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Spring School is an informal school. It provides classes to disadvantaged children in Ho Chi Minh city. Around 30 street children live and study at the school and about 250 children with special difficulties from District 1 regularly attend classes.

The Organization for Educational Development co-operated with Spring School to set up English classes in 1998. Dance, theatre, singing and folk music classes were set up a year later. Children from these classes participate in fundraising performances. They raise money to continue their English and performance Arts classes.

Spring School requires volunteers to help organize their fundraising dinner held annually in June. This is an exciting night in which children dance, sing and play music at one of the largest hotels in Ho Chi Minh City. They also need foreign volunteers to contact sponsors and help to expand the school activities. Volunteers are required from February until July to help organize these events.

It is hope that more schools like Spring School will soon be found in other cities in Vietnam.

20. What kind of Spring school?

A. a primary school

B. a formal school

C. an informal school

D. a secondary school

21. When were dance, theatre, singing and folk music classes set up?

A. In 1997

B. In 2000

C. In 1998

D. In 1999

22. Why do children take part in fund- raising performances?

A. Because they want to expand the school.

B. Because they want to contact sponsors.

C. Because they need money to continue their English and Arts classes.

D. Because they like dancing.

23. Where do children dance, sing and play music?

A. At their School.

B. At one of the largest hotels in Ho Chi Minh City.

C. In Ha Noi.

D. In the theatres.

24. What is the aim of Spring School?

A. It provides classes to volunteers in Ho Chi Minh City.

B. It provides classes to disadvantaged children in Ho Chi Minh City.

C. The aim of this school is fundraising.

D. The aim of this school is to raise fund.

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Câu hỏi:


I. Pronunciation1. A. visited B. played C. hated D. started2. A. oranges B. catches C. brushes D. kites3. A. eight B. height C. weight D. freightII. Word stress1. A. invent B. student C. apple D. bookshop2. A. asleep B. official C. tradition D. specialIII. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 1. The smell of the sea ……………… his childhood. A. took it for granted B. took him in C. took after D. took him back to2. It was ……………… long book that I couldn’t finish it. A. so B. such C. too D. such a3. We don’t allow you ……………… in our house. A. to smoke B. is smoking C. smoke D. smoked4. Nobody knows what the ……………… of the explosion was. A. reaction B. reason C. cause D. source5. Facebook was built on the ……………… of earlier network sites like My space and Bebo. A. success B. succeed C. successful D. successfully6. If our teacher were here now, he ……………… us with this difficult exercise. A. helps B. would help C. will help D. has helped7. The doctor said that the patient was ……………… good progress thanks to intensive and continuous treatment. A. causing B. getting C. making D. catching8. Her mother, ……………… has been working for thirty years, is retiring next month. A. which B. that C. whom D. who9. The sight of his pale face brought ……………… to me how ill he really was. A. house B. home C. place D. life10. The more cigarettes you smoke, ………………you will die. A. the harder B. faster C. the easier D. the sooner11. After a  ……………… search, the missing girl was found alive and well at a friend’s house. A. a three – hours B. a three hour C. a three – hour D. three – hours12. I wish he  ……………… more time now to help you with your lesson. A. would have B. have C. had D. had had13. We suggested ……………… poor children in our neighborhood this summer. A. taught B. teach C. teaching D. to teach14. My father asked me ………………about the film A. what I thought B. what do I think C. what I think D. what did I think15. Most students ……………… to talk to foreigners for the first time. A. find it difficult B. find difficulty C. have it difficulty D. have difficulty16. Your car is so dirty. You should have it ……………… more often. A. wash B. to be washed C. washed B. be washed17. Television became popular ………………the 1950s. A. on B. since C. for D. in18. It’s a serious operation for a woman as old as my grandmother. She’s very frail. I hope she ……………… .A. gets on B. comes round C. pulls through D. stands up19. I know that she has tried hard; ……………… that as it may, her work is just not good enough. A. come B. be C. should D. must20. She gave him a ……………… wallet on his birthday. A. brown small leather B. small brown leatherC. leather small brown D. small leather brownV. Find the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word in the following sentences. We should husband our resources to make sure we can make it through these hard times. A. keep up B. manage C. use up D. marryVI. Find the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in the following sentences.Extroverts tend to be gregarious and amiable. They gain energy from rubbing shoulders with others.A. spending time socially with B. making fun ofC. staying away from D. engaging in arguments with VII. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete the following exchanges. 1. Linh is going to hold her birthday party at home this Sunday, so she wants to invite some of her friends to attend the party. Linh: “I would like to invite you to my party this Sunday evening.”Huy: “………………..”A. Thank you for your offer, but I think it is unnecessary. B. I would love to come but I have prior commitments. I’m sorry.C. I am sorry. Can you come to my place?D. How about going to the cinema?2. The teacher is talking to Laura about her presentation in class today. Teacher: “Your speech this morning was beyond my expectations.”Laura: “…………………..”A. Thanks. Without your help, I couldn’t have. B. Are you kidding me? It’s terrible.C. It’s OK. It was the least I could do. D. That’s alright. I’m glad I could help.