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Akai Haruma

Word form 

1. We're keeping you here for your own (safe) ___. 

2. Jimin's father is doing a (chemist) ___ experiment in his laboratory. 

3. Don't leave the lights on. It wastes (electric) ___. 

4. This machine has an (electric) ___ fault. 

5. The (destroy) ___ of atom bomb is very terrible. 

6. The disco was so (noise) ___ that you couldn't hear yourself speak.   

7. She's always worried about the (safe) ___ of her family.   

8. Jennie thinks the food in this restaurant is (taste) ___.   

9. This river is very (danger) ___ for swimmers.   

10. I'm (extreme) ___ sorry for the delay.   

11. I tried to lead a (health) ___ lifestyle - lots of exercises, fruit, and no junk foods.   

12. You have to keep all (danger) ___ objects out of children's reach.   

13. You ought to do the test (care) ___.   

14. I'm (interest) ___ in working in the garden.   

15. These shoes are small, but they are very(comfort) ___.   

16. Bell (success) ___ demonstrated his invention.   

17. (fortunate) ___, I lost my keys on the way home.   

18. Each of my friends has (difference) ___ characters. 

19. The boys shouted (excite) ___. 

20. You must put all medicines in (lock) ___ cupboards. 

21. Those clothes are (suit) ___ for cold weather. 

22. Most teenagers like talking part in (communal) ___ service. 

23. Bell and Watson (successful) ___ demonstrated the invention at countless exhibitions.
24. Last week, Suga actively (participation) ___ in social work.

25. I'm not (satisfaction) ___ with the way he cut my hair. 

26. He always talks about his son (pride) ___. 

27. Nam likes acting and outdoor (act) ___. 

28. Is that ladder (safety) ___? 

29. We need to (electric) ___ the whole country as soon as possible.
30. Hard work always brings (succeed) ___.