Luyện tập tổng hợp

Phụng Nguyễn Thị


Music is a very important part of our lives . Music is for dancing , drinking , eating , loving and thinking . Some sóng remind us of our childhood or youth . Others remind us of the people we love . Many important occasions , like weddings and funerals have special music . Every nations has a national song like the American " The Star - Spangled Banner" . In the U.S , high schools and colleges have school songs , too . Music is a part of the history of America . It expresses the problems and feelings of its people . When the years pass , the music grows and changes .

Modern science has also changed music . Inventions like records , radio , movies , electric instruments , tape recorders and video have changed the way we play and listen to music . They have helped to make music an important form of international communication .

American music , from the earliest folk songs to modern " pop " , is known around the world . Music is one of America 's most important exports . It brings the people of the world together . Even when people cannot understand the same language , they can share the same music . Many people learn and pratise English by singing songs . Understanding American music can help you understand American people , their history and culture .

1. What is true about " The Star - Spangled Banner " ?

A. It is played in weddings .

B . It is liked by every nation .

C . It is the U .S national songs .

D . It is one of the American school songs .

2 . According to the passage , music is changed thanks to the invention of the following except .................

A. videos

B . electric instruments

C . tape recorders

D. international communication

3 . What is the earliest form of music in America ?

A . School music

B . national music

C . folk music

D . pop music

4 . What can be the title for this article ?

A . An introduction to American music

B . The development of American music

C . The history of American music

D . The future of American music

1 tháng 4 2019 lúc 13:13

1C 2D 3C 4A

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Mạnh Hùng Phan
1 tháng 4 2019 lúc 19:03





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19 tháng 2 2022 lúc 18:09





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