
Complete the text with Past Perfect or Past Perfect Cont.

Professor Arizona Bones was confused. He scratched his head and looked at the faded old map again. He (1) _______ (walk) through the rainforest for weeks in search of the legendary golden throne of the Aztecs. A clue in an ancient document (2) ___________ (bring) him to this spot. But something was wrong. According to the map, there was a cave next to the waterfall, but all he could see was a wall covered in plants. Could the document and the map be fakes? (3) _______ (he/be) stupid enough to be fooled by a hoax, like an amateur treasure hunter? He (4) _________ (buy) them from a fellow professor in a restaurant in Mexico City. Looking back now, he wondered if the man (5) ___________(pretend) to be an academic. If so, he had only himself to blame. He was so eager to believe the legend that he (6) __________ (not bother) to ask too many questions. Like a fool, he (7) _________ (give) the man his money and the clever 'professor’ (8) __________ (vanish). Just then, very slowly, the plants began to move and an old man with a long, white beard came out from what appeared to be solid rock ...

giúp mình với ạ, ai nhanh và đúng nhất thì tick

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