1, A letter to Santa Claus:
Shinee Smith
123 Maple Lane
Cleveland, OH 44124
December 04, 2018
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Shinee and I am 8 years old. I have been a very good girl this year. I help Mommy wash the dishes every night, and I listen to Daddy when he tells me to clean my room. I am also nice to my little brother, even though he can be really annoying sometimes.
Thank you for all the presents last year. They were all really nice, and I played with all of them a lot. This year I would like a kitten and a new bike. I really want the bike.
Please give my love to Mrs. Claus, the elves, and all the reindeer, especially Rudolph. I will leave some carrots for the reindeer next to your milk and cookies.
2, The importance of science:
Over the past decades, the modern scientific and technological revolution has played a significant role and impact on world socio-economic development, especially in developed countries. These countries have large funds and many favorable conditions to invest in science and technology research as well as applying research results into reality. Thus, developed countries have benefited more and more and more from the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution. French Academy of Sciences founded in 1666 The achievements of the revolution in science and technology contribute to the creation of many types of machinery; modern equipments; many inventions have positive impacts on the socio-economic development, many inventions have positive impacts on the socio-economic development. In short, sciences help us a lot in our daily lives.