Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 8
Số lượng câu trả lời 4
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 3

Người theo dõi (2)

Đang theo dõi (1)

1. He _____ up his mind yet.

A. didn’t make             B. hasn’t made            C. wasn’t made            D. wasn’t making

2. You can’t believe a word he says. He ______ . 

A. always lied              B. is always lying        C. has always lied       D. will always lie

3. All planes _______ before departure. 

A. will checked            B. will be checking      C. will be checked       D. will check

4. “I’m working for a foreign company now. ” Tom said

A. Tom said that I was working for a foreign company then.

B. Tom said that he was working for a foreign company now.

C. Tom said that he was working for a foreign company then.

D. Tom said that I was working for a foreign company now.

5. Unless you _______all of my questions, I can’t do anything to help you. 

A. answered                     B. had answered               C. would answer             D. answer

6. Sir Humphrey has been______ MP for five years.

A. a                                  B. an                                  C. the                              D. Ø

7. The building _______ is being restored. 

A. who was built more than a century ago            

B. when built more than a century ago 

C. whose was built more than a century ago             

D. that was built more than a century ago

8. He is intelligent enough ________ . 

A. to understand the problem                        B. so that he can’t understand the problem C. for him to understand the problem           D. for us to understand the problem 

9. ______ a helicopter, we would have saved the lives of the flood victims. 

A. Haven’t we had       B. Had we had         C. Were we to have       D. Should we have 

10. No sooner had the football match started ______ . 

A. than it started to rain heavily 

B. than did it start to rain heavily 

C. when did it start to rain heavily 

D. when it started to rain heavily