Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 10
Số lượng câu trả lời 13
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 4

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Câu 3: Chia động trong ngoặc đúng dạng thì quá khứ đơn :

Snow White was the daughter of a beautiful queen, who died when the girl (be)1........... young. Her father (marry)2.............again, but the girls stepmother was very jealous of her because she was so beautiful. The evil queen (order)3.............a hunter to kill Snow White but he couldnt do it because she was so lovely. He (chase)4.............her away instead, and she (take)5.............refuge with seven dwarfs in their house in the forest. She (live)6.............with the dwarfs and took care of them and they (love)7.............her dearly. Then one day the talking mirror (tell)8.............the evil queen that Snow White was still alive. She (change)9.............herself into a witch and (make)10.............a poisoned apple. She (go)11.............to the dwarfs house disguised as an old woman and tempted Snow White to eat the poisoned apple, which (put)12.............her into an everlasting sleep. Finally, a prince (find)13.............her in the glass coffin where the dwarfs had put her and woke her up with a kiss. Snow White and the prince (be)14.............married and lived happily ever after.

Câu 4 : Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu sau.

1. I wish I (have/ has/ had) a lot of interesting book.

2. I wish I (would meet/ met/ meet ) her tomorrow.

3. I wish I (was/ were/ am) your sister.

4. I wish they ( won/ had won/ would win) the match last Sunday

5. I wish they ( played/ playing/ play) soccer well.

6. She wishes she (will/ would/ can) come here to visit us.

7. I wish yesterday ( were /was/had been ) a better day.

8. I wish I (can speak/ could speak/ will speak) many languages

9. I wish tomorrow ( were/ will be/ would be) Sunday.

10. I wish I ( am/ was/ were) a movie star .