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Nguyễn Thuỳ Trâm


I. Listen and decide if the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
1. The way we eat and how we behave when having meals reveal a lot about our personality.  

2. If someone looks carefully at the menu and asks a waiter certain questions before ordering, they are attentive to details.

3. A person carefully looks through the menu always cares about getting to the end result.

4. If a person doesn’t even look at the menu and orders right away, they’re usually quite stubborn.

5. Someone ordering immediately without looking at the menu is good at adapting to new environments.

II. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

6. A. head                   B. spread                     C. cream                      D. bread

7. A. reasonable          B. resort                      C. season                     D. excursion

8. A. practiced            B. learned                    C. asked                      D. watched

III. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

9. A. significant          B. diverse                    C. garnish                    D. combine

10. A. vacation            B. delicious                 C. excursion                D. holiday

11. A. simplicity          B. American                C. obedient                 D. flexible

12. A. office                B. fluency                   C. accent                     D. official

IV. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

13. If people work so much, they _________ depressed and eat more.

A. may feel                 B. may have felt                      C. felt                          D. had felt

14. There’s _______ use in complaining. They probably won’t do anything about it.

A. a few                      B. a little                                 C. no                           D. some

15. Eight o’clock is _______ good time to phone Nick: he’s always at home in _______ evening.

A. x – the                    B. a – the                                 C. a - x                        D. a – an

16. They could understand our conversation if they ________ some English.

A. will know               B. know                                  C. knew                      D. would know

17. Reading helps you learn vocabulary easily as you will _______ new words without even realizing it when you read.

A. face up                   B. look up                               C. pick up                   D. give up

18. In 2010, Naoko Yamazaki, the second female Japanese astronaut, ________ on Discovery space shuttle to the ISS after she _________ her training at the Johnson Space Center.

A. had flown – completed                                          B. flew – had completed

C. flew – was completing                                           D. was flying – was completing

19. The United Nations, _______ was established in 1945, has over 200 members.

A. which                     B. that                                                 C. what                       D. it

20. The national debt __________ in the near future.

A. will pay off            B. will be paid off                   C. will pay                  D. will be paid

21. Although he did his best, he had to be _________ with the third place in the competition.

A. pleasing                  B. satisfying                            C. content                   D. pleasant

V. Use the correct form of the word given to complete each sentence.

22. We ________ gather our things and run to the bus stop. (hurry)

23. All over the world, all different cultures created interesting _______ meat products, and one of the most popular is undoubtedly sausage. (procession)

24. The essays _______ by Hans de Wit, who is the President of the EAIE. (assess)

25. _________ school teachers educate children between the ages of 11 and 18 in a national curriculum subject area. (second)

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.

How old (26) _______ you be on Friday 13, 2029? That is how old you will be when a large asteroid, called Apophis, comes very, very close to our planet. Asteroids are rocks that circle the sun in space and sometimes (27) ________ close to Earth and even hit it. Most asteroids are very small and, if you are lucky, you can sometimes see them in the night sky as ‘falling stars’. However, most scientists believe one large asteroid, about six to twelve kilometers across, (28) _______ the earth and killed all the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago. Apophis is also big. Scientists discovered it in 2004 and they say that it is about 300 meters across. That’s about the size of a large sports stadium. An asteroid this size, according to scientists, is (29) ______ large enough to destroy our world, but it is large enough to destroy several cities. It will probably miss the earth, they say, but not by very much – it will miss us by about only 35,000 kilometers – that’s much closer than our moon (30) _________ is about 240,000 kilometers away. Another way of thinking about it is that it will miss us by only a few minutes.

26. A. are                    B. will                          C. do                           D. can

27. A. came                 B. comes                     C. coming                   D. come

28. A. crash                 B. hit                           C. touched                  D. came over

29. A. no                     B. don’t                       C. isn’t                        D. not

30. A. which               B. who                        C. whose                     D. in which

VII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.

Every year, students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are young children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English just by hearing the language in films, on television, in the office or among their friends. But not many are lucky enough to do that. Most people must work hard to learn another language.

Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language, mathematics, and English. In England, America, or Australia, many boys and girls study their native language, which is English, mathematics, and another language, perhaps French, or German or Spanish.

Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their higher studies, because some of their books are in English at college or university. Others learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.

31. Many adults learn English because _________.

A. most of their books are in English                                    B. it helps them in their work

C. English is spoken in their office                                        D. they want to go abroad

32. According to the writer _________.

A. English is useful only for teenagers                                  B. English is popular all over the world

C. only adults learn English                                                   D. no children like to learn English

33. In America or Australia many school children study _________.

A. such foreign languages as French, German, and Spanish B. their own language and no foreign language

C. English as a foreign language                                           D. English and mathematics only

34. Most people learn English by _________.

A. hearing the languages in the office                                   B. talking with foreigners

C. watching videos only                                                        D. working hard on their lessons

35. Many boys and girls learn English because _________.

A. they are forced to learn it                                                   B. they have to study their own languages

C. it is included in their study courses                                   D. English can give them a job

VIII. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence.

36. He didn’t get the job. He had all the necessary qualifications.

=> In spite _____________________________________________________________________

37. The team plays on the left. The team has never won the championship.

=> The team ___________________________________________________________________

38. We will get lost because we don’t have a map.

=> If _________________________________________________________________________

39. Scuba-diving is not really my cup of tea. (interested)

=> I __________________________________________________________________________

40. If you ask me well in advance, I’ll be willing to work overtime.

=> Provided that _______________________________________________________________­­_

------------------THE END------------------


I. Listen and choose the correct for each below.

1. How were gender roles before the Industrial Revolution?

A. men went to work at factories                         B. men and women stayed home with kids   

C. pretty simple and similar                                D. both men and women left home to take jobs

2. How did gender roles change in the 20th century?

A. women and men worked at factories offices                    

B. men still filled in at stores and women stayed home

C. men went off to fight in World War and women filled in at factories and stores

D. women returned to home making and men became doctors, business leaders

3. Why didn’t women want to stay home with kids when the war was over?

A. Because they felt as if they had been freed from the home.

B. Because they wanted to earn money.

C. Because their husbands didn’t go out to work.

D. Because their kids didn’t want to have their moms at home.

4. What was dominated by men after the war?

A. family stuff         B. factories             C. thought education and fields        D. heads of state

5. What did men who welcome this change decide to do?

A. They didn’t want to be nurses, teachers, secretaries and receptionists.

B. More men started staying home with the children.

C. They didn’t allow women to go out to take jobs.

D. They decided to dominate all fields of life.

II. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

6. A. sentenced           B. breathed                 C. sniffed                    D. changed

7. A. telescope            B. microgravity           C. cooperate                D. rocket

8. A. burden                B. curtain                    C. turtle                       D. curriculum

III. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

9. A. drastically           B. distinction              C. enjoyable                D. dependent

10. A. apply                B. standard                 C. service                    D. masterpiece

11. A. alternative        B. academic                C. variety                    D. biologist

12. A. architect           B. mechanic                C. channel                   D. chemistry

IV. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

13. I am trying __________ money to pay for a trip with my best friends in the next summer holiday.

A. save                        B. to save                    C. to be saved                         D. saving

14. The possible career paths in education can be to become teachers, education _________ or curriculum developers.

A. leaders                    B. administrators         C. managers                D. businessman

15. Linda can’t stand __________ in a room with all of the windows closed.

A. sleep                       B. sleeping                  C. slept                        D. being slept

16. Albert Einstein, _______ was such a brilliant scientist, introduced the theory of relativity.

A. that                                     B. whose                     C. who                        D. whom

17. If I had more time, I ______________ a Business English course.

A. take                        B. took                        C. will take                 D. would take

18. John and Mary went to _________ school yesterday and then studied in ___________ library before returning home.

A. the – a                    B. x – the                    C. a – a                        D. the – x

19. I think that _________ lemon juice on fish makes it taste better.

A. few                                     B. a few                      C. little                        D. a little

20. No one ever improves pronunciation and ________ by watching someone else’s shape of the mouth! You improve English speaking by speaking, not watching.

A. accent                     B. sounds                    C. rhythm                    D. tone

V. Use the correct form of the word given to complete each sentence.

21. The university has an international _____________ as a center of excellence. (repute)

22. On the ISS, ________ have to attach themselves so they don’t float around. (astronomy)

23. Computers offer a much greater degree of ____________ in the way work can be organised. (flexible)

24. Teachers will become ___________ rather than information providers. (facility)

25. My little cousin is a blabbermouth! He can’t resist ___________ everyone my secret. (tell)

VI. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space. There is an extra word.

espresso           recipes             cookery           after                 traditional                   kinds

Australia is a huge country and it has a lot of different (26) ______ of food. In the past, the Aboriginal people of Australia ate animals like crocodiles and some insects like the witchetty grub. Aboriginal Australians travelled around the Australian countryside, or ‘bush’, to find food.

When the first British and Irish people moved to Australia in the 1830s, they brought sheep and cows from Europe. They also brought (27) ______ English and Irish recipes. Many of these (28) ______, like fish and chips and meat pies, are still popular today. They also created new Australian recipes such as the pavlova (a fruit dessert - named after a Russian dancer) and damper (a bread cooked in the bush).

(29) ______ 1945, a lot of people came to live in Australia from countries like Italy, Germany, Greece, Thailand and India. They brought recipes with them and Australians began to eat and drink different things. People started to drink espresso coffee and eat Mediterranean and Asian food.

A lot of modern Australians love cooking with fresh food. They often cook food on barbecue in their gardens or on the beach. Today more people also eat Aboriginal food like kangaroo and emu. Mark Olive, an Aboriginal chef, has a popular TV (30) ______ programme about traditional; bush food. There are always new recipes to try in Australia!

VII. Read the text. Use the information in the story and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.


Andy heard from his friends that a comet was coming. He knew that a comet was a space rock. Space rocks seemed exciting. He wanted to watch it at night. All he had to do was go outside and watch. That was easy enough.

That night, he put on a jacket and went outside. He looked around. He saw the moon, but he did not see anything else. There were only a couple clouds, so that was not the problem. He could see some stars, but nothing new or special. Where was the comet?

He called his friend on the phone. They talked about it. His friend told him where to look, but he still didn’t see it. What was going on? Was he not special enough to see it? Were his eyes going bad? What was he doing wrong?

Andy went to get his dad. Together, they looked up in the sky where it was supposed to be. Finally, after several minutes of looking, he saw a fuzzy thing, brighter and bigger than a star, but nowhere near what he expected.

“I thought it’d be like an extra moon or something.” Andy complained.

“It’s not big enough for that, and it still might be very far away.” Dad explained.

“I still wish I could see it better.”

Dad nodded and went inside. When he came back out, he had a telescope. Together, they focused in and saw the comet a little better. It wasn’t much, but it helped.

“What else can we see?” Andy wondered.

Dad smiled and aimed the telescope over at the moon instead. That was cool. Seeing the craters and the details of the moon up closer was nice.

Astronomy was interesting. Andy made sure to read more about it at school!

31. What was Andy excited to see in the sky?

A. rainbows                          B. clouds                            C. the moon               D. a comet

32. What problem did Andy have when he tries to look at the comet?

A. There were too many and he couldn’t find the right one.

B. He couldn’t see it.

C. It was too bright to see anything.

D. The sky was very cloudy.

33. When he couldn’t find the comet, what did Andy do first?

A. Called a friend                                                                   B. Asked dad for help

C. Got a telescope                                                                  D. Checked the Internet

34. When he still couldn’t find the comet, what did Andy do next?

A. Called a friend                                                                   B. Asked dad for help

C. Got a telescope                                                                  D. Checked the Internet

35. When he was disappointed by the comet, what did Andy’s father show Andy?

A. constellations                     B. a planet                         C. the moon                  D. a comet

VIII. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the  first sentence.

36. Last week they visited a museum. The first artificial satellite is on display there.

=> Last week they ___________________________________________________________

37. Even though she had a poor memory, she told interesting stories to the children. (Despite)


38. Follow these safety instructions or you may get burnt. (not)

=> If you __________________________________________________________________

39. I suggest having spaghetti and pizza tonight.

=> Let’s ___________________________________________________________________

40. This is the best essay I have ever written. (such)

=> Never __________________________________________________________________


------------------THE END------------------


Soviet Onion
25 tháng 4 2022 lúc 19:12

1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F

6.C 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.D 

11.D 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.B 18.B 19.A 20.D

21.C 22.hurriedly 23.processed 24.are assessed 25.Secondary 26.B 27.D 28.B 29.D 30.A 31.B 32.B 33.A 34. D 35.C



36. of having all the necessary qualifications, he didn’t get the job.

37. which plays on the left has never won the championship.

38. we had a map, we wouldn’t get lost.

39. am not interested in scuba-diving.

40. asked me well in advance, I’ll be willing to work overtime.

Mk đọc đề hoa hết mắt haha
hì hì

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