I always think that school life in Viet Nam are the same as any way,but now I think I'am wrong.I don't have to go far,just need my old primary school.When I was a second graders,my school had a playground.It is made from bamboo.The buildings are old,the windows had broken a piece or two,so sun rays usually got in in the summer.The schoolyard is a big ground of sand.Flower beds didn't usually be seen here.The restroom are dirty and scarry,so I didn't go there often.But now,life have changed.The playground is made from iron so it is smooth and clean.The windows are made from glass and have cushions.The schoolyard are well paved,but there are some sandground are left so that we can do excercise.The school is beautyful in many colours of the flowers.The restroom is now cleaned,and there are lights there.Life changed alot.