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Số lượng câu hỏi 3
Số lượng câu trả lời 24
Điểm GP 8
Điểm SP 16

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21. The most _____________ games have sold in the millions. SUCCESS
22. People have _____________ that doing puzzles is good for you. COVER
23. It's easy to find a _____________ to the problems posed. SOLVE
24. There has been an _____________ in the power of their brains. IMPROVE
25. Some _____________ argue that the brain gets better at a task the more it
repeats it.


26. The improvement in the _____________is something that happens

27. It remains _____________ whether puzzles are actually helping to boost CERTAIN

brainpower or not.
28. According to _____________, most people sleep less than 8 hours every


29. The advice passed down to our grandparents may contain some


30. A good example is the_____________between being cold and catching a

31. These high-heeled shoes are _____________ for such rough terrain.  SUIT
32. Colds are caused by viruses, so in the _____________ of a virus, you can't
catch a cold.

33. You're too young. This film is _____________ for children your age. APPROPRIATE
34. _____________ now think that we may have viruses in our bodies already. SCIENCE
35. In cold weather, for example, blood vessels in the nose get smaller to stop
heat escaping. _____________, this also allows the cold virus to attack the
nose or throat more easily. 


36. Victoria Falls in Africa is one of the most _____________sights in the world. SPECTACLE
37. It's also an _____________ place for water sports. CREDIBLE
38. We need you to provide an accurate _____________ of the situation. DESCRIBE
39. On arrival, it's the noise that makes the greatest_____________. IMPRESS
40. The _____________ landscape is also well worth a visit. SURROUND
41. There's a post office a bit _____________down the road. FAR
42. Six months after the accident, he still has _____________ walking. DIFFICULT
43. I can't play tennis that well because I'm a _____________. BEGIN
44. Don't go there. It's _____________. DANGER
45. Read this. It'll be very _____________ for your trip to Australia. USE
46. I didn't find him that _____________, but my friend did. ATTRACT
47. The school has a _____________ for being very up-to-date with

48. These are _____________clothes and that's why they are very expensive.  DESIGN
49. I left the party because it was _____________ noisy in there. EXTREME
50. I had no _____________but to tell him. CHOOSE
51. This cloth is made from _____________ fibers. NATURE
52. If you want to take care of the environment, it's important to


53. In the next few years, _____________ will hopefully have found a cure for

54. According to the _____________, the epidemic started in Kuala Lumpur. SEARCH
55. _____________from family and friends can lead to feelings of anxiety. ISOLATE
56. I was _____________ to understand what the problem was. ABLE
57. There will be a _____________of solo games and competitive games

58. Participants will later be asked for _____________ on the event. FEED
59. It was an_____________reunion and we were all really touched when we
remembered how we had met.

60. I am writing to ask for further _____________ on your Open Day. INFORM
61. This took place at the end of the _____________ century. TWENTY
62. People really _____________the party. JOY
63. Meditation is great as a means of _____________. RELAX
64. This method is a lot more _____________than the previous one. EFFECT
65. Picasso was a Spanish _____________who also lived in France. ART
66. There has been little _____________ in the negotiations since January. MOVE
67. _____________ enough, I didn't know she already had four children. SURPRISE
68. His voice was_____________recognizable. INSTANT
69. The only cure for _____________ is creativity. BORE
70. This is a textile company _____________ in denim. SPECIAL
71. _____________is a part of life, but you have to be able to enjoy the others

72. Without that, I wouldn't be happy even if I was the _____________ man in RICH

the world.
73. The music in the festival was so loud. It was _____________! DEAF
74. I don't think my marks can get _____________ because I already study to
the best of my abilities.

75. The _____________ river fish in Europe lives in Spain! LARGE
76. Passeig de Gràcia is being _____________ so there is more room for
people to walk on the pavement.


77. I can _____________ that if you study you will have no problems passing
this test.

78. Nowadays there are lots of _____________ species of animals in the world,
for example, the panda.

79. I was _____________ to take the driving test by my friends. COURAGE
80. I see they've finally got round to _____________ the Shoreham road. WIDE
81. The teacher asked us to _____________ the main ideas in the chapter we
had read in class.


82. The top manager of the shop told me that my credit card was not
_____________ to pay for the jeans which cost under 20€.

83. Art in the 20th century is usually referred to as _____________ art. MODERNIZE
84. Everybody listens to David Guetta's music. It's so _____________. COMMERCE
85. Butterflies are thoroughly_____________by scientists. CLASS
86. She _____________ the qualities of a good leader. EXAMPLE
87. Many people don't understand the _____________ of life. SIMPLE
88. It's impossible to tell those twins apart! They are _____________. IDENTITY
89. He made several wrong_____________about women. GENERAL
90. It was hard to _____________ between the two styles of music. DIFFERENCE
91. He hasn't finished the preparation course, so he's not_____________for this

92. She was _____________ by the colour of the plant. CAPTIVE
93. At the auction, Elton John's car was _____________ at 1 million euros. VALUE
94. The _____________ took place next door at 2 am. ASSASSIN
95. The main _____________ of this painting are its bright colours and its
sense of perspective.

96. _____________ is important in a relationship. STABLE
97. Despite his _____________ with that type of vehicle, he had an accident
because a cat made him crash into a tree.


98. At the best moment of its empire, Rome had _____________ over all the


99. Nowadays almost everything can be _____________ thanks to the use of

100. I wish I had the _____________ to do that. STRONG

Câu trả lời:

IV. Read the passage and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). (5 points)

Tim had a toothache. His mother wanted to take him to the dentist but he refused. He was afraid of the pain when the dentist had to pull out his teeth. Tim’s mother told him that if he did not consult the dentist, the pain would worsen. Finally, Tim agreed reluctantly.

There were many people at the dentist’s. Soon it was Tim’s turn. He walked nervously into the room and sat down. The dentist appeared friendly and told him to open his mouth. Then he told Tim that he had to pull out the bad tooth. The dentist gave Tim an injection and assured him that he would not feel any pain.

To Tim’s surprise, he really did not feel any pain. The dentist advised Tim to brush his teeth twice a day. Tim was taught the proper way of brushing his teeth. The dentist also reminded Tim not to take too many sweets so that he would not have any tooth decay.




1. Tim was afraid of the pain when the dentist had to pull out his teeth.



2. Tim’s mother told him that if he did not consult the dentist, the pain would better.



3. The dentist gave Tim an injection and assured him that he would feel some pain when he pulled out Tim’s tooth.



4. Tim was taught the proper way of brushing his teeth.



5. The dentist also reminded Tim not to take too many sweets so that he would not have any tooth decay.




I.  Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. ( 5 points).

1. Living in Bac Giang is cheaper than living in Hai Phong.

→ Living in Hai Phong is more expensive than living in Bac Giang.

2. Hang is the fattest girl in my class.

→ No one in my class is fatter than Hang .  

(Cái này mình nghĩ là “no girl” thì đúng hơn á :~ )

3. They intend to make this beach a clean and beautiful place again.

→ They are………………………………………………………………………………………

They plan to make this beach a clean and beautiful place again

( Mình nghĩ là làm như này :~ )

4. How much is this bike?

→ What does this bike cost?

5. My father is a teacher of History at a secondary school in Nha Trang.

→ My father works as a teacher of History at a secondary school in Nha



Câu trả lời:


I. Read the text in each question. What does it say? Choose the best explanation for each text. On the answer sheet, circle A, B or C . (5 points)














A. Do not leave your bicycle touching the window.

B. Do not ride your bicycle in this area.

C. Broken glass may damage your bicycle tyres.

D. Your bicycle may not be safe here.
















A. Children must play here.

B. Children mustn’t be here.

C. Children must be with parents.

D. Children must not play here.



















A. Dogs can remain here.

B. Dogs must be knocked after.

C. A fee is charged for dogs.

D. Dogs mustn’t be brought in here.  


















A. Do not forget to put your bag outside your room.

B. Don’t put your bag here.

C. Bags left in the corridor will be stolen.

D. If you leave your bags here, it will be collected.



















A. Do not remove these photographs.

B. Do not use your camera here.

C. There are no photographs on sale.

 D. You can take photographs here.




II. Read the passages below and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each space. (10 points)

Along with jogging and swimming, cycling is (1) __one of the best__ all-round from of exercise. It can help to (2) __________ your strength and energy, giving you (3) __________ efficient muscles and stronger heart. But increasing your strength is (4) __________the old advantage of cycling. Because you (5) _________not carrying the weight of your body on your feet, it’s a good (6) ________of exercise for people with painful feet or backs. However, (7) __________ all forms of exercise, it’s important to start slowly and build up gently. Doing (8) __________ much, too quickly can damage muscles that aren’t use to walking. If you have (9) ___________ doubt about taking up cycling for heath reason, talk to your doctor and ask (10) __________his advice.

1. A. a                         B. an                            C. the                    D. this

2. A. increase              B. to increase              C. increasing        D. increased

3. A. much                  B. the most                  C. more                 D. too

4. A. not                      B. no                           C. none                 D. any

5. A.  were                  B. was                         C. are                    D. is

6. A. formation           B. form                        C. formal              D. forms

7. A. for                      B. to                            C. with                 D. from

8. A. too                      B. so                            C. such                 D. some 

9. A. the                     B. any                           C. some                D. none

10. A.  in                     B. at                                         C. for                   D. with

III. Read the following passages and  choose the correct answer. (10 points)

John Smith is a very busy man. He is 60 years old and he has a lot of jobs. He is a policeman, a fireman, a school bus driver, a postman, a taxi driver, a boatman, an ambulance man, an accountant, a petrol attendant, a barman and an undertaker. Also, he and his wife, Susan, have a shop and a small hotel.           

John lives and works on the island of Gingham in the west of Scotland. Only one hundred and twenty people live there but in summer this number will be doubled because of tourists who come by boat every day.

Every day John gets up at 6.00 and makes breakfast for the hotel guests. At 8.00, he drives the island’s children to school. At 9.00, he collects the post from the boat and delivers it to all the houses on the island. He also delivers the beer to the island’s only pub. Then he helps Susan in the shop.

He says, “Susan likes being busy, too. We never have holidays and we do not like watching television. In the evenings, Susan makes supper and I do the accounts. At 10.00, we have a glass of wine and then we go to bed. Perhaps our life isn’t very exciting, but we like it”.

1. John Smith is a very busy man because____________.

     A. he lives and works on the island                      B. he is 60 years old

     C. he has thirteen jobs                                            D. he is a policeman and a taxi driver.

2. Where does he live?

A. He lives in the south of Scotland.                   B. He lives in the west of London.            

C. He lives in the north of Scotland.                    D. He lives on the island the west of Scotland.

3. What time doe he drive children to school?

     A. 7.00                               B. 8.00                        C. 9.00                        D. 6.00

4. In summer, about ____________ people and tourists are on the island of Gingham.

     A. 120                                B. 60                           C. 150                         D. 240

5. He usually takes the island’s children to school by ____________.

     A. bus                                 B. taxi                         C. boat                        D. ambulance

6. His wife works in _______________

 A. the school              B. the hospital             C. the shop                 D. the library

7. The word “we” in line 11 refers to____________

A. the children                                      B. John Smith and his wife              

C. Susan and her friends           D. John Smith and the children

8. What does John do in the evenings?          ~ ____________.

     A. He makes supper.                                              B. He does the accounts.

     C. He goes to bed early.                                        D. He watches television.

9.  They don’t watch television in the evenings because ____________.

     A. They have a glass of wine                                 B. They have lots of things to do

     C. They are always tired in the evening                 D. They don’t like it

10. What is not true about John Smith?

A. He works a lot of jobs     B. He always spends too much time on holidays and watching TV.

C. He loves his life.              D. He and his wife are always busy.

Câu trả lời:

I. Choose the word, phrase or expression which best completes each sentence. (10points)

  1. “Let’s go to Vung Tau on the weekend.”_ “_____________”

  A. That’s a fine day            B. That’s a good idea             C. Yes, please            D. No, thanks

  2.  I think Seoul is ………………………. than Jakarta.

A. cleaner                            B. cleanest             C. more cleaner            D. most cleanest

3. My brother is a .................. driver. He drives very.................. .

A. carefully/careful             B. careful / carefully         C. careful/careful         D. care / carefully

4. Whose book are you reading? It's..................

A. English book             B. interested         C. Mary’s         D. about Mary

5. There is an intersection ahead. We..................

A. must not slow down             B. must slow down    C. must go fast         D. cannot go straight

6. There is a .................. behind my classroom.

A. big flower garden     B. flower big garden       C. garden big flower      D. big garden flower  

 7.  “Would you like a glass of green tea?”

A. No, let’s not.               B. No, I don’t.               C. No, thanks.          D. No, I wouldn’t.

 8. Tam’s house is _______ a bookshop _______ a restaurant.

A. next to - and                    B. between - and         C. next to - of                   D. between – of

9. My brother wants a good pair of shoes because he often goes ______

A. jogging                   B. running                               C. swimming               D. sailing

10. The noise in the street usually ………………….. me awake at night.

A. keeps                      B. is keeping                           C. kept                        D. has kept

II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (5 points)

1. Near my house there is a market. It’s very …noisy ... (NOISE)

2. There is a…beautiful... rice paddy near my house. ( BEAUTY)

3. He is my teacher of English . He speaks English (39)…fluently...  (FLUENCY)

4. You must be ……careful … when you open the door. (CARE)

5. The  …leaves…of this tree are very green and beautiful.  (LEAF)

III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. (5points)

1. What is the higher mountain in the world?

                  A   B     C                      D

2. They often go to bed early and never get up lately.

               A                 B                               C       D

3. Each student studying chemistry have to spend at least three hours per week in the

laboratory.                A                          B                      C                                                  D

4. Play football is one of the most   common ways of relaxing.

         A                    B                 C                                   D

5. How much rooms are there in the new house?

             A             B          C            D