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Đến từ Phú Thọ , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 70
Số lượng câu trả lời 27
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Điểm SP 5

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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:


1.    Polluted water can _____ do harm to people's health. DIRECT

2.    She broke the vase because of her _____. CARE

3.    I think English is an _____ subject. IMPORTANCE

4.    Trinh Cong Son is one of the most well-known _____ in Vietnam. MUSIC

5.    Many people enjoy the pleasure and _____ of living downtown. COVENIENT

6.    It is a _____ to meet you. PLEASE

7.    He wants to make a good _____ on everyone he meets. IMPRESS

8.    It is my great _____ to meet you at this important meeting. PLEASE

9.    There were two _____ between the two programs. DIFFER

10. There are many _____ programs at the Festival in Hue. CULTURE


1.    That _____ has composed a lot of beautiful songs. MUSIC

2.    Lucy got _____ quickly and went for work. DRESS

3.    He drives so _____ that he often has accidents. CARE

4.    The computer is one of the most marvelous _____ in our modern age. INVENT

5.    Housework has _____ been regarded as women's work. TRADITION

6.    You must write your _____ form clearly. APPLY

7.    He was very _____ of the work he had done. PRIDE

8.    The children are playing _____ on the beach. HAPPY

9.    The children are more _____ in cartoons. INTEREST

10. We started our trip on a beautiful _____ morning. SUN


1.    You have to keep your _____ from that snake. DISTANT

2.    They are _____ greeted by the native. WARM

3.    The _____ by the little girl was a great hit. PERFORM

4.    Some young people today have a very strange _____. APPEAR

5.    You don't have to do that work. In other words, it's _____ for you. NECESSITY

6.    Although she is rich, she lives _____. UNHAPPY

7.    They went to see most of the _____ places. INTEREST

8.    Air _____ makes us unhealthy. POLLUTE

9.    They have made careful _____ for the demonstration. PREPARE

10. We all looked _____ after the summer holiday. HEALTH


1.    I find that this magazine is very _____. INFORM

2.    It was an _____ day. ENJOY

3.    Thanks to television, people can get the latest _____ around the world quickly. INFORM

4.    The Internet has _____ developed and became part of our daily life. INCREASE

5.    Because of his _____ driving, she caused an accident. CARE

6.    In recent years, there has been many _____ in science. DEVELOP

7.    The plane arrived _____ after a violent storm. SAFE

8.    _____ air does a lot of harm to our life. POLLUTE

9.    I had a good _____ on this film. IMPRESS

10. His result was _____ excellent. AMAZE


1.    Wearing casual clothes helps students have freedom of _____. CHOOSE

2.    Telephone is one of the greatest _____ in 19th century. INVENT

3.    Van Cao is one of the most famous _____ in Vietnam. MUSIC

4.    I think the Internet is a _____ device to get information. USE

5.    I sent her a letter last month but I have received no _____ from her. RESPOND

6.    Food and clothing are _____ of life. NECESSARY

7.    She can find no _____ to her financial troubles. SOLVE

8.    All _____ to Washington are delayed because of the bad weather. FLY

9.    The _____ of their house left them no place to live. DESTROY

10. We all looked _____ after the summer holidays. HEALTH

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

66.She ________(like) cooking. She ____________(cook) now.

67.She ______________(learn) piano for three months.

68.I ______________(receive) a letter from my old friend last week.

69.She _________(wash) cloth twice a week.

70.We ____________(do) exercise 2A on page 20 right now.

71.Look! It ______________(rain) heavily.

72.After they (go)____________,I (sit) _________ down and (rest)________.

73.They _______________(watch) TV at 4:00 p.m yesterday.

74.He _________(open) the door, __________(enter) the room, and _________(break) something.

75.After I (wash)______________my clothes, I (sleep) ___________

76.The earthquake ______________(happen) while we ______________(sleep)

77.He _________(write) the textbook, when we ____________(have) a headache.

78.They ____________(live) in the countryside for 15 years.

79.I _____________(play) guitar since I was a boy.

80.If I (not work) _______________ at night, I would have attended the evening classes.

81.I ___________(be) there tomorrow morning.

82.We ___________(return) from New York by train.

83.He ___________(listen) to romantic music at the moment.

84.If you visit me tomorrow, I ___________(give) ou a small present.

85.No sooner (have)_________I (watch)____________TV than the phone rang.

86.They ___________(look) at the pictures when I ____________(break) the glass.

87.We ____________(study) when she ___________(call) her children.

88.He told me he (not/eat)_____________________ such kind of food before.

89.In all the world, there (be) ___ only 14 mountains that (reach) ______above 8,000 meters.

90.He sometimes (come) __________ to see his parents.

91.When I (come) __________, she (leave) __________for Dalat ten minutes ago.

92. My grandfather never (fly) ___ in an airplane, and he has no intention of ever doing so.

93.We just (decide) __________ that we would undertake the job.

94.He told me that he (take) ____________ a trip to California the following week.

95.I knew that this road (be) __________ too narrow.

96.Right now I (attend) ________ class. Yesterday at this time I (attend) _______class.

97.Tomorrow I (leave) _____________________ for home.

98.Margaret was born in 1950. By last year, she (live) _________on this earth for 55 years .

99.The traffic was very heavy. By the time I (get) _____________to Mary’s party, everyone already (arrive) __________________

100.I (graduate) __________________  next month.

101.I (visit) __________ my uncle’s home regularly when I (be) __________ a child.

102.That book (be) _____ on the table for weeks. _____ you (not read) ______ it yet ?

103.David just (repair) __________ the TV set.

104. _________ you (be) __________here before? Yes, I (spend) __________ my holidays here last year.

105.We never (meet) __________ him. We don’t know what he (look) __________ like.

106.I think he (come) ____________ tomorrow.

107.On arriving at home I (find) _______that she just (leave) ______a few minutes before.

108.When we arrive in London tonight, it probably (rain) __________.

109. It (rain) ___________ hard now. We can’t do anything until it (stop) ________

110. Last night we (watch) __________TV when the power (fail) __________.

111. That evening we (stay) ___up to talk about the town where he (live) ___for some years.

112. I (sit) __________down for a rest while the shoes (repair) ______________.

113. Half way to the office Paul turned round and (go) __________back home because he (forget) __________to turn the gas off.

114. London (change) __________a lot since we first came to live here.

115. While we (talk) _____________on the phone the children (start) __________fighting and (break) __________a window

116. He used to talk to us for hours about all the interesting things he (do) ____ in his life.

117. You know she (stand) ____________looking at that picture for twenty minutes.

118. I (spend) __________ a lot of time travelling since I (get) __________this new job.

119. When we were at school we all (study) __________Latin.

120. When I (meet) __________ him , he (graduate) _____________________.

121. After he (finish) __________ breakfast he (sit) ________down to write some letters.

122. She (have) __________a hard life, but she’s always smiling.

123. I think Jim (be) __________ out of town.