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Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Hi Kathy, I'm writing to you from Con Dao island, where I'm working as a volunteer for the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). I have just come here for two days but I have (1) oldest and largest global (2) since the mid-1980s. It (3). done so many things. Do you know that IUCN is one of the organisations? IUCN has worked in Vietnam to protect endangered wild animals, especially the sea turtles in Vietnam. In Con Dao island, many sea turtles swim to the islands between the fourth and seventh lunar months and lay their eggs in the sand before retuming to the sea. However, the number of sea turtles (4) over the last 30 years because of overfishing, pollution and destruction of nesting beaches. During the days, we have taken part in coastal clean-ups. At night, we have guarded turtle nests, protected eggs (5). poachers and released baby sea turtles back into the ocean early in the morning. It's hard work but it's enjoyable and I've met a lot of great people. The best part about working for IUCN is that I can help endangered animals and still have fun at the same time. I hope you're having fun, too. See you in a month. All the best, Hong Nguyen 1. A. never B. still C. already D. yet 2. A. environmental B. environmentalist C. environmentally D. environment 3. A. intend B. serve C. decides D. aims 4.A. decreased B. has decreased C. are decreasing D. decreases 5. A. with B. to C. from D. on Giúp mình với