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The national traditional dress in Vietnam is the ao dai, a silk tunic with pants worn by women and men. Ao dài are worn for special occasions including Tet, the new year celebration. Since the twentieth century, Vietnamese people have also worn contemporary clothing that is popular in many places in the world.The ao dai features a long silk tunic with slits on the sides that is worn over pants and often includes a matching fabric headpiece.When wearing Ao dai,I feel really interesting because I can show the foreign people about the traditional costumes in VietNam.These costumes and traditionals need to be protected because it's remind us of the simple beauty of women in the past,how they make ao dai is really complicated.So we should protect and preserve Ao Dai .I really like Ao dai because In every Tet holiday,me and my parents can try on the traditional outfit of Vietnam, the ao dai. Find the living room of the house and take a photo of yourself in the special clothing!
One of the most important festival in Vietnam is Tet. And I remeber that there's a custom that most of Vietnamese do in Tet is "bring Kitchen God and Land Genie to the heaven". On 23rd of January, Vietnamese people will prepare 2 or 3 carps with a few more things to bring Kitchen God and Land Genie go to the heaven. I often feel happy and excited about this customs because Vietnamese people think that Kitchen God and Land Genie will tell the Jade Emperor what happened in last year and ask him to help citizen to make New year will be better. I think that this customs needs to be preserved and protected because they are important and also makes Vietnamese people feel excited in the New Year,too.
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