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Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions.
Situated on the central coast of Vietnam, which is famous for many beautiful beaches. Lang
Co Beach, since June 2009, has become an official member of the “World’s most beautiful
bays” club. Today, it is a popular destination for tourists in Vietnam, especially for those who
love beach so much.
With the length of approximately 10 kilometres, Lang Co Beach located in Lang Co town,
Phu Loc district, Thua Thien – Hue province is next to the National Highway 1A and near Hai
Van Pass.
Lying on the most beautiful curve of the country, Lang Co has almost everything that the
nature can offer: green mountains and tropical forests, smooth white sand, full of sunshine and
cool, blue and clear sea as crystal, and the average temperature of 25°C in summer. It is an
attractive destination for both domestic and international tourists in Vietnam. It is the third bay
of Vietnam, after Ha Long and Nha Trang, named in the list of 30 most beautiful bays in the
It can be said that nobody can resist a beauty like Lang Co town. This small and peaceful
town will give you the most relaxing time and many games at the beach. In addition, you will
have a good time to enjoy the seafood with various kinds of shrimps, lobster, crab, butter-fish,
mackerel fish, oysters, etc. and not far from the beach are some attractions such as Lang Co
fishing village, Chan May scenery.
Lying on the “Central Heritage Road”, Lang Co is very close to other famous attractions
such as the Imperial City of Hue, Hoi An Ancient Town, Son Tra Peninsula where the famous
Son Tra Natural Reserve and beautiful beaches located, and so many more.
28. Lang Co beach is located .
A 10 kilometres away from Hue
B. under Hai Van Pass
C. between Hoi An Ancient Town and Son Tra Peninsula
D. on the most beautiful curve of Vietnam
29. The most important reason why so many tourists come to Lang Co beach is that .
A. it is considered an ideal place for beach lovers
B. it is the third most beautiful beach in Vietnam
C. they can enjoy various kinds of seafood
D. they can come to the famous Son Tra Natural Reserve
30. All of the following are attractions of Lang Co Beach EXCEPT .
A. cool, blue and clear sea as crystal
B. its location on the “Central Heritage Road”
C. the National Highway 1A next to it
D. smooth white sand, and full of sunshine
31. We can infer from the passage that Lang Co Beach .
A. enjoys the harmony of nature and humans
B. is very hot during summer
C. is the most beautiful bay in the world
D. is the first member of the “World’s most beautiful bays” club
32. Coming to Lang Co Beach, you can do all of the following activities EXCEPT .
A. visiting the nearby fishing village
B. enjoying seafood
C. relaxing and joining in beach games
D. sunbathing on many beautiful beaches

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Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Exercise 6
1. She is a friendly person. She gets  ____ all her neighbors.
A. up well with B. down well with C. on well with D. off with
2. Jack and Linda  ____ last week. They just weren't happy together.
A. ended up B. finished off C. broke into D. broke up
3. Brian asked Judy  ____ to dinner   and a movie.
A. out B. on C. for D. of
4. Her contract  ____ in two months, so she's looking for another job.
A. runs down B. runs out C. goes out D. goes away
5. I'm not sure my brother will ever get married because he hates the feeling of being  ____
A. tied in B. tied down C. tied up D. tied in with
6. It's a small lamp, so it doesn't  ____ off much light.
A. cast B. give C. shed D. spend
7. When I joined the army, I found it difficult to  ____ out orders from my superiors, but I soon got
used to it.
A. call B. carry C. miss D. take
8. If too many species  ____ out, it will upset the ecosystem.
A. disappear B. die C. go D. extinct
9. It is very important for a film or a company to keep  ____ the changes in the market.
A. pace of B. track about C. touch with D. up with
10. I'm saving all my pocket money  ____ to buy a new PlayStation.
A. out B. down C. up D. away
11. The effect of the painkiller is  ____ and I begin to feel the soreness again.
A. turning out B. doing without C. fading away D. wearing off
12. Children should be taught that they have to  ____ everything after they use it.
A. put away B. pick off C. collect up D. catch on
13. I can't walk in these high-heeled boots. I keep  ____
A. falling off B. falling back C. falling over D. falling out
14. People are advised to  ____ smoking because of its harm to their health.
A. cut down B. cut off C. cut in D. cut down on
15. It took Ted a long time to get  ____ the breakup of his marriage.
A. over B. across C. along with D. through
16. The smell of the sea  ____ his childhood.
A. took him in B. took after
C. took him back to D. took it for granted
17. Despite all the interruptions, he  ____ with his work.
A. pressed on B. held on C. stuck at D. hung out
18. The new office block  ____ well with its surroundings.
A. blends in B. stands out C. shapes up D. sets off
19. It's a serious operation for a woman as old as my grandmother. She's very frail. I hope she  ____
A. gets over B. comes round C. pulls through D. stands up
20. It was very difficult to  ____ what he was saying about the noise of the traffic.
A. pick up B. make up C. turn out D. make out

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Exercise 5


1. When Tet holiday comes, Vietnamese people often feel inclined to  ____ their houses.
A. do up B. do through C. do over D. do in
2. Bob has a bad lung cancer and his doctor advised him to  ____ smoking.
A. turn up B. give up C. take up D. put up
3. When he realized the police had spotted him, the man  ____ the exit as quickly as possible.
A. made off B. made for C. made out D. made up
4. The government is thinking of bringing  ____ a law to make it compulsory for cyclists to wear
crash helmets.
A. on B. up C. in D. round
5. Susan was alone in the house when the fire  ____
A. broke out B. broke down C. broke up D. broke away.
6. I think you need to  ____ your ideas more clearly so that the reader doesn't get confused.
A. dawn on B. set out C. get on with D. give in
7. Susie and Fran  ____ us last night, so I had to quickly defrost a pizza.
A. turned up B. dropped in on C. came across D. went through
8. Rebecca  ____ on our conversation to tell us that James had just been rushed into hospital.
A. broke up B. got ahead C. faced up D. cut in
9. Is it a compulsion that the scheme  ____ next Friday?
A. carry out B. will carry out C. carried out D. be carried out
10. No one knows where Sam is living now. The last time that I  ____ was about four years ago.
A. ran into him B. ran him out C. ran him down D. ran after him
11. All his plans for starting his own business fell  ____
A. in B. through C. down D. away
12. Whenever a problem  ____ , we try to discuss frankly and find solutions as soon as possible.
A. comes in B. comes up C. comes off D. comes by
13. The computer isn't working - it broke  ____ this morning.
A. out B. into C. down D. over
14. The final year at the secondary school is the time for teenagers to get  ____ thinking about
choosing jobs.
A. off with B. by in C. behind with D. down to
15. On Friday night, some of our friends came to the party and  ____ for the weekend.
A. fell behind B. waited up C. stayed on D. kept up
16. I have been looking  ____ this book for months, and at last I have found it.
A. over B. up C. for D. at
17. You can always  ____ Ann to give you sound advice.
A. bank of B. bank for C. bank at D. bank on
18. The new manager  ____ very strict rules as soon as he had taken over the position.
A. settled down B. put down C. laid down D. wrote down
19. Everyone knows about pollution problems , but not many people have  ____ any solution.
A. come up with B. looked into C. thought over D. got round to
20. The speaker fails to get his message  ____ to his audience.
A. around B. in C. across D. out

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

1. Our teacher told us that if we don't  ____ the environment, our grandchildren may not even be able to carry on living.
A. look into B. look out for C. look after D. look for
2. He may have deceived you, but he didn't take me  ____
A. in B. off C. over D. up
3. I can't make  ____ what he means.
A. up B. for C. out D. after
4. They are all making  ____ the exit.
A. after B. out C. for D. against
5. The pain will soon pass  ____
A. away B. off C. over D. into
6. We must make  ____ some stories to explain our absence.
A. out B. away C. off D. up
7. I ran  ____ George in the library.
A. out of B. over C. through D. into
8. You need a rest; you look run  ____
A. through B. over C. down D. up
9. He puts  ____ some money every week.
A. away B. up C. off D. out
10. Our dog has been run  ____ by a car.
A. over B. down C. into D. through
11. You may not like the noise, but you will have to put  ____
A. up with B. aside C. by D. down
12. I promise to look  ____ the matter.
A. for B. after C. into D. up
13. Look  ____ ! It is falling.
A. over B. at C. for D. out
14. The two countries have broken  ____ relations.
A. out B. up C. off D. into
15. Shall have to bring this matter  ____ at the next meeting.
A. round B. up C. off D. about
16. The new government has brought  ____ many changes.
A. about B. round C. up D. off
17. She used to be thin, but she is filled  ____ a lot.
A. in B. into C. up D. out
18. Let us do  ____ these regulations.
A. away with B. over C. up D. for
19. As I have just had a tooth  ____ , I am not allowed to eat or drink anything for three hours.
A. taken out B. crossed out C. broken off D. tried on
20. The woman  ____ when the police told her that her son had died.

A. got overB. fell apartC. looked upD. broke down


Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Exercise 3

1. "To give someone a ring" is to ____
A. call him up B. marry him C. admire him D. pick him up
2. Because of heavy rain, the game was  ____ for a few days.
A. taken out B. put off C. set up D. gotten away
3. What may happen if John will not arrive in time?
A. go along B. count on C. keep away D. turn up
4. Johnny sometimes visits his grandparents in the countryside.
A. calls on B. keeps off C. takes in D. goes up
5. I do not use those things any more. You can  ____ them away.
A. get B. fall C. throw D. make
6. At the station, we often see the sign "  ____ for pickpockets".
A. Watch on B. Watch out C. Watch up D. Watch at
7. The passengers had to wait because the plane  ____ off one hour late.
A. took B. turned C. cut D. made
8. He  ____ on many subjects at the meeting.
A. held down B. held forth C. held good D. held over
9. If I had not held him  ____ , he would have beaten you soundly.
A. back B. over C. by D. out
10. Please let me  ____ I promise not to do it again.
A. off B. on C. up D. in
11. He knows where the boy was hiding but he didn't let  ____
A. up B. off C. on D. in
12. He promised to deliver the stuff today and has let us  ____ again.
A. up B. on C. off D. down
13. It seems that the rain is letting  ____
A. up B. on C. off D. in
14. The traffic was held  ____ by fog.
A. up B. over C. back D. out
15. Because of the heavy rain, today the meeting will be held  ____ until next week.
A. up B. back C. out D. over
16. I would have been here sooner but the rain kept me  ____
A. back B. from C. on D. up with
17. Keep children  ____ from the fire.
A. in with B. from C. away D. back
18. It is the most important to keep  ____ your neighbors.
A. touch with B. up with C. in with D. away from
19. He promised to keep  ____ us while he was abroad.
A. in touch with B. up with C. in with D. away from
20. I took  ____ him at once, and we have been friends over since.

A. afterB. toC. overD. up


Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Exercise 3

1. "To give someone a ring" is to ____
A. call him up B. marry him C. admire him D. pick him up
2. Because of heavy rain, the game was  ____ for a few days.
A. taken out B. put off C. set up D. gotten away
3. What may happen if John will not arrive in time?
A. go along B. count on C. keep away D. turn up
4. Johnny sometimes visits his grandparents in the countryside.
A. calls on B. keeps off C. takes in D. goes up
5. I do not use those things any more. You can  ____ them away.
A. get B. fall C. throw D. make
6. At the station, we often see the sign "  ____ for pickpockets".
A. Watch on B. Watch out C. Watch up D. Watch at
7. The passengers had to wait because the plane  ____ off one hour late.
A. took B. turned C. cut D. made
8. He  ____ on many subjects at the meeting.
A. held down B. held forth C. held good D. held over
9. If I had not held him  ____ , he would have beaten you soundly.
A. back B. over C. by D. out
10. Please let me  ____ I promise not to do it again.
A. off B. on C. up D. in
11. He knows where the boy was hiding but he didn't let  ____
A. up B. off C. on D. in
12. He promised to deliver the stuff today and has let us  ____ again.
A. up B. on C. off D. down
13. It seems that the rain is letting  ____
A. up B. on C. off D. in
14. The traffic was held  ____ by fog.
A. up B. over C. back D. out
15. Because of the heavy rain, today the meeting will be held  ____ until next week.
A. up B. back C. out D. over
16. I would have been here sooner but the rain kept me  ____
A. back B. from C. on D. up with
17. Keep children  ____ from the fire.
A. in with B. from C. away D. back
18. It is the most important to keep  ____ your neighbors.
A. touch with B. up with C. in with D. away from
19. He promised to keep  ____ us while he was abroad.
A. in touch with B. up with C. in with D. away from
20. I took  ____ him at once, and we have been friends over since.

A. after
Exercise 4
B. toC. overD. up

1. Our teacher told us that if we don't  ____ the environment, our grandchildren may not even be able to carry on living.
A. look into B. look out for C. look after D. look for
2. He may have deceived you, but he didn't take me  ____
A. in B. off C. over D. up
3. I can't make  ____ what he means.
A. up B. for C. out D. after
4. They are all making  ____ the exit.
A. after B. out C. for D. against
5. The pain will soon pass  ____
A. away B. off C. over D. into
6. We must make  ____ some stories to explain our absence.
A. out B. away C. off D. up
7. I ran  ____ George in the library.
A. out of B. over C. through D. into
8. You need a rest; you look run  ____
A. through B. over C. down D. up
9. He puts  ____ some money every week.
A. away B. up C. off D. out
10. Our dog has been run  ____ by a car.
A. over B. down C. into D. through
11. You may not like the noise, but you will have to put  ____
A. up with B. aside C. by D. down
12. I promise to look  ____ the matter.
A. for B. after C. into D. up
13. Look  ____ ! It is falling.
A. over B. at C. for D. out
14. The two countries have broken  ____ relations.
A. out B. up C. off D. into
15. Shall have to bring this matter  ____ at the next meeting.
A. round B. up C. off D. about
16. The new government has brought  ____ many changes.
A. about B. round C. up D. off
17. She used to be thin, but she is filled  ____ a lot.
A. in B. into C. up D. out
18. Let us do  ____ these regulations.
A. away with B. over C. up D. for
19. As I have just had a tooth  ____ , I am not allowed to eat or drink anything for three hours.
A. taken out B. crossed out C. broken off D. tried on
20. The woman  ____ when the police told her that her son had died.

A. got over
Exercise 5
B. fell apartC. looked upD. broke down

1. When Tet holiday comes, Vietnamese people often feel inclined to  ____ their houses.
A. do up B. do through C. do over D. do in
2. Bob has a bad lung cancer and his doctor advised him to  ____ smoking.
A. turn up B. give up C. take up D. put up
3. When he realized the police had spotted him, the man  ____ the exit as quickly as possible.
A. made off B. made for C. made out D. made up
4. The government is thinking of bringing  ____ a law to make it compulsory for cyclists to wear
crash helmets.
A. on B. up C. in D. round
5. Susan was alone in the house when the fire  ____
A. broke out B. broke down C. broke up D. broke away.
6. I think you need to  ____ your ideas more clearly so that the reader doesn't get confused.
A. dawn on B. set out C. get on with D. give in
7. Susie and Fran  ____ us last night, so I had to quickly defrost a pizza.
A. turned up B. dropped in on C. came across D. went through
8. Rebecca  ____ on our conversation to tell us that James had just been rushed into hospital.
A. broke up B. got ahead C. faced up D. cut in
9. Is it a compulsion that the scheme  ____ next Friday?
A. carry out B. will carry out C. carried out D. be carried out
10. No one knows where Sam is living now. The last time that I  ____ was about four years ago.
A. ran into him B. ran him out C. ran him down D. ran after him
11. All his plans for starting his own business fell  ____
A. in B. through C. down D. away
12. Whenever a problem  ____ , we try to discuss frankly and find solutions as soon as possible.
A. comes in B. comes up C. comes off D. comes by
13. The computer isn't working - it broke  ____ this morning.
A. out B. into C. down D. over
14. The final year at the secondary school is the time for teenagers to get  ____ thinking about
choosing jobs.
A. off with B. by in C. behind with D. down to
15. On Friday night, some of our friends came to the party and  ____ for the weekend.
A. fell behind B. waited up C. stayed on D. kept up
16. I have been looking  ____ this book for months, and at last I have found it.
A. over B. up C. for D. at
17. You can always  ____ Ann to give you sound advice.
A. bank of B. bank for C. bank at D. bank on
18. The new manager  ____ very strict rules as soon as he had taken over the position.
A. settled down B. put down C. laid down D. wrote down
19. Everyone knows about pollution problems , but not many people have  ____ any solution.
A. come up with B. looked into C. thought over D. got round to
20. The speaker fails to get his message  ____ to his audience.
A. around B. in C. across D. out
Exercise 6
1. She is a friendly person. She gets  ____ all her neighbors.
A. up well with B. down well with C. on well with D. off with
2. Jack and Linda  ____ last week. They just weren't happy together.
A. ended up B. finished off C. broke into D. broke up
3. Brian asked Judy  ____ to dinner   and a movie.
A. out B. on C. for D. of
4. Her contract  ____ in two months, so she's looking for another job.
A. runs down B. runs out C. goes out D. goes away
5. I'm not sure my brother will ever get married because he hates the feeling of being  ____
A. tied in B. tied down C. tied up D. tied in with
6. It's a small lamp, so it doesn't  ____ off much light.
A. cast B. give C. shed D. spend
7. When I joined the army, I found it difficult to  ____ out orders from my superiors, but I soon got
used to it.
A. call B. carry C. miss D. take
8. If too many species  ____ out, it will upset the ecosystem.
A. disappear B. die C. go D. extinct
9. It is very important for a film or a company to keep  ____ the changes in the market.
A. pace of B. track about C. touch with D. up with
10. I'm saving all my pocket money  ____ to buy a new PlayStation.
A. out B. down C. up D. away
11. The effect of the painkiller is  ____ and I begin to feel the soreness again.
A. turning out B. doing without C. fading away D. wearing off
12. Children should be taught that they have to  ____ everything after they use it.
A. put away B. pick off C. collect up D. catch on
13. I can't walk in these high-heeled boots. I keep  ____
A. falling off B. falling back C. falling over D. falling out
14. People are advised to  ____ smoking because of its harm to their health.
A. cut down B. cut off C. cut in D. cut down on
15. It took Ted a long time to get  ____ the breakup of his marriage.
A. over B. across C. along with D. through
16. The smell of the sea  ____ his childhood.
A. took him in B. took after
C. took him back to D. took it for granted
17. Despite all the interruptions, he  ____ with his work.
A. pressed on B. held on C. stuck at D. hung out
18. The new office block  ____ well with its surroundings.
A. blends in B. stands out C. shapes up D. sets off
19. It's a serious operation for a woman as old as my grandmother. She's very frail. I hope she  ____
A. gets over B. comes round C. pulls through D. stands up
20. It was very difficult to  ____ what he was saying about the noise of the traffic.
A. pick up B. make up C. turn out D. make out

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Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Exercise 2

1. Please _____ the light, it's getting dark here.
A. turn on B. turn off C. turn over D. turn into
2. The nurse has to  _____  the patients at the midnight.
A. look after B. look up C. look at D. look for
3. There is an inflation. The prices  _____ 
A. are going on B. are going down C. are going over D. are going up
4. Remember to  _____  your shoes when you are in a Japanese house.
A. take care B. take on C. take over D. take off
5. You can  _____  the new words in the dictionary.
A. look for B. look after C. look up D. look at
6. It's cold outside  _____  your coat.
A. Put on B. Put down C. Put off D. Put into
7. If you want to be healthy, you should  _____  your bad habits in your lifestyles.
A. give up B. call off C. break down D. get over
8. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
A. do B. let C. delay D. leave
9. My father still hasn't really recovered from the death of my mother.
A. looked after B. taken after C. gone off D. got over
10. The bomb exploded with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town.
A. went on B. went out C. went off D. went away
11. John, could you look after my handbag while I go out for a minute.
A. take part in B. take over C. take place D. take care of
12. Why do they  _____  talking about money all the time?
A. keep on B. give up C. take after D. stop by
13. My father gave up smoking two years ago.
A. liked B. continued C. stopped D. enjoyed
14. The government hopes to  _____  its plans for introducing cable TV.
A. turn out B. carry out C. carry on D. keep on
15. When the tenants failed to pay their bill, the authorities decided to  _____  the gas supply to the flat.
A. cut down B. cut out C. cut off D. cut up
16. You go on ahead and then I'll catch  _____  you.
A. along with B. forward to C. up with D. on to
17. Both Ann and her sister look like her mother.
A. take after B. take place C. take away D. take on
18. I'll be back in a minute, Jane. I just want to try out my new tape recorder.
A. resemble B. test C. arrive D. buy
19. The national curriculum is made  _____  of the following subjects: English, Maths, Chemistry and
so on....
A. from B. on C. up D. in
20. Shy people often find it difficult to  _____  group discussions.

A. take place inB. take part inC. get on withD. get in touch with