Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 41
Số lượng câu trả lời 16
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 2

Người theo dõi (1)

Đang theo dõi (1)

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IV. Complete the following sentences using the cues given.
35.She / like / learn English
A. She is like learning English.
B. She likes learning English.
C. She is liking learning English.
D. She isn’t like learning English.
36. Mrs Lien / learn / this language /since 2008
A. Mrs Lien has learnt this language since 2008.
B. Mrs Lien learn this language since 2008.
C. Mrs Lien is learning this language since 2008.
D. Mrs Lien learned this language since 2008.
37. My friend / always / want / improve her English
A. My friend always want to improve her English.
B. My friend always to want to improve her English.
C. My friend always wanting to improve her English.
D. My friend always wants to improve her English.
38. I / buy / an English -Vietnamese dictionary/ last week
A. I’m buying an English -Vietnamese dictionary last week.
B. I’m buy an English -Vietnamese dictionary last week.
C. I bought an English -Vietnamese dictionary last week.
D. I buy an English -Vietnamese dictionary last week.
39.They/ going to/ have a meeting/ the weekend
A. They are going to have a meeting at the weekend.
B. They will going to have a meeting at the weekend.
C. They is going to have a meeting at the weekend.
D. They don’t going to have a meeting at the weekend.
40.The weather/ fine / enough / for them / have/ a picnic

A. The weather is fine not enough for them to have a picnic.
B. The weather does fine enough for them to have a picnic.
C. The weather are fine enough for them to have a picnic.
D. The weather is fine enough for them to have a picnic.

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ngu minh

II. USE OF ENGLISH: Write A,B,C or D which best completes the sentences:
5. He isn’t tall enough ______________ the books on the shelf.
A. reach B. reaching C. to reach D. reached
6. At school some pupils ______________ hide and seek.
A. play B. is playing C. plays D. are playing
7. Many learners do not try to learn all new words they _______________.
A. get across B. come cross C. go across D. go cross
8. You must look _______________ your children when they are playing.
A. around B. about C. after D. down
9. A: Can you help me carry my bags, please? B: -_________.
A. Certainly B. Yes, I can’t C. Yes, please D. No, thanks
10. What about ___________ a game of chess?
A. playing B. plays C. play D. to play
11. We have learned English ___________ 2002.
A. since B. from C. in D. for
12. When were you born? - I was born ___________ 23rd March, 1998.
A. between B. in C. on D. at
13. My grandfather is not ______ enough to walk as fast as he used to.
A. strong B. strength C. stronger D. strengthen

14. When my father was young, he used to _______ tennis in the afternoons.
A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays
15. Mary hates ________, but she loves cooking.
A. to washing up B. wash up C. washing up D. washed up
16. I am sure he will enjoy ____________ on his trip.
A. herself B. ourselves C. itself D. himself
17. The children are old enough to care for ______
A. themselves B. ourselves C. herself D. himself
18. You ought to_____ the house more.
A. get out to B. get off for C. get off D. get out of
19. I’ll see you on Sunday ........ 9 a.m ....... 11 a.m.
A. In- at B. From- to C. At- in D. Between- on
20. Tuan loves ...........computer games all day
A. played B. play C. playing D. plays
21. My father used........... us to the zoo when he was alive.
A. take B. to take C. took D. taking
22. Tam told his friend...........him a book.
A. give B. to give C. giving D. gives
23. We cannot do it together because your opinion is ........................... mine.
A. different from B. the same as C. the same D. different with
24. Ho Chi Minh City is larger and ______ beautiful than Hanoi.
A. the most B. as C. most D. more
25. I’m very sorry. I behaved .........................
A. bad B. badly C. worse D. good
26. _________ have you lived here? For about 10 years.

A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How
27. She has bought a computer __________ a week.
A. for B. since C. at D. in
28. The garden is the same __________ the one I saw last week.
A. than B. from C. as D. to

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