted to keep the air cleaner. Finally, by using bicycles or public transports instead of motorbikes or cars helps us reduce air and noisy pollution. Therefore, we can protect the environment by above ways.

Trần Trọng Quân
18 tháng 6 2018 lúc 10:42

Environment is an essential part of our life. A clean environment is necessary for a peaceful and healthy life. An environment is the natural surroundings which helps human beings, animals and other living things to grow and develop naturally. But nowadays, our environment is disturbing in many different ways. Any type of disturbance in the nature’s balance affects the environment totally. It does not only ruin human lives but also affects on all living beings. We can save our environment with the little step taken by everyone on the earth. We should reduce the amount of waste, throwing wastes properly to its place only…and many other simple ways. It is very important to save environment for human existence. When we protect the environment, we are protecting ourselves and our future as well.

Hảii Nhânn
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Minh Nhân
2 tháng 6 2021 lúc 21:08

Bạn tham khảo nhé !

I live in Ha noi and this city has got some several issues related to environmental pollution. The major environmental pollutions that this city has are air pollution and sound pollution.
Air pollution is also very concerning in this city and the chemical smoke, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide emitted from automobiles and industries are the main reason for air pollution. This city has more than million automobiles and thousands of industries which are omitting the dangerous gases, and ingredients which are causing the air pollutions. Air pollution is the direct reason people suffer from various dangerous diseases including lung cancer, asthma, heart disease etc. In fact the number of people currently suffering from these diseases in alarming and if steps are not taken to prevent air pollution immediately, this number would rapidly increase.
Sound pollution is produced by the loud horns used by the cars, loud sound used for announcement and cacophony created due to loud sound. Airplanes that fly over the resident area created a very loud noise as well. Air pollution is a silent killer that causes lots of serious diseases including hearing and brain cancer. The air pollution directly affects the natural balance by affecting the wild lives.
The most important thing to reduce pollution in our city is to create public awareness. We are mostly creating that pollution and endangering ourselves, the Earth and other species. Without our awareness and strict determination to prevent our city from pollution, we can’t reduce or prevent it. Strict laws should be introduced and be applied against any environmental pollution and all the illegitimate industries and companies should be banned. The decentralisation of industries and offices can be effective as it would reduce the number of people currently living in this city.
Job opportunities and other facilities should be improved in the rural areas so that people can manage works in their own cities and villages other than coming to this city. The education and morality are two important aspects that help people understand the necessity of keeping the city clean and healthy.

Chu Hiếu
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Lê Nhật Phương
31 tháng 12 2017 lúc 10:16

I live in Son La, Vietnam. Habitat, some clean places, some heavily polluted. But the environment is currently severely polluted. Environmental pollution is also controlled by us, air pollution: Dust generated by industrial plants. Water pollution due to: chemical fertilizers and pesticides leach into groundwater and pond water; Domestic wastewater discharged from riverside residential areas causes serious pollution, affecting the health of people and living in the area. Thus, polluted environment is a threat to human life. We need to hit the alarm bell to wake up people, need to jointly protect the environment.

Trần Hải Yến
8 tháng 1 2018 lúc 20:53

Many cities have a serious pollution problem. Motor vehicles, factories, and other sources create so much air pollution that it may hang in the air like dirty fog. Air pollution threatens the health of the people who live in cities. City wastes cause water pollution when they are poured into waterways. These wastes kill fish and make some areas unfit for swimming. In addition, many large cities have difficulty disposing of their garbage. The amount of garbage grows each year, but places to put it are quickly filling up.

Citizens, governments, industries, scientists, and business people must work together to gradually reduce pollution. For example, most cities have introduced recycling programs, which cut down on garbage and the space needed to store it. Residents spearate recyclable produces from garbage, and city governments provide drop-off cities or pick up the products from homes.

Bangtan Bàngtán Bất Bình...
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23 tháng 4 2019 lúc 9:20

Môi trường hiện nay đang bị ô nhiễm nặng nề bởi chất thải của các khu công nghiệp, rác thải sinh hoạt, khói bụi các phương tiện giao thông... Với nhịp độ gia tăng dân số và tốc độ phát triển công nghiệp và hoạt động đô thị hoá như hiện nay thì diện tích đất canh tác ngày càng bị thu hẹp, chất lượng đất ngày càng bị suy thoái. Đối với nguồn nước bị ô nhiễm làm giảm độ đa dạng sinh vật trong nước. Ô nhiễm nước có nguyên nhân từ các loại nước,chất thải công nghiệp được thải ra lưu vực các con sông mà chưa qua xử lí đúng mức; các loại phân bón hoá học và thuốc trừ sâu ngấm vào nguồn nước ngầm và nước ao hồ; nước thải sinh hoạt được thải ra từ các khu dân cư ven sông gây ô nhiễm trầm trọng,ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe của người dân,sinh vật trong khu vực. Ô nhiễm môi trường không khí là do khí thải của các nhà máy, khí thải từ phương tiện giao thông làm cho không khí không sạch hoặc gây mùi khó chịu, giảm thị lực khi nhìn xa do bụi. Như vậy, môi trường bị ô nhiễm là đe dọa đến cuộc sống con người. Chúng ta cần đánh lên hồi chuông cảnh báo để thức tỉnh mọi người, cần chung tay bảo vệ môi trường.

Bangtan Bàngtán Bất Bình...
23 tháng 4 2019 lúc 9:30

bằng tiếng anh nha

23 tháng 4 2019 lúc 9:33

mik quên , sory nha 

Phạm Ngọc Ánh
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Nguyễn Phương Mai
2 tháng 5 2022 lúc 19:27

Tham Khảo về ô nhiễm nước

Water pollution is among one of the most concerning problem facing the world today. There are some causes of water pollution. The first reason is the daily activities of everyone when somebody disposes the waste in wrong places. Besides, the the operation of the plant also pollutes the water, because industrial waste water has not been treated. Moreover, increasing population is creating many issues but it also plays negative role in polluting the water. It leads to increase in solid waste generation, which is discharged in to rivers. These actions are ideal conditions for bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases. They are spreading through polluted water and affecting human health. To solve the problems, there should be proper waste disposal system and waste should be treated before entering in to river. Educational and awareness programs should be organized to control the pollution.

Phương Mai
2 tháng 5 2022 lúc 19:29

Tham khảo ô nhiễm không khí

Nowadays, big cities are facing with air pollution, one of the most serious global issues. One of the causes is vehicular traffic. The combustion of the automobile fuel whether it is diesel or petrol, that powers a vehicle, leads to the release of poisonous gases released through the exhaust of the vehicle. Smoke generated by factories is also let out into the air leading to pollution. Moreover, the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, as also the burning of wood for cooking, and of farm wastes lead to harmful smoke polluting the air. Air pollution always has bad effects on our life. People around the world are suffering from respiratory and cardiac problems, and diseases such as cancer affecting other organs of the body too. To improve the air quality, people should plant more trees and use pubic transports instead of private vehicles.

Nguyễn Ngọc Linh
2 tháng 5 2022 lúc 19:32

Tham khảo ô nhiễm đất

Soil plays an important role in our life because it is the component where the sources of life like water and sunlight air come together. The pollution of this precious element has now turned into a global problem and not the only country’s concern. Soil pollution can be defined as the increase of persistent toxic elements in the soil like the presence of chemicals, salts, disease-causing agents, radioactive wastes, or anything that changes the soil’s quality and causes an adverse effect in the growth of the plant and on human health. Soil pollution can be reduced by proper regulated waste dumping and by avoiding littering, reduced use and throwing of toxic material, recycling of waste materials, decreasing the use of toxic fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, and instead opting for organic products, stop deforestation by growing more plants (reforestation). It is our role as students to understand the importance of preserving the purity in soil and saving it from contamination by educating others on the matter through the spreading of awareness.