Review Unit 1


Read the text about staying young. Match the headings (A-G) with the paragraphs (1-5). There are two extra headings.

1 _______ As people grow older, they often think back to the days of their youth. They remember the great friends of those days, great times together, and how bright the future looked. Of course, not everything was perfect - but it can look that way as we get older. And this can make people feel pessimistic and bitter.

2_______It doesn't need to be that way. There are many secrets to staying young in spirit well into old age. Why put up with feeling miserable when you can be enthusiastic instead? Here are some tips to keep you young at heart as you grow older.

3_______Relationships are extremely important. Family gives you comfort and support, and catching up with old friends can help older people to feel young. Making new friends is important, too but make sure they are optimistic, enthusiastic people.

4_______Bad things happen to all of us. We split up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, and later we may have to do a boring job for years. But don't think too much about negative things. Deal with them, and get on with your life.

5. _______Always keep special things around you, like family photos or favourite possessions - and be grateful that you can enjoy them. Thank your loved ones daily for sharing your life, too. When you see the pleasure on their faces, you will never feel old - even in your eighties!

A. The importance of people in your life

B. Ageing can be a positive experience

C. You can choose to stay young

D. Appreciate the things and people in your life

E. Looking back can make old people feel bad

F. Getting over the negatives and moving on

G. Even pessimists can have friends

6 tháng 11 2023 lúc 23:10

1. E

Thông tin: As people grow older, they often think back to the days of their youth...And this can make people feel pessimistic and bitter.

(Khi lớn lên, người ta thường nghĩ về những ngày còn trẻ…Và điều này có thể khiến người ta cảm thấy bi quan và cay đắng.)

2. C

Thông tin: There are many secrets to staying young in spirit well into old age.

(Có nhiều bí quyết để giữ tinh thần tươi trẻ cho đến tuổi già.)

3. A

Thông tin: Relationships are extremely important.

(Các mối quan hệ là vô cùng quan trọng.)

4. F

Thông tin: don't think too much about negative things. Deal with them, and get on with your life.

(đừng suy nghĩ quá nhiều về những điều tiêu cực. Đối phó với chúng, và tiếp tục cuộc sống của bạn.)

5. D

Thông tin: Always keep special things around you, like family photos or favourite possessions - and be grateful that you can enjoy them.

(Luôn giữ những thứ đặc biệt xung quanh bạn, chẳng hạn như ảnh gia đình hoặc tài sản yêu thích - và biết ơn vì bạn có thể tận hưởng chúng.)

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