Hà Minh Long

VI. Fill in each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each
space. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
At the present time, gas and oil are expensive. Developing countries cannot export__(1)__
agricultural products and other raw materials to __(2)__ the fuel that they need to produce energy. At
the same time, petroleum supplies are limited, and in a __(3)__ decades they will run out. However,
the supply of sunlight is limitless, and most of the poor countries of the world are in the tropics
__(4)__ there is plenty of sunlight.
The photovoltaic cell__(5)__ a very important advantage. It is a clean source of energy. The
fossil fuels that we use today__(6)__ the main source of the pollution in our atmosphere.
It took only a decade __(7)___ scientists to know that solar energy from photovoltaic cell was
not just a dream. They have already __(8)___ that it can become an important source of energy. By the
end of the century, it will be cheaper to produce electricity with solar cells__(9)__ from petroleum.
The photovoltaic cell can be the solution to one of the __(10)___ serious problems in the world today.


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