Tình Nguyễn

I. Complete the following sentences by using the correct form of the verbs. (Simple future tense)

1. What (you, do) ____________________ this evening?

2. I’m a little busy. I (have) ____________________ time to help you with your homework later though.

3. Mr. Brown (give) ____________________ us a grammar test tomorrow.

4. You (help) ____________________ your friend after class, won’t you?

5. Kyung Sook (cook) ____________________ something tasty for dinner tonight. Will you try it?

6. Next year, the university (change) ____________________ its entrance requirements.

7. We (move) ____________________ to the new campus in 2010.

8. ____________________ (you, go) camping with our club on Saturday?

9. ____________________ (you, go) to Canada on your vacation?

10.         Our friends ____________________ (meet) us in front of the Sears department store.

11.         Miss Brown ____________________ (make) a new list tonight.

12.         We (ask) ____________________a policeman which road to take.

13.         My wife (call) ____________________ on you tomorrow.

14.         I (have) ____________________ my lunch at twelve o’clock.

15.         He (be) ____________________ here on Wednesday.

16.         He (come) ____________________ at two o’clock tomorrow.

17.         The new park (cover) ____________________ a very great area.

18.         We (know) ____________________ the answer tomorrow.

19.         I hope we (meet) ____________________ him tonight.

20.         When the thermometer is below zero water ____________________. (freeze)

21. She (buy) ____________________ her ticket the day after tomorrow.

22.         We (go) ____________________for a long walk soon.

23.         A lift (take) ____________________ us to the top floor of the hotel.

24. I am afraid it (be) ____________________ quite impossible.

25. I’m sure they (understand) ____________________ your problem.

II. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence (Quantifiers)

1. There wasn't ______________ snow last night.

A. many                        B. much                        C. few                        D. a large number of

2. ______________the students in my class enjoy taking part in social activities.

A. Most of                        B. Most                        C. Many                D. The number of

3. He's always busy. He has ______________ time to relax.

A. much                        B. little                        C. a little                D. plenty of

4. She put so ______________ salt in the soup that she couldn't have it. It was too salty.

A. many                        B. little                        C. much                D. a little

5. He made too ______________ mistakes in his writing.

A. a few                        B. much                        C. many                D. a number of

6. How ______________students are there in your class?

A. little                        B. few                                C. much                D. many

7. I feel sorry for her. She has ______________ friends.

A. many                        B. a few                        C. few                        D. a great deal of

8. I spent ______________ my spare time gardening last year.

A. most of                        B. most                        C. many of                D. a large number of

9. He doesn't have so ______________ friends as I think.

A. much                        B. a great deal of                C. many                D. a large number of

10. There was so ______________ traffic that it took me an hour to get home.

A. a lot of                        B. little                        C. much                D. many

11. Learning a language needs ______________ patience.

A. a few                        B. much                        C. many                D. little

12. ______________ the shops in the city center close at 5.30.

A. Many                        B. Much of                        C. Some                D. Most of

13. We had a boring holiday. ______________ the time we lay on the beach.

A. Most                        B. Much                        C. Most of                D. Many of

14. With only______________ hope, Harry didn't know how to keep going another day.

A. little                        B. a little                        C. few                        D. a few

15. How ______________ money have you got?

A. many                        B. much                        C. a lot of                D. a great deal of

16. There was very ______________ food at the party but I didn't eat anything.

A. little                        B. much                        C. many                D. a lot of

17. I think ______________ you are very tired after your long journey.

A. many                        B. much                        C. many of                D. much of

18. We didn't take ______________ photographs when we were on holiday.

A. much                        B. a lot of                        C. many of                D. a great deal of

19. There isn't ______________ shampoo in the bathroom.

A. any                                B. some                        C. little                D. few

20. Would you like ______________ tea?

A. some                        B. many                        C. a few                D. any

21. He had so ______________ things to do.

A. many                        B. a lot of                        C. much                D. little

22. The mixture looks rather dry. Maybe you should add ______________ water.

A. a few                        B. few                                C. a little                D. little

23. We're having a big party. We've invited ______________ friends.

A. a lot of                        B. much                        C. many of                D. no

24. Could I try ______________ wine?

A. a little                        B. a few                        C. little                D. Few

25. Could I try ______________ wine?

A. a little                        B. a few                        C. little                D. Few

26. ______________ my students are familiar with this kind of school activities.

A. Most                        B. Most of                        C. A few                D. few

27. He had spent ______________ time writing an essay about his childhood.

A. a large number of                B. a great deal of                C. a few                D. many

28. Peter has spent ______________ time and money on stamp collecting.

A. a few of                        B. many of                        C. a great deal of        D. a large number of

29. Peter has spent ______________ time and money on stamp collecting.

A. a few of                        B. many of                        C. a great deal of        D. a large number of

30. How______________ furniture do you think there is?

A. many                        B. much                        C. few                        D. a lot of

31. Why don't you take a break? Would you like ______________ coffee?

A. few                                B. some                        C. many                D. much

32. He drank ______________ wine last night and gets sick now.

A. too many                        B. too much                        C. few of                D. a large number of

33. Give me ______________ examples, please!

A. a few                        B. a little                        C. few                        D. little

34. Is there ______________ water in the glass?

A. any                                B. some                        C. many                D. lots of

35. Peter doesn't want ______________ to do.

A. something                        B. anything                        C. nothing                D. everything

36. Can you speak French? - Yes,______________.

A. a few                        B. few                                C. a little                D. little

37. Thank you very ______________ for your help.

A. many                        B. much                        C. a lot of                D. little

38. He is very rich. He has ______________money in the bank.

A. a great deal of                B. many                        C. a large number of        D. few

39. She put too ______________ sugar in the coffee. It became so sweet that I couldn't drink it.

A. many                        B. much                        C. few                        D. little

40. I have got ______________ homework to do.

A. many                        B. few                                C. a lot of                D. a large number of

41. She has talked too ______________.

A. much                        B. many                        C. few                        D. a great deal

42. He made very ______________ mistakes.

A. much                        B. many                        C. little                D. a number of

43. They know ______________ about what to do.

A. many                        B. few                                C. little                D. the number of

44. ______________ children are ill-prepared for employment.

A. Much                        B. Most                        C. A little                D. Most of

45. Would you like ______________champagne to drink?

A. some                        B. few                                C. a few                D. many

46. When I studied Shakespeare, I thought his plays were______________ boring.

A. many                        B. much                        C. few                        D. a few

47. ______________ of the students are good today.

A. Most                        B. Much                        C. A little                D. Very

48. There were too______________ different nationalities in my class and we had to speak English.

A. a lot of                        B. much                        C. some                D. many

49. I don't know ______________ about English literature.

A. many                        B. much                        C. a few                D. little

50. At the beginning, everybody spoke English very quickly, and I couldn't understand ______________, but now things are easier.

A. much                        B. many                        C. a great deal of        D. a lot of

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