Unit 3 : At home : Test 4

Tiến Quân

IV. GUIDED CLOZE TEST (2 points / 0.25 each)
Choose the correct option (A, B, C or D) that best fits each space in the following passage.
These days it is impossible to open the newspaper (17) _______ reading about the damage we
are doing to the environment. The earth is being threatened (18) _______ the future looks bad.
(19)_______ can each of us do?
We cannot clean (20) _______ our polluted rivers and seas overnight. Nor can we stop the
(21) _______ of plants and animals. But we can stop adding to the problem (22) _______ scientists
look for answers.
It may not be easy to change your lifestyle completely but some steps are easy to take cut
down the amount of driving you do, or use as little plastic as possible. It is also easy to save (23)
_______ which also (24) _______ household bills. We must all make a personal decision to work for
the future of our planet if we want to ensure a better world for our grandchildren.
17. A. with B. without C. and D. but
18. A. and B. however C. so D. moreover
19. A. Where B. When C. Why D. What
20. A. up B. to C. on D. in
21. A .appear B. appearance C. disappear D. disappearance
22. A. when B. during C. while D. within
23. A. water B. energy C. money D. health
24. A. adds B. decreases C. reduces D. supplies
B. PHẦN TỰ LUẬN: (Thí sinh làm trực tiếp vào đề thi)
I. WORD FORM (1 point / 0.25 each):
Give the correct form of the word in each bracket.
1. It was an ____________ day. (ENJOY)
2. Thanks to television, people can get the latest ____________ around the world quickly.
3. The Internet has ____________ developed and became part of our daily life. (INCREASE)
4. Because of his ____________ driving, she caused an accident. (CARE)
II. READING COMPREHENSION (1 point / 0.25 each): Read the passage carefully and
decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE
(Lưu ý:Học sinh phải viết rõ câu trả lời là TRUE hoặc FALSE,không viết tắt là T hoặc F).
There are great round holes on the moon. They look like big lakes. They are called craters.
There are more than 30,000 craters on the moon. There are also high mountains. The highest
mountains on the moon are about 26, 000 feet or 8,000 meters high.
And here is something very interesting to know: on the moon you weigh one sixth of what
you weigh on earth. If you weigh 50 kilos, on the moon you will weigh only a little more than 8
kilos. You will be able to jump very high, even higher than an Olympic Champion. You can take
very long steps as well. And…Maybe you won’t sleep very well because one day on the moon lasts
for two weeks.
Statements True False
5. The great round holes on the moon look like big lakes.
6. The highest mountains on the moon are about eight thousand meters high.
7. You can’t jump high on the moon because you are heavy.
8. The day on the moon lasts for fourteen days.


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