ngọc hân

Complete the sentences, using the comparison form of one of the adjectives given in the box. You may need to make any necessary changes to the adjectives.

Bad        comfortable    crowded         easy            high          long           low

Near       old                popular           reliable       serious         slow          thin


1. I’d like to have a…………..……………… car. The one I’ve got keeps breaking down.

2. You’ll find your way around the town………………………. if you have a good map.

3. My salary isn’t……………………………… as you

4. What’s ……………………… river in the world?

5. I prefer this chair to the other one. That one is far……………………………….

6. Can you tell me the way to ……………………….. bus station?

7. This shop isn’t very expensive. The prices are……………………….. than some other shop.

8. You are driving too fast. Could you drive a bit…………………………..?

9. There were a lot of people on the bus. It was……………………….. usual.

10. You look…………………………than before. Have you lost weight?

11. Unfortunately her illness was………………………. than we thought at first.

12. Is football……………………………….. sport in your country, too?

13. Tom has three sisters. His……………………. sister is 18 years old. His youngest is 2.

14. It was an awful day. It was………………………….day in my life

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