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1.How /she /go /work /if /she /not /have /motorbike?


2.Since/parents/go/away/home children/ have to /look /themselves.

3.The bike  /leave /school/  Jack /two days ago./

4.Since/Lan’sparents/exposed/radation/her/little/brother/have /birth /defects



7.The famers/leave/vocanic/area/when/it/erupt/by/the/time


9.They/ make/cakes/by/11.am/.yesterday.







16.By the time/rescue/workers/come/we/move/eldrely/people/safe/places17.The/books/send/factories/tonight

18/How long(has/ have/ did )he work factory/?For 10 years.





II.Put the correct verb for

1.By the time ,Lan (go)………………..to the park,she (prepare)……………………….the breakfast

2.How long… ……you…………(study) Chinese?For 15 years

3.People already(move)…………to safe places when the man(call)…………………………for help

4.The exhaust fumes from the factories make (cough)

5.The test(do)………………………..nextweek.

6.I know the  festials (take)……………………..place on April 1st

7.We (not,meet)………………………………..her since 2020.

8.The lunch (cook)……………………………for the victim recently

9.The dangerous rain(make)…………………..trees(damage)

10.We can’t see the beautiful views because there(be)…….. much light.

11.What……she(do)……..by the time she(lose)………this car?

III.Put an accent

Electronic   practical natural,..injury,biology,..trainee,..refugee,..tornado,biograhy,..celebration,..preparation,..destroy,..conta…inated,.zoology,..biography,..botanical,..scientific,..ad…enture,..historic,..canoe

4.  Choose,the,correct,word.

5.  She worked in the noise office (dueto/since/so/because)she felt tired.

6.  The smoke,from the factory(make/made/makes/will make) him (coughing/coughs/cough/to cough)

7.  My brother/(buys  /had  bought/will buy/bought)a new laptop  by the time he(find/finds/had found /found)

8.   She didn’t see the views (since/despite/due to/lead to)the visual pollution


1.           “I am having a good time here.”Trang said.

2.           “These flowers aren’t fresh.” Her father said.

3.           “We’ll find this job” These boys said.

4.           “I’m unable to read your writing” Tien told me:

5.           “I want to help you but you can’t” Ba told Nga:

6.           “I,can’t remember her name”The woman said.

7.           “I’m not able to drive this car.”His brother said.

8.”We haven’t called the girls”.The man said:

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