Câu hỏi trắc nghiệm

Mark: Do you celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in December?

Trang: (1) b. No, we celebrate it in the middle of the eighth lunar month.||a. Yes, we do. We watch lion dances, too.||c. Yes, I do. It's one of my favourite festivals.||d. Yes. Just come over to my house on the night of the festival.||e. Yes, we do. We also have some autumn fruits.

Mark: Do you eat moon cakes at the festival?

Trang: (2) e. Yes, we do. We also have some autumn fruits.||b. No, we celebrate it in the middle of the eighth lunar month.||a. Yes, we do. We watch lion dances, too.||c. Yes, I do. It's one of my favourite festivals.||d. Yes. Just come over to my house on the night of the festival.

Mark: Do you make lanterns at the festival?

Trang: (3) a. Yes, we do. We watch lion dances, too.||e. Yes, we do. We also have some autumn fruits.||b. No, we celebrate it in the middle of the eighth lunar month.||c. Yes, I do. It's one of my favourite festivals.||d. Yes. Just come over to my house on the night of the festival.

Mark: Do you like the festival?

Trang: (4) c. Yes, I do. It's one of my favourite festivals.||a. Yes, we do. We watch lion dances, too.||e. Yes, we do. We also have some autumn fruits.||b. No, we celebrate it in the middle of the eighth lunar month.||d. Yes. Just come over to my house on the night of the festival.

Mark: Can I join the festival with you next month?

Trang: (5) d. Yes. Just come over to my house on the night of the festival.||c. Yes, I do. It's one of my favourite festivals.||a. Yes, we do. We watch lion dances, too.||e. Yes, we do. We also have some autumn fruits.||b. No, we celebrate it in the middle of the eighth lunar month.