The better a child is brought up, the better he behaves
The faster you drive, the more likely you are to have an accident
The less you work, the lower marks you’ll have in your exam
The harder you study, the easier you’ll find exams
The longer I waited for him, the more worried I got
The more sport I practised, the fitter I got
The more I explained it to him, the less he understood
The more clothes I put on, the colder I am
The longer I know him, the less I like him
The cleverer the students are, the easier it is to teach them
The sooner you come, the better
The more attention you pay to him, the worse
The more pleasant atmosphere you work in, the less stressed you’ll be
The more careful you are when driving, the fewer accidents you’ll have
The more money he earns, the more his wife complains
The more exercises you do, the better you’ll learn the subject
The longer I listened to his story, the more surprise I was
The farther from your school you live, the earlier you'll have to get