Unit 7: Traffic

Đức Vương Hiền

viết về một thực trạng giao thông ở địa phương em phải đối mặt bằng tiếng anh

Tường Thị Thảo Vân
5 tháng 1 2019 lúc 22:26

Traffic safety and traffic that the world now needs to pay attention. it is not only the most important factors crucial to the development and survival of a nation, a territory but a junction of trade between regions of countries, cultures on world together. In advanced countries, the situation and development of their traffic is quite developed with a dense transport network and is regulated, but in Vietnam, … Urban transport situation in Vietnam is extremely chaotic. On average there are thousands of cases every year in traffic accidents, causing serious loss of life and property. Despite being upgraded and renovated several times but the transport system of Vietnam has not improved as much. Traffic jams occur repeatedly in large cities damaging hundreds of billion per year, not only that the injuries related to traffic accidents is also increasing, especially head injuries , spine. Circulation of vehicles on roads, railways, waterways each year but with increasing road infrastructure can present data to help the traffic situation.

kari Tran
5 tháng 1 2019 lúc 22:58

In Ha Noi, the number of death by traffic accident is considered as large as the number of death by plague. There's about more than 30 people die everyday.

With the traffic conditions in Ha Noi, accident is object to happen. The roads are too narrow to travel easily. Moreover, many pot-holes can appear everywhere to threaten the goers. On the roads, there're sometimes the illogical roundabouts. They are not only useless, but also make the traffic more chaotic. To solve this problem, we only have one way, it's improving the road. However, it is impossible for the government to widen the roads because of limited land. Whenever theroads are repaired, the traffic is more dangerous with the unfinished structures. People still travel on the repairing roads, and the roads are more and more narrow. We also can build the tunnels but it is very costly. Viet Nam has to borrow money from other countries and no one knows when the government can pay it back. As you know, Ha Noi is a monsoonal tropical country, it has a lot of rain every year. During the rainy season, the roads are flooded because all the waste pipes are stuck by rubbish and become very dirty.

In addition, the tense of Ha Noi people is poor. The roads in the cities are choked with so many vehicles such as motorbikes, bicycles, taxies, buses, cyclos and pedestrians because people do not follow the laws well. They even don't obey the traffic lights or signs. Children are taught about traffic laws while adults are breaking it. Now, the government gives many new strict laws to improve the present posture. Polices are more active than they used to. Everyone travel on motorbike wears helmet naturally without any enforcement. The traffic is better and better day by day.

In conclusion, with many measures now, the traffic in Ha Noi will be good one day. The poor conditions Ha Noi can solve this problem by the development of economic.

hiep luong
6 tháng 1 2019 lúc 9:09

Our country is developing quite fast thanks to the prosperity of the economy and social life, but the transport sector does not seem to meet the requirements of the times. Traffic safety is now at red alert level and is classified as "high rank" in Southeast Asia. Therefore, this problem is the top concern of the whole society. How to ensure traffic safety? That is a big question, which requires everyone's effort.

Traffic in Vietnam is now considered the worst area because terrible traffic accidents often occur. People can no longer shudder at the scary information about human damage and accidents caused by traffic accidents every day, every month, every year. Every day, an average of 35 people die, each year more than tens of thousands of people die from traffic accidents. What a terrible number! The war has ended for decades but we have fallen into an equally tragic, mourning disaster. Perhaps a traffic accident is also an enemy we must always face. Traffic accidents not only spread misery, broke the happiness of the family, but also caused tremendous material and spiritual damage to the whole society. Besides, serious traffic insecurity has adversely affected the recognition and assessment of Vietnam's development situation and made it difficult for foreign investors to invest in our country. . Many visitors when asked about things that have not been in Vietnam, they all respond in the same way that the most worrisome thing is that traffic safety is too poor. They were very afraid to walk across the street because cars were rushing, despite red lights. Whether the country of Vietnam is beautiful, friendly Vietnamese people can create feelings for visitors so they want to come back? According to the statistics of the tourism industry, more than 70% of visitors do not want to return for many reasons, but one of the significant reasons is that the traffic situation is not safe. Clearly, traffic insecurity directly affects economic development, especially for tourism. How does Vietnam become a destination for international friends? The answer partly belongs to traffic safety.

The cause of traffic insecurity is very much. The first is that people's awareness and attitude to obey traffic rules is too poor. When traveling on the road, everyone thinks only of themselves without thinking of others. So it happened that the situation of refusing to yield to each other at the crossroads should cause an hourly traffic jam; the phenomenon of fast ejection, sprawling ... causing accidents for oneself and for the people traveling on the road to happen regularly. Another important reason is that the quality of bridges and roads is not safe, old bridges, weak bridges, low load demand is too much, while the traffic of people and vehicles is too large. The arterial roads connecting the regions are both small, small and in a state of constant repair and upgrading ...

Another reason is the corruption of many people who are responsible for traffic monitoring. Because of their self-interest, they are willing to ignore the violators such as using expired vehicles, transporting passengers and goods in excess of regulations, speeding up to allow them to ... So they have deliberately abetting the negative and inevitably the traffic accident is increasing. Moreover, some officials of the transport sector have not yet fulfilled their responsibilities to the people and the country, and even a heavy violation of the past PMU 18 case is a typical example.

To ensure current traffic safety, appropriate and synchronous measures are required. First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the propaganda and education of citizens on traffic law, improve the level of knowledge and sense of self-discipline to obey the law. Remind, force people to wear helmets when riding a motorbike. In addition, there must be appropriate sanctions for those who intentionally violate the law. On the other hand, it is necessary to clean up the traffic police force, severely punish those who depend on their rights and act against the State regulations. The important factor of strategic importance is to improve the quality of roads and bridges to ensure smooth circulation and reduce accidents. This contributes greatly to the process of industrialization, modernization and integration with the world of our country.

Traffic safety is currently a matter of great concern by the Party and the State because it greatly affects the career of building a strong and prosperous country. Each citizen must voluntarily strictly observe the traffic law to contribute to the civilization and modernization of the society.

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