Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 119
Số lượng câu trả lời 7
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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Exercise 1/ Use the verbs in correct voice :           

1.English (speak / is spoken) in Canada.

2.I (studied / was studied ) French for 3 years at school.

3.We (spent / was spent ) too much money on holiday.

4.This window (broke / was broken ) by your little boy.

5.Her clothes (made / are made) in Paris.

6.This book (written / was written) by Song Hong.

7.The new University (will open / will be opened ) by the Prime Minister.

8.Ann (was driving / was driven) much too fast , and she (was stopped / stopped) by the police.

9.A lot of paper ( is/ are) made from wood.

10.What (is / are) this called in English?

11.More chocolate (is eaten / eats)  in the US than any other country.

12.We (woke/ are woken) by the birds every morning.

13.A lot of olive oil (use / is used / are used) in Greek cooking.

14.Those programmes (watch /are watching /are watched /is watched) by millions of people every week.

15.The motorway (will close /will be closed) for 3 days.

16.Your room( will clean /will be cleaned) while you are out.

17.The football match (will not be played / will be not played/ will not play) on Saturday.

18.Most of the matches ( was / were) won by Indian teams.

19.These keys ( found /was found / were found) in the waiting room. Are they yours ?

20.Nobody (were told / was told) what was happening.

21.I don’t think this room (is  cleaned/ was cleaned/ cleaned) yesterday.

22.Where is the carpet ? It ( is  cleaned / cleans / is being cleaned).

23.The house on the corner (has sold / has been selling / has been sold).

24.The two lost children (have found / have been finding/ have been found) alive and well in a London park.