III. Reading

Activity 1 (SGK Global Success - Trang 79)

Hướng dẫn giải

The two most common options for school-leavers are to continue their education at university or to enter the workforce directly. Other options could include taking a gap year to travel or gain work experience, enrolling in vocational or trade schools, or pursuing apprenticeships or internships.

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Activity 2 (SGK Global Success - Trang 79)

Activity 3 (SGK Global Success - Trang 80)

Hướng dẫn giải
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Activity 4 (SGK Global Success - Trang 80)

Hướng dẫn giải

1: formal

2: degree

3: trade

4: apprenticeship

5: training

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Activity 5 (SGK Global Success - Trang 80)

Hướng dẫn giải

Choosing between college or university and vocational school depends on your interests, skills, and career goals. If you are interested in pursuing an academic degree, have a passion for learning, and want to explore different subjects, then college or university is the right choice for you. You will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge in a particular field, meet new people, and develop transferable skills like critical thinking, communication, and teamwork.

On the other hand, if you have a specific trade in mind, enjoy hands-on learning, and want to start working as soon as possible, then vocational school is the right choice for you. You will acquire the practical skills and knowledge needed for a particular job, receive an apprenticeship, and earn a salary while studying.

Ultimately, the choice between college or university and vocational school depends on your individual needs, interests, and goals. It's important to do your research, talk to educational experts, and consult with your parents, teachers, or career counselors to make an informed decision.

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