In Sleeping Beauty, the old fairy showed her______________ when cursing at this little princess.
A. evil B. evilly C. evilness D. evily
6. He always______________ about his talent.
A. boasts B. boaster C. boastful D. boastfully
7. She is wearing a ______________dress.
A. color B. colorful C. colored D. coloring
8. The witch is______________ and______________
A. greedy-wicked B. greed-wick C. greedy-wick D. greed-wicked
9. In Chung cakes and Day cakes, Tiet Lieu was made the new______________
A. empire B. empery C. emperor D. emperorship
10. The tortoise tried to run as______________ as he could.
A. fast B. fasten C. fastly D. fastness
11. The footsteps behind Alice made her___________
A. fright B. frighten C. frightened D. frightening
12. What a___________ lion!
A. fierce B. fiercely C. fierceness D. fiercily