Phuonganh Nhu

In the Vietnamese town of Vong Nguyet, silk-making has been an important business for 1,200 years. Many of the village people keep silkworms in their living rooms. Each basket contains hundreds of silkworm caterpillars. Throughout the village of Vong Nguyet, people turn the cocoons into silk thread. The first step is to heat the cocoons so that the silk becomes loose. The end of each cocoon must be found by hand and spun together.

The old spinning machines haven’t changed much for over a thousand years. The modern machine has been designed for a finer, higher quality silk thread. It is much faster, but the ends of the silk fibers still have to be found by hand. Once the silk thread is made, it will leave Vong Nguyet and be sent to the weaving town of Van Phuc. Here the silk is made ready for the weaving machines, called looms.

The process of weaving Silk is very slow and the machines must be watched all the time. It takes around two and a half hours to make one meter of silk material. After a lot of work on the part of man and moth, the silk cloth is finally completed. Despite the invention of cheaper materials, natural silk is still loved for its beauty and comfort. This amazing product of man and moth continues to be extremely popular around the world.

1.         What is the passage mainly about?

        A. The origin of silk making                                          B. The reasons why silk is popular

        C. The process of making silk cloth                               D. A silk village in Viet Nam

2.         Where do most people in Vong Nguyet keep silkworms?

        A. in kitchens                                                                  B. inside baskets In the living rooms

        C. in bedrooms                                                               D. on the floor

3.         Which of the following is TRUE about mordern spinning machines?

        A. They produce better silk threads.

        B. They are completely different from the old machines.

        C. The old machines are faster than the mordern ones.

        D. People no longer have to find the ends of silk fibers by hand thanks to them

4. Which of the following CANNOT be done by machines?

        A. Weaving silk                                                              B. Finding the end of cocoons

        C. Spinning cocoons                                                       D. Making silk thread

5. Why is natural silk popular all over the world?        

        A. Because it is luxurious,                                              B. Because it is hard to make.

        C. Because it is expensive.                                             D. Because it is comfortable.

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