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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

The singaporean unit of...............is dollar(length/height/volum/currency)

2. Buddhism is the official …..of Thai land. (region/ religion/ language/ capital)

3. Lan na Marie are penpals. They …….at least once every two months. (write/ correspond/ exchange/ visit)

4. A friend with whom one becomes friendly by corresponding is a ….(writer/ pen-name/ pen-friend/ pen-writer)

5. They really enjoy the peaceful ………..in Viet Nam. (impression/ atmosphere/ faces/ expression)

6. Is physical education ………in your school? (additional/ national/ traditional/ compulsory)

7. The ….language of Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia. (national/ international/ country/ continental)

8. Malaysia divided into two ……., known as West Malaysia and East Malaysia. (religion/ religious/ relation/ relative)

9. I have a penpals in Malaysia . We ……each other at least once a month. (comprise/ consist of/ divide/ correspond with)

10. The children were ……into four groups for the game. (separated/ separating/ separate/ to separate)

11. She was really impressed ……the friendliness do the local people. (with/ by/ in/ on )

11. I wish I ….more time to finish the work. (have/ am having/ was having/ had)

12. He seems ….the Vietnamese food. (enjoying/ to enjoy/ be enjoyed/ enjoyed)

13. This smart dictionary…..100,000 words. (makes/ uses/ comprises/ consists)

14. The book …. Ten units. (comprises/ consists/ makes/ has)

15. Islamic people usually go to the ….to pray. (pagoda/ mosque/ temple/ church)

16. It’s raining heavily now. I wish …….the answer. (know/ knew/ had known/ would know)

17. when I was the grade primary school, my grandmother …me to school everyday. (takes/ is taking/ used to take/ was taking)

18. I wish I earned more money, but in fact I …… (don’t/ did/ was/ didn’t)

19. “Have you ever been to Ha Noi, Lan?” “Yes, I …..there last summer. (was/ were/ have been/ has been)

20. He never drinks beer, He …..drinking beer. (used/ isn’t used to/ used to/ isn’t used for)

21. Wear a helmet when riding a bicycle. Helmets are used ……our head. (to protect/ protect/ protecting/ protected)

22. “Why …you buy lottery tickets?” "I wish I …..enough money to help my parents.” (do-have/ do-had/ did- have/ did- had)

“Do you play any sport, Mai?” "Well, I used to …….soccer when I ……at high school.” (playing-am/ played-was/ play-am/ play-was)

23. I ….didn’t have to get up earle. (want/ hope/ wish/ expect)

24. “What ……when she was ten years old?” "Her mother said she could swim very well.” (did Mary use to do/ has Mary do/ was Mary doing/ does Mary do)

25. Miss White is a nurse. She ……working at night. (used to/ uses to/ is used to/ has used to)

VII. Choose the underlined part among a,b,c or d that needs correcting.

1. I have broken my pencil. May I borrowone of your?

2. Nam used to goingto school by bus. Now he goes by bicycle.

3. We get used to live inthe countryside before we moved to this city.

4. When I wason holiday last summer, I was going to the beach everyday.

5. Do you ever wish you live in a castle?

6. It has been a long time since I have visited Hanoi .

7. Nam uses to go fishing when he was young.

8. It rainedheavily while I slept soundly last night.

9. John can’t play football now .He wishes he can playit.

10. What often do you write to your pen pal? Twice a month.

VIII. Give the correct form of words.

1. His first speech at the president made a strong ………on his audience. (impress)

2. The streets were noisy and full of........ (act)

3. Peter felt quite lonely in a new school because he had no friends. He was ….(friend)

4. It is damaging to criticize children when they are at an …..age. (impression)

5. It’s not ……….to wear short skirts at the moment. (fashion)

6. Over 3000workers were made ……..redundant. (compulsory)

7. The editor welcomes ……from readers on any subjects. (correspond)

8. We are studying the …of the population into eight groups. (divide)

9. 8 is ……by two and 4, but not by three. (divide)

10. There was a conflict between ….and national interests. (region​​​