Hoàng Nhật Minh

Fill in the correct preposition.

1. I met an old friend ..... chance while i was out shopping.

2. I like to spend a month ..... the seaside every summer.

3. We went to theatre .... bus.

4. Martin took my notebook ....mistake.

5. Liz didn't mean to do that, she did it ..... accident.

6. Dad is .... work right now.

7. They met while they were ..... university.

8. I found this ring quite .... chance.

9. He went ..... a walk to get some fresh air.

10. We have to be back home by 11:00 pm .....

11. I met him quite ..... accident.

12. The best way to go there is ..... bus.

13. What shall we have ..... dinner?

14. That flat screen TV is ..... sale. It's very cheap.

15. Call the fire brigade! The building is ..... fire!

16. This room is .... a mess! We need to tidy it up.

17. He dislike using credit cards, so he always pays ..... cash.

18. I've been ..... touch ..... the manager about the problem.

19. The post office is shut because the workers are ..... strike.

20. ...... my opinion, that was an excellent film.

21. My friend took me .... a tour of Italy

22. Mr Avery can't speak to you- he's ..... the phone.

23. She loves the countryside because she was brought up ..... a farm.

24. Mrs Clark insisted ...... paying the bill at the restaurant.

25. I'm really annoyed ..... Tracy ...... telling everyone my secret.

26. Mattew is responsible ...... organising the decorations for the party.

27. You should speak ..... your teacher .... your poor grades.

28. The film was a complete waste ..... money. We left before it even finished.

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