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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:


Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

211.  Clean teeth are ………………………….….. teeth.                                                  health

212.  ………………………………your teeth after every meal is important.                    brush

213.  He always fails the exam, so I understand about his …………………                     happy

214.  My sister writes very …………………, so she often gets good marks.                    care

215.  Gramophone was one of J. Edison’s great _________                                            invent

216.  There is a _________that he’ll come tomorrow                                                      possible

217.  You must dress _________ in the winter or you will catch a cold                          warm

218.  Whatever you do, your cold will _________ after a few days                                appear

219.  Some of the __________ of computer games are as young as 14 or 15                  invent

220.  In the countryside, people often know al l the people in their _________            neighbor

221.  In __________ to that, my bike tires were flat.                                                     add

222.  We must eat __________                                                                                       sense

223.  Then, Hoa __________a pan and stir-fried the beef.                                             hot

224.  The nurse wanted to know Nga’s ___________and weight.                                 High

225.  My sister drives faster, but …………..………..than me.                                      care

226.  Who is the …………..………..at English in your class?                                      good

227.  What is the …………..………..of the runway of the airport?                              long

228.  You should tell the …………..………..                                                               true

229.  Their …………..………..has lasted a lifetime.                                                     friend

230.  I want to rent a …………..………..apartment, please.                                        furniture

231.  Don’t eat too much. Otherwise you will be …………..………..                          weight

232.  What a …………..………..place!                                                                         delight

233.  It is not …………..………..to listen to the same song again and again.              comfort

234.  The children came in so …………..………..that they woke me up.                    noise












Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

157.  Guitar is a …………………………………………..…………instrument.           music

158.  I have ……………………………………..time to play than my friends do.         little

159.  You should do morning exercises to have a…………..……………....body.         health

160.  Where is the …………………………………………...……….restaurant?          near

161.  Minh plays volleyball very __________ .                                              skill

162.  Last year Mr. Nam drove more _______ than he does this year.             dangerous

163.  There are many badminton ____________ nowadays.                         compete

164.  I’d like a nice ________ orange.                                                            juice

165.  It’s very ___________ of you to give me a lift.                                     help

166.  There was a wide ___________ of vegetables on display.                    select

167.  Look at the ______________ ! what are the about.                           advertise

168.  People say that “ ____________ is better than cure”                             prevent

169.  The nurse needs to know Hoa’s __________ .                                      high

170.  Mr. Pike didn’t go to work yesterday because of his _________ .        sick

171. Did you make a …...............go to Nha Trang.

172. I'd like a nice ..........................orange.  

173 Eating ………….. is the key to good health.

174. Do you like .............. music.                          

175. It’s so …………… today! It’s too wet and cold. I hate this kind of weather.

176. The .............. students often play soccer or basketball

177. He can’t hear because of his ………….

178. Hoa had a .............. check- up.       

179. These shops have goods for sale at ………….price.

180. My headache ……………..after I took the tablet.












181. When being a child, she received a good __________________________.          EDUCATE

182. Walking is a fun, easy and ________________________ activity.                       EXPENSIVE

183. A balanced diet alone is not enough for a healthy _______________________.   LIFE

184. That woman is very pleasant, but her younger sister is a little _____________.    FRIEND

185. Jane likes to wear ______________________________ clothes.                           COLOUR

186. The teacher __________________________ the students to study harder.           COURAGE

187. The students of class 7A enjoy ________________activities after school hours.  DIFFER

188. Some students are following the _____________________ to the video room.     LIBRARY

189. The post arrives __________________________ at eight in the morning.            REGULAR

190. Do your classes start ____________________________ or later?                         EARLY

191.  I know all the boys who live in my ……………………                                      NEIGHBOR)

192.  People in the countryside is……………………                                                         FRIEND

193.  All ……………………between Paris  and Hanoi  have been cancelled due to fog.  FLY

194.  Do you know the ……………………of S.t  Paul’s Cathedral ?                                 HIGH

195.  Taxi drivers have to have a very good …………………….on the street names        KNOW

196.  The hotel was large and …………………..                                                           COMFORT

197.  During his …………………… the family lived in Cornwall                                CHILD

198.  Every woman  nowadays  seems to want to loose. ……………………                WEIGH                        

199.  It’s a nice shop and the assistants are all polite and very……………………         HELP             

200.  The keys were locked inside the car. ……………………, a side window was open.   LUCK


I am meeting my friend, Tom at the ………………………this afternoon, at 7.30.



This river is very ………………………for the swimmers



My mother has to go to the doctor because she has a ………………………



Now I weigh 42 kilos and my ………………………is 130 centimeters



Your bicycle is ………………………than mine.



We study ………………………countries, rivers, mountain ranges in Geography.



They have an ………………………with my doctor at 5 p.m tomorrow.



The football match was very ………………………I enjoyed it.


209.  Minh looks ……………………….… because he has a bad toothache.                   happy

210.  Hung drives so …………………………..and he often has accidents.                     danger

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

111.  Hoa is the …….......….. student in her school.                                                       GOOD

112.  I’d like a nice.........................orange.                                                                     JUICE

113.  Edison’s most famous............................was the electronic bulb.                           INVENT

114.  This dictionary is very .................... for you to learn english.                                USE

115.  I have .............. time to play than my friends.                                                        LITTLE

116. There are many badminton ………………….nowadays.      

117. Ba will be a  …………………….. artist someday.                                      

118. It’s very …………………of you to help me with my homework.

119. There was a wide …………………of vegetables on display.

120. Mr. Ba is the  same……………………as my father.                 

COMPETE                            FAME              




121.  There are about two hundred ………………  in this company.                            EMPLOY

122.  Some of the ……………… of computer games are as young as 14 or 15.           INVENT                                 

123.  In……………… to that, my bike tires was flat.                                                    ADD

124.  Diana is a ……………….She sells flowers at a shop in New York.                     FLOWER

125.  The noise in the city kept Hoa……………… at night.                                         WAKE

126.  We must remember to eat ………………..                                                            SENSE

127.  Jane likes to wear ……………… clothes.                                                             COLOUR

128.  Do your classes start ………………  or later?                                                      EARLY

129.  We are all ……………… about going to the zoo next weekend.                        EXCITE

130.  Do you like ……………… music?                                                                      TRADITION


The noise of the city kept Hoa ____________



When she was a young, Mrs Nhung wanted to be an ____________



All children should play outdoors and develop their ____________skills.



There are four ____________ in that pop music.



There is a ____________ that he’ll come tomorrow



I took the medicine and the headache ____________



There are about two hundred _____________  in this company.



I received an ____________ to lunch from him.



Words in a dictionary are in ______________ order.



This lovely apartment has two bedrooms and it is ______________


141.  The most popular............................ at recess is talking.                              ACT

142.  Hoa is having a ............................. check-up.                                              MEDICINE

143.  The nurse wanted to know Nga’s height and .................                             WEIGH

144.  Edison’s most famous............................was thethe electronic bulb.            INVENT                                    

145.  This dictionary is very .................... for you to learn English.                     USE

146.  We must remember to eat……………………………..                               SENSE

147.  then, Hoa …………………………….a pan and stir- fried the beef            HOT

148.  Mr. Hung has a very……………………tooth                                             PAIN

149.  She spent her….........................…..in the country.                                      CHILD

150.  The president is going to make a ……............…tonight                             SPEAK

151.  My sister has a big………………………………………….….of stamps.          collect

152.  My favorite subject at school is physical………………………..………..          educate

153.  The most popular …………………………………..…at recess is talking.         act

154.  What a …………………………………………………..………..picture!          wonder

155.  I live in a ……………………………………………..…house by the sea.          love

156.  My friend and I write to each other…………………..…………………..            regular

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

64. Do your classes start ____________________________ or later?                          EARLY

65.  If you want to get more ........................, please contact Mr. Phong.               inform

66.  It’s a good restaurant; the food there is very .........................                         taste

67.  Mai Anh is ......................... at math than me.                                                  good

68.  You must be careful when playing video games because they can be … .........…  


69.  He is sure to have an accident because he drives very  .................... .            care

70.  Our students are going to have a ........................ check up next Monday.     medicine

71.  Gramophone was one of J Edison’s great ......................... .                           invent

72.  Mr Hung has a very ............................tooth.                                                  pain

73.  I have ....................... time to play than my friends                                        little

74.  We take part in many different ......................... at recess.                             act

75.  Walking is a fun, easy and ____________ activity.                                                EXPENSE

76.  Some of the_______________of computer games are as young as 14 or 15.         INVENT

77.  He is sure to have an accident because he drives very_______________.              CARE

78.   _______________, he failed the exam.                                                                   LUCK

79.  I would like a box of _____________ pencils.                                                         COLOR

80.  One of them is………………………….    for fun.                                                 WALK

81.  Last year there was a district walking……………...                                               COMPETE     

82.  The number of………………..increases every week                                        PARTICIPATE

83.  Members……………. Near the school volunteer to take a walk instead of riding a motorbike.                                                                                                                                               LIVE

84.  People of all…………… can join the walking activity.                                              ABLE

85.  We are starting to improve water…………… awareness for children in our school.  SAFE                                                                                                        

86.  With a special………….. equipment, a diver can stay under water for a long time.   BREATH                                           

87.  A Frenchman invented a deep- sea…………… vessel in the early 1940s.                  DIVE

88.  Now we can learn more about the world………………… to this invention.              THANK

89.  After the ……………… of the equipment, man could swim freely underwater.        INVENT

90. It’s very _________________________ to live in damp room.                               HEALTH

91. Walking is a fun, easy and _______________________ activity.                            EXPENSIVE

92. A balanced diet alone is not enough for a healthy ________________________.   LIFE

93. That woman is very pleasant, but her younger sister is a little _______________   FRIEND                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

94. Jane likes to wear ______________________________ clothes.                            COLOUR

95. Diana is a _______________________.She sells flowers at a shop in New York.  FLOWER

96. The students of class 7A enjoy _________________ activities after school hours. DIFFER

97. Some students are following the _____________________ to the video room.      LIBRARY

98. The post arrives __________________________ at eight in the morning.              REGULAR

99. Do your classes start ____________________________ or later?                           EARLY

100.  My father has a …………computer. He often brings it with him when he’s away on business.                                                                                                                   PORT

101.  We must remember to eat ………………...                                                          SENSE

102.  The room will look brighter if there is a …………..on the wall.                           PAINT

103.  Some of the children …………….boys, play marbles  when there is a break.      MAIN                                                                         

104.  You shouldn’t eat ………………...food.                                                               HEALTH                   

105.  We mustn’t be ……………………...when we cross busy streets.                        CARE

106.  She often feels …………………when she gets bad marks.                                  HAPPY

107.  There are about 200 …………………in this company.                                        EMPLOY

108.  Mai is ………….at math than me.                                                                        GOOD

109.  This lovely apartment has two bedrooms and it is ……………                            FURNISH

110.  The nurse wanted to know Nga’s height and .................                                       WEIGH

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:



1.      English is an …………………   and important subject .                             INTEREST.

2.      In Electronics class,  they learn to fix  ……………appliances.                              HOUSE

3.      Hoa is having a....................check-up.                     MEDICINE

4.      In the countryside, people often know all the people in their...........                       NEIGHBOR

5.      Edison’s most famous  ………. was the electronic bulb.                               INVENT

6.      I have ....................time to play than my friends                    LITTLE

7.      There are many badminton ………………….nowadays.                                       COMPETE

8.      Ba will be a  …………………….. artist someday.                                                 FAME               

9.      It’s very ……………… ……of you to help me with my homework.                     HELP

10.  There was a wide ……………………….. of vegetables on display.                      SELECT

11.  Mr. Ba is the  same…………………………as my father.                                      OLD

12.  Mr. Pike didn’t go to work yesterday because of his ……………..                        ILL

13.  ………………… , the barber cut my hair too short.                                                LUCK

14.  This is the biggest………..in the city.                     BUILD

15.  I don’t know the …………………..………….. of that river.                                  LONG

16.  I have an ................. with the doctor this morning.                                                  APPOINT 

17.  In her youth she is a very ________________ girl.                                                 beautify

18.  My younger brother was so much ________________ by “Tayduky’ film.           interest

19.  My stomachache _____________ after I took the tablets.                                      appear

20.  It was ______________ of you not to help him when he was in trouble.               kind

21.  When my father has free time he often tells us ______________ stories.               fun

22.  Look! the children are eating ________________.                                                  hungry

23.  It’s a nice shop and the assistants are all polite and very _______________.         help

24.  Catching the common cold is _______________ for everybody.                           please

25.  Do you know a good _________________ to decorate my house?                       decorate

26.  I am looking forward to ________________ you.                                                  see

27.  She feels .....................because she doesn’t have any ..................                   happy/friend

28.  Today is a ................... day. It is clear and …….................                      beauty/sun

29.  Do you know the name of the new ....... in our class.                                  study      

30.  That is the ................... one we’ve got.                              cheap             

31.  What an ................ building                                amaze              

32.  His elder brother works in a factory. He is a ........................                             work               

33.  She has a lot of stamps in her ...................                              collect    

34.  Go straight ahead and take the ..............on the left                                         two                  

35.  What a ................dress! Did you make it yourself?                                          love             

36.  Mrs White’s daughter is having a …………..........check-up                            medicine       


The noise of the city kept Hoa __________________________________ 



When she was a young, Mrs Nhung wanted to be an _____________________



All children should play outdoors and develop their _________________skills.



There are four ________________________________ in that pop music.



There is a ______________________________  that he’ll come tomorrow



I took the medicine and the headache __________________________



There are about two hundred _________________________  in this company.



I received an _______________________  to lunch from him.



Words in a dictionary are in ____________________________ order.



This lovely apartment has two bedrooms and it is ______________________


47.  Tuan is in his ______________. He is talking to some friends.                 CLASS

48.  Trung’s uncle is a _____________. His job is to cut, wash and shape hair.         HAIR

49.  Do you think you get a good ___________ at your school?       EDUCATE

50.  Could you ask the _____________ to slow down the car a bit, please?      DRIVE

51.  Basketball is a/an  ____________ after school activity in Viet Nam. Not many students play this sport.                                                                                  &...