Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Quảng Ninh , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 30
Số lượng câu trả lời 1
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

The present perfect and the present perfect continuous

1,We (walk)ten kilometres

2,We (walk)for three hours

3,You (walk) too fast . That's why you are tired

4,I(make)sausage rolls for the party all the morning

5,How many you (make)? I (make) 200

6,That boy (eat) seven ice creams

7,He (not stop ) eating since he arrived

8, The driver (drink).I think someone else ought to drive

9,I ( pull) up 100 dandelions

10,I (pull) up dandelions all day

11, What you(do)?

We (pick) apples

12, How many you ( pick )?

We (pick) ten basketfuls

13,I (sleep ) on every bed in htis house and I don't like any of them

14,He (sleep) since ten o'clock . It 's he woke up

15, He ( ride) that's why he is wearing breeches

16,I(ride) all the horses in this stable ?

17, What a lovely smell?

Mary (make)jam

18,The student (work) very well this term

19,I only (hear) from him twice since he went away

20, I (hear) from her regularly . She is very good correspondent

21,I(grease) my car .That 's why my hands are so dirty

22,I (polish)this table all the morning and she isn't satisfed with it yet

23,I(work)for him for ten years and he never once (say)'Good mornig' to me

24,He (teach) hundreds of student nut I never (meet)such a hopeless class as this

25,He (Teach)in this school for five years

26,Why you (be ) so long in the garage?

The tyres were flat I(pump) them up

27,I(pump)up three tyres.Would you like to do the fourth?

28,I(look)for mushrooms but I (not find)any .

29,He (cough)a lot lately .He ought to give up smoking

30, You ( hear)the news?Tom and Ann are engaged!

That 's not new I (know)it for ages!

31,I(try)to finish this letter for the last half hour .I wish you'd go away or stop talking

I hardly(say)anything

32,The driver of that car (sound)his horn for the last ten minutes

33,It (rain)for two hour ang the ground is too wetto play on ,so the match (be) postpend

34,He (hope) for a rise in salary for six months but he (not dare) to ask for it yet

35,Mr.Smith ,you(whisper) to the sudent on your right for the last five minutes . You (help)him with his exam paper or he (help)you ?

36,Why you(make)such a horrible noise ?

I(lose)my key and I (try)to woke my wife throwing stones at her window

You(throw)stones at the wrong window . You live next door