Choose the best option
1. How far is it from your house from / to Noi Bai International Airport?
2. It is at/ about 30 km
3. It is not very slow/ far from my house to my school. It is just 2 km
4. How far is it/ it is from Hanoi to Hue?
5. My house is just 500m near/ far from my grandparents' house
6. I think it is about 200 metres/ metre from here to the narest gas station
Choose the best option
1. How far is it from your house to Noi Bai International Airport?
2. It is about 30 km
3. It is not very far from my house to my school. It is just 2 km
4. How far is it from Hanoi to Hue?
5. My house is just 500m near from my grandparents' house
6. I think it is about 200 metres from here to the narest gas station
Chúc bạn học tốt!
Choose the best option
1. How far is it from your house to Noi Bai International Airport?
2. It is about 30 km.
3. It is not very far from my house to my school. It is just 2 km.
4. How far is it from Hanoi to Hue?
5. My house is just 500m far from my grandparents' house.
6. I think it is about 200 metres from here to the nearest gas station.
1. How far is it from your house to Noi Bai International Airport?
2. It is about 30 km
3. It is not very far from my house to my school. It is just 2 km
4. How far is it from Hanoi to Hue?
5. My house is just 500m near from my grandparents' house
6. I think it is about 200 metres from here to the narest gas station