Luyện tập tổng hợp



As though childhood is not sufficiently fraught with potential dangers,the Customer Safety Board has come
forward with a report warning of yet another factor which could prove harm to one's children.According to
this recent published report,over twenty-five thousand children per year are seriously injured in accidents
involve shopping carts.Most of these accidents occur when the attending child attempts to climb down from
the cart.Beacause most shopping carts lack of appropriiate safety harnesses of straps,the child may tumble from the cart,
often sustaining life-threatened head injuries.In a small minority of case,due to a narrow wheelbase,the cart has actually
tipped over,spilling the hapless child on the hard floor.The director of Emergency Aid at S1.Hope Hospital warns parents
never to leave children unattended while shopping and further advised that parents should insist that store managers have
safe straps or seats installed on all shopping carts

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