Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
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Bài 1: Rewrite the following sentences, using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in brackets.

1. He continued to work even after he had been seriously ill. (carry on)

2. They waited for him for over two hours before he finally arrived, (turn up)

3. I went to bed later than usual because I wanted to watch the film, (stay up)

4. After several calls, I succeeded in reaching her on the telephone, (get through)

5. It will take them an hour to complete all these forms, (fill in)

6. We can let you stay for the night in the spare room, (put up)

7. Please stop inventing excuses for why you won't go out with me. (make up)
8.  She found a solution to the problem, (work out)

Bài 2. Use the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box to complete the text.


grow up

bring up

knock out

end up

not get on with

give up

take up

She (1) boxing when she was 21. Since then she has won five women's heavyweight boxing titles. Her childhood wasn't always easy. She ( 2 ) in a famous
family but her parents were divorced and she ( 3 ) by her mother. Unfortunately, she
( 4 ) her father, whom she only saw during the summers. Before long, she started
getting into trouble and fighting with people. She says that she wouldn't start the fights but she wouldn't ( 5 ) from one either. Eventually, she ( 6 ) in trouble with the law;
when she was 16, her boyfriend gave her a credit card but she didn't tell her it was stolen. In 1999, she ( 7 ) her job in a salon, joined a gym and started boxing. She had her first fight in
October 1999. She ( 8 ) April Fowler in the first few minutes of the fight.

Bài 3. Complete each gap with the correct form of a verb. The resulting phrasal verbs should have same meaning as the definitions in brakets. 

1. Susan (think of)__up with the ideal for her new business when she was working in a bank. She ( stop doing) ___up her job there and (start)___up her own company. 

2. I"ve had no luck with my job application. several companies have (reject) ___me down because of my age: they only want to (start to employ)___ on people with experience. Now (investigate) into the possibility of going around to find work. 

3. All the time I was (go from childhood to adulthood)___up i ( admire and respect)___up  to my dad - he was my role model. Then when I was 21, he was imprisoned for theft. I left so (disappoint)___ dout by him. 

4. someone painted graffiti on all the walls school was except one - maybe they (use up)___ out of pain. No one has (confess) ___up to doing it yet, but the teachers are determined to (discover)___ out who it was. 

5. I don't know if I can (stand tolerate) ____up with my dad for much longer - he's always (criticize angrily) ___ me off for stupid, unimportant things. I (have a friendly relationship with)___ on well with my mum. 

6. John's offered to (let me stay in his house)___ up when I go to London. It's ages since I last saw him. I really (feel excited about)___ forward to meeting up with him again. I was going to stay with him last summer but he had to (postpone)___ it off because he was in hospital. 

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