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Đỗ Quyên


Describe a positive change in your life. You should say:

- what the change was about

- when it happened

- describe details of the change happened

- and describe how it affected you later in life.

21 tháng 2 2022 lúc 22:56

Hmm....I think I've changed a lot since I started hoc24. Here I learned many new things, helped me review old knowledge. I got to know hoc24 by asking questions on the internet once. At first, I did not intend to participate in this website, but I found something interesting and interesting, so I signed up. When I was in 8th grade, I didn't know anything about Chemistry, I have to say that it was the subject that I hated the most after Math. Starting again with a short story as follows: I saw a friend posted a question about Chemistry, and it was quite simple because it was old knowledge that I learned through. I quickly flipped through the book Turned Out and followed the instructions, although slowly, my heart suddenly felt a little interested in Chemistry. Maybe it's because I haven't studied for a long time that I think so. Honestly, if I'm interested in that subject, it shouldn't be a problem. After that time, I suddenly became more advanced in this subject. The test scores in class are very high, learning is also absorbed faster. I want to thank hoc24 very much!

All the above sentences are translated using google, if there is a grammatical error, please forgive me :D

                                                                   THAT'S ALL!

Kudo Shinichi AKIRA^_^
21 tháng 2 2022 lúc 22:39

Mong cô tick

- Change is change is the process of moving from the present state to another state, from the present to the vision of the future. ... Change management incorporates tools organizations apply to help individuals successfully transform individuals leading to organizational change.

- When it happens it can have many things and leave many things.

-For example, an old village will change into a modern village leaving some culture behind..

- Change will of course affect me because I can achieve my desires even with the highest and hardest, but I will have to lose what I consider the easiest will also become the hardest when I lose it.

Thái Hưng Mai Thanh
21 tháng 2 2022 lúc 22:59

- to be a good student

- fighting with friends at school

- Since the school called me to write a review and ask my parents to come work, when I got home, my parents yelled at me and forced me to review the things I did, I also repented of the things that I did. i did
and told myself that from now on, I would never fight and violate the school rules and not disappoint my parents

-That incident affected my academic performance and I will have a hard time finding a job later on because my transcript will follow for a lifetime and I will lose my own credibility.

nguyễn thị hương giang
21 tháng 2 2022 lúc 23:03

Of course. Here is my chance to tell you about a positive and optimistic change in my life:

1.If the change for each person is after each trip, or going out, or buying a new outfit, it is not for me. Personally, the positive changes in my life are the achievements I have achieved in my studies and other extracurricular activities.

2.That is something that I did not know in advance, perhaps forged from my hard work and study.

3.That was in 9th grade, I was a good student in Physics at district level, won prizes in creative science competitions, and made many achievements in extracurricular activities such as buying songs, introducing books, acting.. . and more.

4.It gave me confidence in speaking in front of a crowd, showing my full potential, being loved by everyone. But it also partly affected my health, at that time I was sick for a while.

Trần Đức Huy
22 tháng 2 2022 lúc 5:41

My biggest change in my learning path was in middle school. It happened when I was 10 years old when I was still a 5th grader. Entering middle school, the knowledge was much more difficult, the exercises piled up, and on Saturday, it took a day off. Because I attended a special school, I couldn't finish my homework. Every afternoon at school increases the hours to 5 hours. Teachers at school are much stricter than primary school teachers. Left Contrary to that, that is the driving force that pushes me to rise up, keep up with you guys, absorb knowledge and I do my homework faster than before.

Đỗ Tuệ Lâm
22 tháng 2 2022 lúc 6:25

Describe a positive change in your life. You should say:

- What is change: I learn and stay positive with everything

- when it happens: I am ready to receive, face - detailed description of the change that occurred: That day, I accidentally upset someone because I talked unkindly with them

- and describe how it affects you later in life: I don't dare to speak without thinking anymore, now I talk with my tongue 7 times

Nghiêm Hoàng Nam
22 tháng 2 2022 lúc 7:41

Mô hình Câu trả lời 1:
Không nghi ngờ gì nữa, tất cả chúng ta đều trải qua một số loại thay đổi trong cuộc sống của chúng ta tại một số thời điểm của cuộc đời theo cách này hay cách khác. Mặc dù một số thay đổi đó có thể không được chú ý, nhưng những thay đổi khác có thể mang lại một số thay đổi tích cực trong cuộc sống của chúng ta, và hôm nay tôi muốn nói về một thay đổi tích cực như vậy.

Tôi đã có nhiều sở thích trong đời, nhưng “đọc” không phải là một trong số đó. Tất nhiên, tôi không gặp khó khăn gì khi nghiên cứu tất cả các loại sách học thuật để vượt qua các bài kiểm tra ở trường và cao đẳng, nhưng khi nghiên cứu bất cứ thứ gì khác, như sách truyện, tiểu thuyết, hoặc sách về khoa học, công nghệ, nâng cao kỹ năng sống. và kiến ​​thức, tôi sẽ trở thành một trong những người lười biếng nhất trên trái đất.

Cha mẹ tôi thậm chí đôi khi đã từng “hối lộ” để tôi phát triển thói quen đọc sách, nhưng không có gì thực sự có thể thay đổi suy nghĩ của tôi. Nhưng, đột nhiên, một ngày nọ, khi tôi đang là sinh viên năm cuối đại học khoảng 6 năm trước, một trong những giáo viên yêu thích của tôi đề nghị tôi gợi ý một số cuốn sách thú vị để đọc, trong khi thầy sẽ đi nghỉ hè, tôi không biết phải làm sao. noi. Hiểu được tình huống khó xử của tôi, giáo viên của tôi mỉm cười bỏ đi trong khi tôi cảm thấy thực sự 'xấu hổ'. Sau sự cố đó, tôi quyết định mua một số cuốn sách và bắt đầu đọc chúng từng trang một.

Từ từ sau đó, tôi thực sự trở nên “nghiện” đọc một số loại sách cụ thể. Thậm chí, có lúc tôi bắt đầu phải vật lộn để trả tiền mua những cuốn sách mà mình đã mua, vì chúng quá nhiều!

Dù sao, tôi rất vui vì tôi đã bắt đầu đọc sách vì nó đã tạo ra một sự tự tin nhất định bằng cách dạy cho tôi rất nhiều điều chưa biết và tuyệt vời về thế giới này. Bên cạnh đó, sau khi phát triển thói quen đọc sách của mình, tôi đã hiểu biết và đánh giá cao hơn về những loại người khác nhau từ các nền văn hóa, lối sống và hoàn cảnh khác nhau. Cuối cùng, sự thay đổi đặc biệt này thậm chí còn giúp tôi phát triển sự nghiệp sau này trong cuộc đời bằng cách khuyến khích tôi đọc nhiều sách về phát triển “nghề nghiệp và kỹ năng”.


Câu trả lời mô hình 2:
Bạn đã yêu cầu tôi nghĩ lại về một số thay đổi mà tôi đã thực hiện trong cuộc đời mình, hóa ra đó là một thay đổi tốt hơn! Tôi sẽ cho bạn biết sự thay đổi là gì và khi nào nó xảy ra. Tôi sẽ cung cấp cho bạn một chút chi tiết về việc mọi thứ đã khác với tôi như thế nào sau khi thay đổi và kết thúc bằng cách mô tả ý nghĩa của nó đối với tôi bây giờ, một chút sau này trong cuộc sống. Điều buồn cười về những thay đổi là bạn không phải lúc nào cũng nhận ra chúng vào thời điểm đó. Đối với tôi, tôi không biết bắt đầu từ khi nào rằng sự thay đổi tích cực mà tôi đang tạo ra sẽ trở thành một sự khác biệt lâu dài trong hành vi của tôi. Tuy nhiên, hóa ra chỉ có vậy. Bây giờ nhìn lại, tôi mới có thể xác định được rằng có một sự thay đổi rõ ràng trong những gì tôi đã đạt được, và tôi thậm chí có thể xác định một thời điểm nhất định, nhưng giữa tất cả, tôi không biết sự thay đổi đó sẽ đưa tôi đến đâu.

Mẫn Nhi
22 tháng 2 2022 lúc 8:17

I. Open the post:

- Introduction of the problem: Life is constantly changing, people must also change to fit the situation and life.

II. Post article:

- What is change?

Change in English is Change, that is, a phenomenon, a process that does not repeat the phenomenon or process that took place before.
"Change yourself to fit the situation": Each person must make appropriate changes to the living environment and surrounding living conditions in order to progress and become better.
- The importance of change, why change to fit the situation?

The circumstances of birth are the same, but they are different in their will, energy, and ways of changing themselves to become more perfect.
Operational life changes day by day, people should also change accordingly to adapt as well as progress.
Changing people will create better values ​​for themselves, their families and the whole society.
- The current expression

Change in quality: Change in thinking, thinking, change in habits in daily life → Evidence
Change in quantity: Change in quality, the crest of oneself to become stronger → Evidence.
- Actual situation:

The majority of people today are aware of changing themselves to suit the situation

+ This is it is notined small part or change the direction of the polisation.

- Conclude:

"Change yourself to fit the situation" is a necessary and important condition in life.
Not everyone has a good scene, so change is the way we integrate into life, to make life better.
III. End:

- Affirmation of the problem

An article I refer to the net:
Society is always developing, moving in the direction of progress and upward. Therefore, people also need to change, develop and enhance their own values, especially today's young people.

Changing oneself is an individual's constant learning and improvement to make himself better and better every day. The personal change of each individual has a direct and great influence on the life and development of society. People who know how to change themselves are people who constantly make efforts to learn, accumulate and acquire knowledge from many different sources. They know how to recognize their mistakes, from which to draw lessons and overcome them.

Besides, they also have a sense to rise up in life, live with passion and try to follow their passion… Changing themselves has great meaning to people and society: changing to make themselves better. I'm getting better and better, expanding my understanding, overcoming my own shortcomings, thereby gaining people's trust and confidence. People who know how to improve themselves will improve day by day and receive love from everyone.

Surely we all know that in today's society, there are still many people who live peacefully, listen to other people's arrangements or are too lazy, do not have a sense of self-improvement, etc. This will not develop themselves, will gradually fall behind and not have success in life.

Each of us only lives once, our time budget is the same, so each of us should try to perfect ourselves, rise up and seize the precious opportunities in our lives.

Anh ko có ny
22 tháng 2 2022 lúc 8:45

Mong cô tích ạ !

- Change is change is the process from the present to another state, from the present to the vision of the future. ... Change management combines tools organizations apply to help individuals successfully transform individuals leading to organizational change.

- When it happens there can be many things and many things left.

-For example, a village without technology changes to a modern village.

- Change will of course lead to achieving my desires even with the highest and most difficult, but I will have to lose what I consider the easiest will also become the most difficult when I lose it.

lạc lạc đã xóa
Tô Xuân Hưng
22 tháng 2 2022 lúc 10:09

In 2018, I made a big change in my life that I would certainly view as positive. It was in October or November of that year that I realised I was very bored of my job. Although it paid well and gave me a good amount of autonomy, I was unhappy about the repetitiveness of it all. I was teaching the same course year after year and there were no new challenges.

I decided one day to start my own company, but to focus on it meant that I would have to quit my job. Obviously, it was quite frightening to give up a steady job with a good salary, but I knew that it was the right thing to do. I gave my letter of resignation to my bosses and then set about devoting myself to mastering my new position as the owner of a small educational company called TED-IELTS. 

For about two years, I have been running this company by myself and it has provided countless challenges. As well as teaching, I also edit a lot of essays. This was great for me because I have many years of experience in both teaching and editing, so I was mostly prepared for it. However, I had to learn other things like marketing and web design in order to make the company successful.

This change has had a huge impact upon my life. For the past two years, I have had a great amount of freedom and I have been able to help thousands and thousands of people. However, it is stressful and exhausting and provides constant headaches… Still, I would say that overall it has been a positive change and I am glad that I made it.


I hope that this answer was useful for you. Don’t try to copy my ideas or structures here because this answer must be your own personal one and you should describe it in the most logical way for you. However, it is worth noting the logical development of information. I started in the past and finished now, talking about things in a sensible order.

22 tháng 2 2022 lúc 12:23

I think I've changed a lot since I started hoc24. Here I learned many new things, helped me review old knowledge. I got to know hoc24 by asking questions on the internet once. At first, I did not intend to participate in this website, but I found something interesting and interesting, so I signed up. When I was in 5th grade, I didn't know anything about Maths, I have to say that it was the subject that I hated the most after Math. Starting again with a short story as follows: I saw a friend posted a question about Maths, and it was quite simple because it was old knowledge that I learned through. I quickly flipped through the book Turned Out and followed the instructions, although slowly, my heart suddenly felt a little interested in Maths . Maybe it's because I haven't studied for a long time that I think so. Honestly, if I'm interested in that subject, it shouldn't be a problem. After that time, I suddenly became more advanced in this subject. The test scores in class are very high, learning is also absorbed faster. I want to thank hoc24 very much!

Lê An Nhiên
22 tháng 2 2022 lúc 14:10

I like hoc24h and i like i like ......

Lê Trần
22 tháng 2 2022 lúc 17:30

Hmm... Let me ask you a question, what subject did you hate when you were a student, I think everyone hated Math, Literature, and English. I, like everyone else, hate English because it's quite complicated in reading and writing, sometimes I get so bored that I almost give up the thing that helps us one day but since hearing people say About Hoc24h, I became the English prodigy of the class. Thanks to that, the spirit is more and more excited when communicating in life.
                                             Thank Hoc24h

꧁༺αη τɧầη☠༻꧂
22 tháng 2 2022 lúc 20:04

Well, I think I have changed a lot since I read a book that teaches us how to control our emotions. I read it in July, last year. Many things have changed. First, I learned to control my emotions. I started to do it with my family. My brother usually makes me angry and it was so hard for me to do. Each day, you will meet a lot of things that make you can't be calm, like: bad marks, drop money, ... After learning and doing everything in that book, my life seemed better. I am rarely angry or sad. I also can appease the people around me and can see their emotions. My friends and family love me more. I want to share with you that being able to control your emotions is really good, you should try.

If my essay has any errors, please send them to me! Thanks!

Trần Hưu Anh Tú
22 tháng 2 2022 lúc 20:24

I think I've changed a lot since I started hoc24. Here I learned many new things, helped me review old knowledge. I got to know hoc24 by asking questions on the internet once. At first, I did not intend to participate in this website, but I found something interesting and interesting, so I signed up. When I was in 8th grade, I didn't know anything about Chemistry, I have to say that it was the subject that I hated the most after Math. Starting again with a short story as follows: I saw a friend posted a question about Chemistry, and it was quite simple because it was old knowledge that I learned through. I quickly flipped through the book Turned Out and followed the instructions, although slowly, my heart suddenly felt a little interested in Chemistry. Maybe it's because I haven't studied for a long time that I think so. Honestly, if I'm interested in that subject, it shouldn't be a problem. After that time, I suddenly became more advanced in this subject. The test scores in class are very high, learning is also absorbed faster. I want to thank hoc24 very much!

All the above sentences are translated using google, if there is a grammatical error, please forgive me 

lạc lạc đã xóa
Nguyễn Hoàng Gia
22 tháng 2 2022 lúc 20:35

Hmm....I think I've changed a lot since I started hoc24. Here I learned many new things, helped me review old knowledge. I got to know hoc24 by asking questions on the internet once. At first, I did not intend to participate in this website, but I found something interesting and interesting, so I signed up. When I was in 8th grade, I didn't know anything about Chemistry, I have to say that it was the subject that I hated the most after Math. Starting again with a short story as follows: I saw a friend posted a question about Chemistry, and it was quite simple because it was old knowledge that I learned through. I quickly flipped through the book Turned Out and followed the instructions, although slowly, my heart suddenly felt a little interested in Chemistry. Maybe it's because I haven't studied for a long time that I think so. Honestly, if I'm interested in that subject, it shouldn't be a problem. After that time, I suddenly became more advanced in this subject. The test scores in class are very high, learning is also absorbed faster. I want to thank hoc24 very much!

All the above sentences are translated using google, if there is a grammatical error, please forgive me :D

Zizi Minz Zin (『ʈєɑɱ❖๖ۣ...
22 tháng 2 2022 lúc 21:51

Perhaps, hoc24 changed everything for me. I always get good marks at first, like 8 for example, but when I started studying Olm.math and hoc24 I felt like I was way ahead of me! I always get 9, 10 but relatively 10 is a lot, it's all thanks to hoc24 that I get so many good points. Hoc24 gave me everything, paved the way to success for me, I still walked to get to the door leading to the road to success, everything was created by hoc24 for me. When I started studying, I was still very confused but gradually I received a lot of feedback from my friends. I fulfilled my dream of having a GP and yes, I had 9 GP. I will strive to receive coins and redeem gifts. Hoc24 is sexy for me, full of fun, learning is like playing, playing but still learning, I really like this. Every day I spend from 30 - 60 minutes to do hoc24, I like it very much, every time I have a difficult lesson, I create questions for you to teach me to use, I receive a lot of interaction from the side. surname.I really like hoc24! 


Nguyễn Vũ Hồng Oanh
23 tháng 2 2022 lúc 6:56

Hmm....I think I've changed a lot since I started hoc24. Here I learned many new things, helped me review old knowledge. I got to know hoc24 by asking questions on the internet once. At first, I did not intend to participate in this website, but I found something interesting and interesting, so I signed up. When I was in 8th grade, I didn't know anything about Chemistry, I have to say that it was the subject that I hated the most after Math. Starting again with a short story as follows: I saw a friend posted a question about Chemistry, and it was quite simple because it was old knowledge that I learned through. I quickly flipped through the book Turned Out and followed the instructions, although slowly, my heart suddenly felt a little interested in Chemistry. Maybe it's because I haven't studied for a long time that I think so. Honestly, if I'm interested in that subject, it shouldn't be a problem. After that time, I suddenly became more advanced in this subject. The test scores in class are very high, learning is also absorbed faster. I want to thank hoc24 very much!

All the above sentences are translated using google, if there is a grammatical error, please forgive me :D

                                                                   THAT'S ALL!

mong cô tick 

Trần Hữu Tuấn Minh
23 tháng 2 2022 lúc 15:05

 Change is change is the process of moving from the present state to another state, from the present to the vision of the future. ... Change management incorporates tools organizations apply to help individuals successfully transform individuals leading to organizational change.

- When it happens it can have many things and leave many things.

-For example, an old village will change into a modern village leaving some culture behind..

- Change will of course affect me because I can achieve my desires even with the highest and hardest, but I will have to lose what I consider the easiest will also become the hardest when I lose it.

Ngô nguyễn Triệu Phong
23 tháng 2 2022 lúc 15:53




em chưa có kinh nghiệm yêu cô ạ :)) quê wa' chừng

Thiên Kim Ngân Nguyễn Bá
24 tháng 2 2022 lúc 7:30

Hmm....I think I've changed a lot since I started hoc24. Here I learned many new things, helped me review old knowledge. I got to know hoc24 by asking questions on the internet once. At first, I did not intend to participate in this website, but I found something interesting and interesting, so I signed up. When I was in 8th grade, I didn't know anything about Chemistry, I have to say that it was the subject that I hated the most after Math. Starting again with a short story as follows: I saw a friend posted a question about Chemistry, and it was quite simple because it was old knowledge that I learned through. I quickly flipped through the book Turned Out and followed the instructions, although slowly, my heart suddenly felt a little interested in Chemistry. Maybe it's because I haven't studied for a long time that I think so. Honestly, if I'm interested in that subject, it shouldn't be a problem. After that time, I suddenly became more advanced in this subject. The test scores in class are very high, learning is also absorbed faster. I want to thank hoc24 very much!

All the above sentences are translated using google, if there is a grammatical error, please forgive me :D

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