Read the follwing sentences about Korean culture. Write an article a, an, or the where necessary. If no article is required, write 0
1. Korean is_______ offical language of South Korea.
2. _______Republic of Korea is_________industrialized_________nation.
3._______South Korea has two mountain ranges,_________TaebaekMoutainsand_____________Sodback Moutains.
4._______three major rivers are______Han,_______Kum, and______Naktong.
5.______Seoul is_____capital of Korea.
6. All Korean holidays are based on______lunar calendar.
7.________Chuseok,______Harvest Moon Festival, is______time for Thanksgiving.
8. Yut is_____popular board game for________Lunar New Year celebration.
9. _______ most famous Korean story is''_________Tale of Chunnhyang''. It is_______popular love story.
10. One of Korea's most famous places is______theme park called Everland Resort.