Những câu hỏi liên quan
Phụng Nguyễn Thị
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11 tháng 12 2017 lúc 12:35

New Year day is one of the most widely celebrated festivals in our country. This is the occasion that people celebrates with great joy, hope, festivity and different cultural and other programs.

New Year is the time when a new calendar year begins and the year count is incremented. According to the Gregorian calendar, this festival falls on the first January each year.

People start the arrangement to celebrate this festival about one week prior to the 1st January. On the 31st night, people gather together, eat western foods and sometimes the traditional foods, make prayer for the prosperity of for the New Year and stay awake till late night to enjoy the night.

In my country, people groom well in the first January. To some extent, people believe that the first January is important to them as it the starting of a new year. They believe that remaining happy, eating good foods and wearing nice clothes would make them happy and prosperous for the whole year.

People greet others, give and receive gifts, visit the amusement parks and do many other activities. Some fares held on for the occasion and a great gathering is observed there. So of the big trade fares, book fares start on the 1st day of the year.

This is an important festival to us. We along with the whole world take this day as an important festival day. In our tradition, we start the year with the hope of eliminating the bitterness and failure of the past year and start a fresh year with the hope of fortune and happiness.

Phát Trương
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Hoàng Phong
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Đinh Nho Hoàng
3 tháng 6 2016 lúc 22:27

oh no I can't do it

ngô nhật trang
9 tháng 6 2016 lúc 20:49

i can't its verry diffcult

do you think


Nguyen Thi Phung
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Cô Bé Ham Ăn
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hot boy lạnh lùng
24 tháng 4 2019 lúc 21:34

Hi! My name is Ana and I’m 14 years old. My favourite subjects are Sciences and Languages. My free time activities are basketball, swimming, chatting on the internet and reading my favourites books. I really playing with children but I also to defend my friends and help them solving their problems. So I’d to go into the medicine or law. Medicine because I love helping and doing everything to help other people. Law because I love defending innocent people and making juse, to change our world into a better place…

I’m an ambitious girl, because I know that medicine and law are very complicated and difficult areas! I’ll have to study a lot. But I think that in the future I can be a judge or a paediatrician and find a good job.

My dream is having my own clinic. So I have 4 months to decide what area I would to go. I know I have to go to many jobs interviews… they are very important to give a good impression. We should answer all questions clearly and directly, dress appropriately for the interview and bring extra copies of our CV’s and references. We shouldn’t chew gum, talk fast or slang and be late to the interview. I’m worried about unemployment, because there are many areas where people are qualified and they can’t find a job. Some of them have to fight and try other options.

I would to have a part-time job, because I to have my own money to buy my things. Having a part-time job is very good to obtain some experience and responsibility. The advantage of having a part-time job is the experience and the disadvantages are the less hours of studying and the little wage. I expect to find a good job in the future!

Nguyễn lê hải ngọc
24 tháng 4 2019 lúc 21:36

khó dịch ra

hot boy lạnh lùng
24 tháng 4 2019 lúc 21:41

Mình dịch ra cho:

Chào! Tên tôi là Ana và tôi 14 tuổi. Môn học yêu thích của tôi là Khoa học và Ngôn ngữ. Các hoạt động thời gian rảnh của tôi là bóng rổ, bơi lội, trò chuyện trên internet và đọc những cuốn sách yêu thích của tôi. Tôi thực sự thích chơi với trẻ em nhưng tôi cũng thích bảo vệ bạn bè và giúp chúng giải quyết vấn đề của chúng. Vì vậy, tôi đã muốn đi vào y học hoặc pháp luật. Y học vì tôi thích giúp đỡ và làm mọi thứ để giúp đỡ người khác. Luật pháp vì tôi thích bảo vệ những người vô tội và tạo ra công lý, để thay đổi thế giới của chúng ta thành một nơi tốt đẹp hơn

Tôi là một cô gái đầy tham vọng, bởi vì tôi biết rằng y học và pháp luật là những lĩnh vực rất phức tạp và khó khăn! Tôi phải học rất nhiều. Nhưng tôi nghĩ rằng trong tương lai tôi có thể là một thẩm phán hoặc bác sĩ nhi khoa và tìm được một công việc tốt.

Ước mơ của tôi là có phòng khám riêng. Vì vậy, tôi có 4 tháng để quyết định khu vực nào tôi muốn đi. Tôi biết tôi phải đi phỏng vấn nhiều công việc, họ rất quan trọng để tạo ấn tượng tốt. Chúng ta nên trả lời tất cả các câu hỏi một cách rõ ràng và trực tiếp, ăn mặc phù hợp cho buổi phỏng vấn và mang thêm các bản sao CV CV và các tài liệu tham khảo. Chúng ta không nên nhai kẹo cao su, nói nhanh hoặc tiếng lóng và đến trễ cuộc phỏng vấn. Tôi lo lắng về tình trạng thất nghiệp, bởi vì có nhiều lĩnh vực mà mọi người có trình độ và họ có thể tìm được việc làm. Một số trong số họ phải chiến đấu và thử các lựa chọn khác.

Tôi muốn có một công việc bán thời gian, vì tôi muốn có tiền riêng để mua đồ của mình. Có một công việc bán thời gian là rất tốt để có được một số kinh nghiệm và trách nhiệm. Ưu điểm của việc có một công việc bán thời gian là kinh nghiệm và nhược điểm là thời gian học ít hơn và mức lương ít. Tôi hy vọng sẽ tìm được một công việc tốt trong tương lai!

Xem chi tiết
15 tháng 7 2021 lúc 15:05

Tham khảo bạn nhé

My family is one the most bizarre family in the world. We are four people, my mother, my father, my younger brother and me. While my father is the one who does work for a living, it is my mother who is the boss of the house. My father is a humble person. He is an officer in a government department. My mother is a housewife. It is our mother who takes care of our studies as our father is often busy with his official assignments and even travels for days together. We just miss him when he is not at home. He never scolds us. But, our mother is just the opposite. She wants us to remain disciplined and we often get scolded by her. However, our father comes to our rescue most of the times. My brother, still in school is the one with whom I love to spend my time the most. Not because I love to play with him, but because, being the elder sister, I enjoy instructing him and showing him who is more powerful at home. He, at a time, seems so helpless when our mother says to obey his sister. I just love that moment. But not all days are the same. I hate having to study all along while he gets to play more than me.  We largely have a peaceful atmosphere at home. After school, our time is spent on studying, playing and watching television, which of course our mother does not like. Unlike other couples, my mother and father seldom have a fight. In fact, as soon we see an argument brewing up, one of them just withdraws and it is just rare to see a heated conversation between them. This is what I like the most about them as I feel that my parents are so cool. It is only me and my brother who love to fight with each other. However, we know that behind those fights, it is actually our love for each other that binds us together. I just enjoy being at home spending time with my parents and my brother. I just feel how bad it would be when tomorrow I and my brother shall move on for our professional lives and we shall not be able to spend much time together. However, it is the memories of today which shall be with me forever and will bring a smile on my face anytime when I feel lonely.A family is said to be the first school of a child. It is from here you start to learn how to speak, walk and interact with the world. It is important to value the importance of a family in one’s life. At times, people feel that they are grown-ups and that their parent’s advice does not matter anymore, but that is not true. It is the elders of the family who at any given of time would know the world better than us and we should all respect our family members and love our siblings as well. It is the family who builds our character and we should feel fortunate to have a family around us.