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Số lượng câu hỏi 82
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Hien le Thi



1. They ____the exercise when their teacher comes back.

            A. are doing              B. will be doing            C. do                   D. would do

2. By Christmas, I ____ for the company for five years.

A. shall have been working                B. shall work

     C. have been working              D. shall be working

3. We ______ exam at 8 o’clock next Monday.

A. will take               B. will be taking        C. take              D. would take

4. By the end of next year, my son _______ English for six months.

A. will learn           B. will have learned  C. has learned    D. had learned

5. I will contact you as soon as I ___________the information.

A. will get                B. get                               C. got                  D. had got

6. “ How long have you been with the company?”

    “ I ______ there for ten years by September”

A. will work          B. was working     C. will be working    D. will have worked

7. He left today, which is Tuesday, and he _______back tomorrow week.

A. will be              B. would be                          C. would have been                      D. is

8. I ________a famous pop star when I'm older.

      A. am going to be       B. am being                    C. am                                              D. was

9. I just want to know what you__________ at this time tomorrow afternoon.

      A. were doing          B. will be doing                C. are doing       D. do

10. I am reading this novel. By the time you come back from work I _________ it.

      A. will finish          B. will have finished    C. have finished           D. had finished

11. A: You’re just missed the last train!

B: Never mind, I_______.

A. will walk             B. will be walking          C. walk            D. will have walked

12. Whenever she came to see me, she _____ something to my children.

A. would give       B. had given                         C. will have given       D. was giving

13. The chairs _______ from the ballroom before the dance begins.

  A. will have been removed                     B. will have removed   

  C. will remove                                        D. were removed

14. Clare _______five years old next month.

A. is going to be             B. will be           C. will have been                       D. is

15. If he's late again, I_____ very angry.

A. am going to be        B. will be         C. would be                                    D. am

16. I ______ an exam next October.

A. am taking              B. have taken             C. take                                    D. will be taken

17. “Can I come by for my check tomorrow?”

            “ Yes, by then I _______ time to go to the bank”

A. will have had        B. will have               C. have had                             D. have

18. There is going to be a bus strike. Everyone______ to work

A. will walk          B. will be walking                C. will have walk         D. shall walk

19. A: “The phone is ringing”     B. “ I ______it”.

A. answer     B. will answer       C. have answered            D. will be answering

20. We should learn how to choose our words carefully or they ______ our speech silly and vulgar.

A. made          B. will make        C. would make                             D. have made

21. You ________ to take the entrance exam if you fail GCSE exam.

A. are allowed        B. won’t be allowed     C. aren’t going to take      D. won’t allow

22. Do you think that _________ pass your exams in June?

A. you                      B. to                   C. you’ll                                              D. will you

23. There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. It _______.

A. is going to rain        B. will rain         C. is raining                                     D. rains

24. She hopes that he ___ to the party.

A. will come         B. will be coming       C. comes           D. would come

25. A: You’re just missed the last train!           à B: Never mind, I__________.

         A. will walk             B. will be walking       C. walk                  D. will have walked

26. Mary, ________we go to the cinema?

         A. did                    B. will                            C. do                                          D. shall

27. You_______ something to drink, won’t you?

         A. will have                    B. will be having         C. will have had          D. have

28.  What _______ next Sunday morning?

         A. does Carol           B. will Carol do    C. do Carol do             D. does

29. A: Why are you getting out the jack?

B: we have a puncture and I_________ the wheel.

A: I_________ you.

         A. am going to change/ will help                       B. will change/ am going to help

         C. will change/ will help                                    D. am going to change/ am going to help

30       A: I’ll ring you tomorrow at six.

B: No, don’t ring at six. I ________ the baby then ring later.

         A. shall bath             B. will be bathing                C. will have bathed  D. bath 

31. What________ do tomorrow, girls?

         A. shall we                  B. do we                C. we will                          D. would we

32. I’ve just enrolled at the local technical college. I_______ pottery classes next winter.

         A. am going to attend                  B. will attend

        C. will be attending                      D. will have attended                      

33.   A: Why are you peeling that bit of garlic?

        B: I________ it in the stew.

         A. am going to put                  B. will put       C. will have put          D. will be putting

34. A:  ________  me your fishing rod? à B: yes, of course. Where  __________ .

        A. will you lend/ are you going to fish   

         B. are you going to lend/ are you going to fish

C. will you lend/ will you fish                    

D. are you going to lend/ will you fish

35.    A: Why are you getting out the jack?

B: we have a puncture and I________ the wheel.

A: I________ you.

A. am going to change/ will help               B. will change/ am going to help

C. will change/ will help                                 D. am going to change/ am going to help

Hien le Thi

VI. Complete these sentences with the future form: will + infinitive; the future continuous; the future perfect or future perfect continuous.

1. Will you have lunch with me on 24th? ~I’d love to, but I afraid I my exam then, (do)

2. In a hundred years’ time people_________________ to Mars for their holidays, (go)

3. By the end of my university course I 1,200 lectures, (attend)

4. Without more cheap housing, families_____________ the village and find homes in town, (leave)

5. Weather forecast says that the rain ___________by the morning and tomorrow will be dry. (clear)

6. I suppose by now school ___________for Christmas and you ___________a rest, (close, enjoy)

7. In two years’ time Morneau ___________for 50 years and show no sign of retiring from the theater, (act)

8. Don’t ring her up at 10 o’clock; she ______________the children to bed Ring later, (put)

9. This time next Monday I ______________ in a Paris cafe reading Le Figaro, (sit)

10. am confident that I ______________the report before the end of the week, (finish)

11. This book on Proust is really difficult. On Saturday I it for a month, and I’m still only half way. (read)

12. I ______________my car until next week, so you can borrow it if  you like, (use)

13. I’m enjoying the course. I ______________a lot by the time I’ve completed it. (learn)

14. I’ve got an exam tomorrow, so I can’t come out tonight. I______________ all evening, (revise)

15. I’m late with my project. I______________ it by the time we’re supposed to hand it in. (not finish)

Hien le Thi


1. I love London. I (probably / go) there next year.

2. What (wear / you) at the party tonight?

3. I haven't made up my mind yet. But I think I (find) something nice in my mum's wardrobe.

4. I completely forget about this. Give me a moment, I (do) it now.

5. Tonight, I (stay) home. I've rented a video.

6. I feel dreadful. I (be) sick.

7. If you have any problem, I (help) you.

8. The weather forecast says it (not/ rain) tomorrow

9. I promise that I (not/  come) late.

10.  Look at those clouds. It (rain) now.

EX3: Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

1. I have bought two tickets. My wife and I ________________________ (see) a movie tonight.

2. Mary thinks Peter ________________________ (get) the job.

3. A: “I _________________________(move) from my house tomorrow. I have packed everything”

    B: “I _________________________ (come) and help you.”

4. If I have enough money, I _________________________ (buy) a new car.

5. I ________________________ (be) there at four o'clock, I promise.

6. The meeting _________________________ (take) place at 4 p.m.

7. If you eat all of that cake, you _________________________ (feel) sick.

8. They _________________________ (be) at home at 10 o'clock because their son is staying alone at home.

9.  Perhaps she _________________________ (not / be) able to come tomorrow.

10. Because of the train delay, the meeting _____________(not / take) place at 10 o'clock.

11. If it rains, they _________________________ (not / go) to the seaside.

12. In my opinion, she _________________________ (fail) the exam.

13. He _________________________ ( sell) the car if he doesn’t have enough money to build a new house.

14. She is very tired, she _________________________ (take) a rest.

15. According to the weather forecast, it ____________________ (not / rain) this weekend.

16. If you lose your job, what ____________________ (you / do)?

17. In your opinion, ____________________ (she / be) a good teacher?

18. What time ____________________ (the sun / set) today?

19. Do you think she ____________________ ( get) the money from her boss?

20. ____________________(you/ take) the children to the cinema this weekend? I have seen some tickets on the table.